Rocks and Weakness

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Bryan and the ARConauts, hear my call!

If Bob (the wimpy scholar) is using a Rock and is Weaknessed, what is his damage with a Rock?
If Bob has suddenly undergone a spirit forge to Scout and transformed into a dragon or something, and now has 20 Profs, 15 Backstabs, 40 Monster Strength, a Diet Coke, only four fingers on each hand, and is Weaknessed, what is his damage with a Rock?
Maybe Bob's got an Endow?
Can Bob pull his damage from 1 to 0?

P.83: ARB1.1
"A rock does only 1 point of damage. This
damage cannot be modified. A rock cannot be
used to deliver weapon skills, spells, blade effects,
poisons, arcane effects, ritual magic, or
monster abilities."
This post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made will be posted here. Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
The intent of the text regarding Rocks is that their damage cannot be raised by any means.


This damage cannot be modified.

should be changed to:

This damage cannot be raised.

and all of your questions should be answered. Basically, total up your damage. Is it more than 1? You can only throw for 1. Is it less than 1? You can't even throw for 1 (you can throw for 0 to pop Magic Armors though).

-Bryan Gregory
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