Riposte and Disarm

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PC A uses a two-handed weapon.

NPC B uses a sword and a shield.

PC A calls PTD, hits NPC B and calls "Disarm Shield"

NPC B calls "Riposte"

Questions regarding this:

1.) Would PC A call "Taken" or "Got it" and not have to drop their two-handed weapon because the original call was "Disarm Shield"?
2.) Would NPC B be able to call "Riposte Disarm Right Arm" or something like that thus forcing PC A to open his right hand or call another defense?

I apologize if these questions were already answered or should have been posted to the other Rules forum.

Page 59 of the new rule book, under Disarm

"A Magic Armor, Parry, Riposte, or Dodge protects against a Disarm and expends the Disarm."

If I am reading this right, the combat would go as follows:

PC A uses a two-handed weapon.

NPC B uses a sword and a shield.

PC A calls "Prepare to Die, Disarm Shield", and swings "Disarm" until he hits NPC B.

NPC B calls "Riposte"

PC A would not have to call anything and would continue fighting as if the Riposte acted like a Parry?

GJohn said:
PC A uses a two-handed weapon.

NPC B uses a sword and a shield.

PC A calls PTD, hits NPC B and calls "Disarm Shield"

NPC B calls "Riposte"

Questions regarding this:

1.) Would PC A call "Taken" or "Got it" and not have to drop their two-handed weapon because the original call was "Disarm Shield"?
2.) Would NPC B be able to call "Riposte Disarm Right Arm" or something like that thus forcing PC A to open his right hand or call another defense?

I apologize if these questions were already answered or should have been posted to the other Rules forum.


1) The call for NPC A would be "No Effect" since they don't have a shield
2) The call "Riposte Disarm right arm" would be considered a bad verbal and your riposte would be lost
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