ride wanted

I'm looking at coming to the December game and am looking for a ride. I would help pay gas, and would really appreciate the lift. I am also hoping to find someone who could help me learn the differences between this game and my home system of solar.

I live in Salem, Oregon and can be reached VIA email at mnemesyne737 (at) gmail (dot) com.

Also, I may have my cousin drive but just in case, I'd rather have a for sure route of transport.

Thanks very much.

Hey Ashe!

I see you've already had a couple questions answered on your other thread, but I thought I'd chime in here.

For a ride, as of now, we're far enough out that I can't personally say one way or the other if I'd have room for another person, so when the time is nearer (say, 2 weeks before the event) bump the post and ask again, and include what time of day you can leave Salem (very helpful for planning).

The best thing you can do is pick up our rulebook (avail. for ~$6 as a PDF, here: http://www.double-dragon-ebooks.com/single.php?ISBN=1-55404-652-1&picsize=LARGE&x=62&y=77). Since you've played Solar (which, honestly, I'm not very familiar with), you'll probably pick up on our rules pretty fast. Feel free to post here with any questions or you can send me an email at: playerrep@allianceoregon.com.

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