Rides for the National Event


OK, I see that there's no list for National event rides posted yet, so I'll start things out, since it's coming up at the end of the month. I'm going to be cross-posting this on the South Minnesota boards because there's some people who'll be driving into Chicago Thursday and hitching rides from there.

If anyone is planning on driving and can make room, needs a ride, or would consider going if they found a ride please post here.

My car
Capacity: 3, 4 if we all squeeze in
Leaving: 1 AM on Thursday night / Friday morning
Current occupants: Me, Andrea
I know Vicki is driving the van down to meet me there and the two of us are driving back

Paul's Van:
Seats: 4-7 depending on how tight we wanna get.
Current Occupants: Vicki, Paul (On the way back)
I am leaving about the same time on thursday as the Bobby mobile. :) Keep me posted on who is planning in coming. Possibly around 9 pm thursday.

I am requesting off that sunday too now, I misread the calendar... we should be able to come back Monday. Sorry for that guys.

I will have work on MONDAY night and would need to be back by 8:45pm at latest. If that helps.