Roleplaying Effects and You


Hi Everyone

At the low level event, several characters were affected by a Love Potion #9. I was later informed that at least two players decided they were not going to take these effects because they were uncomfortable with the roleplay. I have a few points on this topic:

- Players cannot take it upon themselves to decide that they are not going to accept an in-game effect. If something like that happens, you MUST speak with a Marshal. The only effects that can be refused are Biata and Stone Elf mind abilities. Even with gypsy curse, you can speak OOG with the player to agree on an effect if the original curse makes you uncomfortable, but you must ultimately take some effect.

-Effects may NOT be ignored merely because they were caused by another PC and not by plot/monsters. A death from a PC counts just as much as one from the weekend big bad. Other effects are no different.

-Don't forget that there is a LOT of leeway in the way this is roleplayed. If your character is in love with someone, they don't have to be fawning over said person 24 hours a day. You can be shy about it and do the secret admirer thing. You can get nervous or silly around them... think of all the assorted romance movies and the weird crap people do. Hell, look at our real lives. It's not all Shakespeare and poetry. I see so many creative and inventive things coming from the players all the time. This doesn't have to be any different.

Our goal is not to make people uncomfortable or upset. However do realize that these effects ARE a part of the game, and not following them is a breach of rules. If something makes you uncomfortable to the point that you are going to break a rule because of it, you need to see a marshal or member of plot. We will work with you and come up with a solution.
I can understand how some people might feel uncomfortable. But I totally agree with Michelle's post. If you are uncomfortable, please speak to a Plot member or a Marshal. Don't take it upon yourself to ignore the rules of the game.

--- Eric Stehle
Not to sound snippy, but I think it was unfair if people didn't take the effects especially since those that did, did so quite a bit. seeing that it almost cause a resurection and did cause a death. It makes me a little sad and a little angry that people didn't chose to embrance the roleplay oppurtinity.
I love roleplay and roleplay opportunities, but as someone who has had shitty/uncomfortable experiences with Love #9's, it's really very easy to talk to Plot staff and figure out something -- and a lot better than just ignoring the effect. Love #9's are rough (and probably the one effect I dislike the most), but still definitely workable.
Ithica said:
Tim Curry and Dave (Khorwyn) slipped me me a love potion once as Ithica. I felt violated, infact i still do..... Nevermind I don't want to talk about it any more, I gotta go take a shower i feel filthy...
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

So *that's* why you haven't been to an event since June...... hmmmmmm.....

--- Eric Stehle
It was the greatest event of his life. and he knows it. he's just trying to make excuses for it now.
um, ask someone who was at the September Caldaria what happens when you give Tetsu a Love 9. It involved a cute little bouquet of leaves and then some howling.

Love effects are a chance to deepen your understanding of your character... not taking them is (in my mind) refusing to play the way you're expected to.
I can see how some people would be uncomfortable with the roleplay, but people have a point that love is displayed different ways; you don't have to jump right into the sack with them!

Hee, if Haldor hadn't put a love potion in Kalsi and Parduc's wine in the tavern, the two of them would have never spent time with each-other, and Jon and I might not have gotten to know each-other, and then we wouldn't be together to this day!

That love potion was the best thing that ever happend to me, IG and OOG.

phedre said:
um, ask someone who was at the September Caldaria what happens when you give Tetsu a Love 9. It involved a cute little bouquet of leaves and then some howling.

Love effects are a chance to deepen your understanding of your character... not taking them is (in my mind) refusing to play the way you're expected to.

Man, what is it with the Love Nined Orcs this season?
I just roll with the arcane enslavements. Way more effective and all those icky feelings are left out of the equation.
Duke Frost said:
I just roll with the arcane enslavements. Way more effective and all those icky feelings are left out of the equation.

Hell yea!!!
yeah, let's discuss what happens when you roll out with the arcane enslavements.

i get waylayed and beaten down by members of my own team and force fed a few potions.

still one of the best things I've ever gotten to do IG, PC or NPC!

Six years of enslavement..six years of missing the game...

Yeah, it really was a good IG excuse :)

and a fun Mod.

I got popped with a Love #9 by Miss Kelsey D. at the last Caldaria event as Tetsu. Much hilarity and lamentation ensued. The pictures are on facebook. My bouquet was beautiful. Kainen helped me find the flowers :).
That weekend had so, so many Alliance moments that I will remember forever.
"Daddy? Why are you basting me with blood?"