Romani Question

What does it mean when you say?



Means "nye Romanichal".

In some places "Gaje" is a rude t'ing to say to a non-romani. Is nye where I come from. Is more informal and between people who know each ot'er vell enough. Often used jokingly unless said wit' a menacing air.

"Gorgio" means dhe same t'ing, jus' wit' more respect to dhe non-romani. "Gorgio" is never rude, jus' fact.

Anot'er t'ing dhat a Romani may call a non-Romani is "Rai" or "Seta" meaning "friend of all fratello and sorella" and "adopted" respectively.

In dhe Dagon culture, we refer to our animal friends as "Seta" as well as people.

I hope dhis help.

Fortune And Love Never Forget You And Yours,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea Dagon(Gaddi)
Sorry for stealing the subject, but figured it was best to keep it in the familia as it were. ;)

I am getting married in a couple of months to another gypsy and although I have quite a few things planned for the ceremony, the reception, the party after the reception and the after party of the party after the reception, I was wondering if anyone attended a gypsy wedding before and, if so, what was a memorable moment. I want to make sure that this is a day she won't forget - especially with the amount of drinking she'll be doing.

Nigel Peaks
Jack of all Trades, Master of One