Rituals and their Catalyst


Chicago Staff
For those aspiring to be ritual casters, or those who need to know what each Ritual does, I present a compiled list all known rituals and their catalyst.

Scroll Name Catalyst
Banish to < Other Plane >-----------------------Favor of a Mist Guardian
Cleanse Corruption-------------------------Last Breath of a Dying Hero
Conjure Artifact--------------------------------Ancient Carvings of History
Construct---------------------------------------Constructed Catalyst
Controlled Spirit Store-------------------------Seed of a Spiritroot Tree
Copy Formal Scroll------------------------------Skull of a Shadow Mage
Create Permanent Circle of Power----------------
Destroy Magic-----------------------------------Perfect Prism
Haven of the Living/Domain of the Defiled-------None
Master Construct--------------------------------Agate from the Giant's Walk
Obfuscate---------------------------------------Bottle of Clouded Air
Obliterate--------------------------------------Heart of a Great Beast
Permanent Duration------------------------------Shavings of a Unicorn's Horn
Planar Gate-------------------------------------
Proscribe---------------------------------------Obelisk of Perfect Stone
Racial Transformation---------------------------Crystallized Tears of a Dying Love
Regeneration------------------------------------Heart of the First Forest
Spirit Forge------------------------------------Source of Lycanthropy
Stable Foundation-------------------------------Something Taken for Granite (literally)
Summon Chimera Spirit-----------------------The Last Hope of a Dying Land
Summon Elemental (Foundation)-------------------Pure Earth from Land Beyond the Mist
Summon Elemental (Magistarium)------------------Star of Opposites
Summon Extra planar Creature--------------------Ash of a Failed Ritual
Summon Extra planar Creature, Panthergast-------Chimera's Tooth
Summon Magical Creature------------------------Solidified Essence of the Stars
Transfer Magic----------------------------------Vial of Untouched Water
Transform to <Greater Undead Spectral>----------Nightmare of an Innocent Child
Disrupt Weave----------------------------------Essence of Corruption
Renewal------------------------------------------Powdered Capstone of a Mages Tower
Empower Race----------------------------------Favor of an Elder Race
Bountiful Harvest-------------------------Drop of Golden Sun
Eternal/Blighted Forest------------------------First Fallen Leaf of Autumn
Gift of Life------------------------------------Scale of Death
Greater Obfuscate----------------------------
Greater Spellstore------------------------------
Universal Speech-----------------------------------None
Aquatic Adaptation------------------------------None
Preserve Corpse----------------------------------None (requires said corpse)
Launch Object------------------------------------ An Archer's Triumph

Catalyst w/o knowledge of what scroll it's for.

??????????------------------------------------Queen Bee Stinger
?????????-------------------------------------Ash from a Monarchs Tomb
?????????-------------------------------------Last Relic of a Sad Life

If you know of any ritual scrolls or catalyst not yet on this list, please contribute your voice below.

Lord Asher Oakheart
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Da launch object ritual needs An Archer's Triumph. Or at least sumthin' like that. There's also day catalyst that's something like "The last relic of a sad life" or sumthin'. It was the ear of a super old kobald. I think Roff has it so he can say for sure what it's called. Also I could use the Heart of the First Forest if anyone has a spare laying around.

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If I recall correctly, the catalyst for Proscribe is an Obelisk of Ancient Stone.

~ Gandian
On a similar note to Ragnarok's, I would definitely be interested should someone end up with a Source of Lycanthropy they have no need for, as I am attempting to get a Spirit Forge set together. I believe I have an inkling of a lead, but that is not something that can be acted on for some months due to other pressing needs.

I am still seeking information regarding a Queen Bee Stinger. Should anyone know what that is the catalyst for I will happily reward them with 5s for credible information.

- Lord Asher Oakheart
Same as above, also wanted to once again bring this to light for newer adventurers to know that Catalyst are valuable ritual components.

- Asher