jpariury said:Things like that came up on the HQ boards a while ago. If Solomon wants to use the item, he must remove it from Kerjal, acquire the magic item tag and unused spell tags, and then he can use the item.Alavatar said:What if Kerjal's Bane Necromancy is on an item that is on his person (ex. pouch). Who is the possessor? The Kerjal or the Solomon carrying the Kerjal? Or both?
Person B should remove the shirt and obtain the magic item tag and unused spell tags.If Person A is wearing a shirt with an activatable Life and they die. Person B comes over and grabs hold of the shirt, but does not take the shirt off. Who is in possession of the shirt? Can Person B activate the Life?
I am fairly certain that the former reflects the intent (spirit-linked items are always in the possession of the person to whom they are spirit-linked).A weapon is Spirit Linked/Locked to Person C. Is Person C always the possessor of that item? Or can Person D grab the weapon and activate the item's rituals?
To head off the wisenhiemers who read my prior post and start trying to work the system - No, you may not hold an incapacitated body in front of you with the intention of blocking spells or weapons. That is not the intention of the rulings. Simply don't do it.
So, if we combine the first and second scenario where Person E has a Spiritlinked weapon with an activatable Life, but dies, can Person F grab the weapon and activate the Life on Person E?
Edit: I'm confused because of the highlighted line.