Rituals and their Catalysts within the Lands of Evodia


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
In the past, a comprehensive list was created listing all the known catalysts and their corresponding rituals. Let us begin this task anew within these lands of Evodia.

Known Scrolls and their Catalysts

Conjure Artifact --------------- Shard of a Broken Artifact
Copy Formal Scroll ---------- Coal from a Forge of Creation
Permanent Duration --------- Codex of Timeless Knowledge
Planar Gate -------------------- Ashes of an Elemental Overlord
Regeneration ------------------ Wings of a Golden Butterfly
Sorcerous Triage ------------- Feather of a Phoenix
Spirit Forge -------------------- Blossom of a Moon Touched Lotus

Scrolls with Unknown Catalysts

Banish to < Other Plane >
Bountiful Harvest
Destroy Magic
Eternal/Blighted Forest
Gift of Life
Haven of the Living/Domain of the Defiled
Racial Transformation
Stable Foundation
Summon Elemental (Foundation)
Summon Elemental (Magistarium)
Summon Extra planar Creature
Summon Extra planar Creature, Panthergast
Summon Magical Creature
Transfer Magic
Transform to <Greater Undead Spectral>

If you know of any ritual and catalyst pairings, please speak up here so we may compile a comprehensive list.

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Something about moon touched or moon kissed for spirit forge.

Squire Bruisey
I believe racial transform is tears of a tragic love unless I'm mistaken
Tears of a tragic love are suitable to serve as a catalyst. Since this is a new land however we are likely to find new catalysts for the racial transformation ritual.

just for a quick addition, the sorcerous triage catalyst was "Feather of a Phoenix, willingly given"
The catalyst for the spirit forge ritual is the Blossom of a Moon Touched Lotus.

Zen Mallowbrooks