Riots and Rain in Southeastern Skain


Minnesota Staff
I've been spending the past few months tying up some personal loose ends in Skain, and have some information on the state of the land to share with you all,

[Declassified - Public Disclosure]

Sudden financial instability within the Golden Clank Conglomerate (GCC) has had far-reaching consequences across Skain:

Nearly every major clank-operated supply line has been disrupted, and lack of income from employees unable to work without adequate supplies has led to riots all over Skain. These riots seem to be worst in Southeastern Skain.

Duke Alice has directed additional Ducal funds to the volunteer emergency services and relief stations for citizens affected by the financial instability and riots. However, rioters have started targeting these services: Riots have destroyed several relief stations and continue to primarily target volunteers, Ducal Quartermasters, and Ducal Guardsmen.

On top of the riots, the unrelenting rain has led to a massive increase in displaced citizens. Recently emptied debtor's prisons and supply warehouses have been commandeered by Duke Alice to hold captured rioters, the homeless and displaced citizens, and surviving livestock.

Agents of the Duke suspect someone might be inciting these riots...

[Declassified - Public Disclosure]

I will sadly not be in attendance this market. In my absence, it'd be great if someone could take the lead on investigating the root cause and agitators of these riots. My contacts can probably tell you more during the gathering. Let me know if you're interested in taking point on this, and I shall make private introductions before the next gathering.
