Romani Rights


Public Relations Committee
Free Peoples of Wayside,

I have seen both your wisdom and generosity. I now ask you a question. Why do the Gypsy people or Romani have no rights? What makes them as the 'lesser' races such as kobolds, trolls, and goblins? Why so we treat our breather, those gifted by the great dragon like us; as cattle. Murder a Romani and nothing happens. Steal from them, take what is their's and there is no legal retribution. If they defend themselves, they are meet with mob justice. They have spirits. They have a culture. They are like us.

But, I know this has not always been this way. The Romani had the full fledged rights of other civilized races. Humans, High Orcs, High Orges, Wild Kin, Scarr, Dwarfs, Mystic Wood Elfs, Elfs, Stone Elfs, Tribes Men, Biata, Dark Elf, Hobling and Romani all lived together in realitive peace. Each recognizing the other's mutual civilization and basic rights. This recent change is in the scope of things new.

To strip away the rights of another is one of the highest crimes and to say it is, “Because, Gypsies bring undead.” is unfounded. Yes it is true I can not argue the correlation between the presence of the Romani and the presence of undead. But, this is a new curse if one can even call it that. I have done some research and the earliest correlation that I can see between Romani and undead dates back to 125 years give or take. So I ask you why do we as brothers and sisters in this life turn our backs on the Romani? Why has the only solution to their problem been to drive them from our lands, and shun them? Is not your brother's problem your own? If your neighbor is sick would you not bring him soup until he gets well?

I ask you all. How much longer will this atrocity stand? We have done terrible things to each other an no one is exempt; not even me. Romani deserve to have their rights restored to them and this 'curse' removed. This is not just 'their' problem but 'our' problem. So I ask you who will stand by me to have their rights restored and plead their case to the high regent Master Horatio and the regent council?

Liddia FallingStar
"Yes it is true I can not argue the correlation between the presence of the Romani and the presence of undead. "

That's pretty much the argument there Liddia. Why do we want to allow a people inta town that bring undead with em?

Now listen, I'm not a gypsie hater or nothing, and heck I've tried to give as fair as squeeze as anyone else.... but when ya think about it, Aside from Diklo and a few other Gypos that actually stay round here and don't cause too much trouble, and for it get left alone by pretty much everyone. But for the most part they ain't like us, they ain't interested in followin our laws, and they ain't interested in our safekeepin.

There's a lot of folks round here don't take kindly to your and the other's yammering on about "undeniable rights" and calling us out for defending our belongings, our children and our town. You say we let an atrocity stand Liddia yet we couldn't take the pain of knowing it wouldn't be long before another family was ruined, or another child was taken from us.

It aint a personal problem I got with gypsies... its a reaction from years of realizing the truth about em. I ain't run into a gypsie worth knowing, and I ain't got a problem with them not being here. Its safer and less riden with crime then ever in memory and that's important to me and my customers.

I ain't saying I agree with what the GFW is talking bout doing... and I ain't sayin I ain't cracked some skulls when trouble has started in my tavern... but I don't care for em to be around town so much that i'm gunna look at the Gepsums in the eye and ask em to sit and share a barstool with one of em....

One last thing, how come you adress us as "The Free People" when you spend most of your time telling us how to act, how to think, who to like, and what to do.... "for our own sake"....?


Jara InnKeep

I address you and the others, as the free people of Wayside because, you are all free. You have free will and the right to choose you own actions. I speak my mind and speak of what I feel is right. I have not told you Jara how to think, or whom to like. But, when it comes to what I think should be done yes, I will tell everyone what I think should be done. I have been that bold.

If the undead were truly connected to the Romani would they not have been hunted down by them long ago? Think about it, undead to not haunt Romani camps and plague them when they are by themselves. Only when one of them comes into town to buy supplies or want trade, if the undead of the calabur of Lady Death were constantly besieging the Romani there would be no Romani left. The entirety of Wayside would have been Rom free years ago. This makes no sense to me that the undead only harass the Rom when they come to see us and not the other way around.

Only very recently have the undead attacked a Romani caravan. And that was under from what I can tell Lady Death’s order. Since she was there.

Now from my point of view, since no Romani has corrected me they are interested in having their rights restored. Laws are a partnership. You give up some of your freedoms to have rights under the laws. You submit to those laws and the protection granted by them. If the Romani people as a whole would like to continue to be treated like cattle, and they say as much then I will speak of this no more.

Jara, the Romani are like us. Just because they choose to not have permant housing does not mean they are monsters. I know that the Thatcher family has been destroyed by, actions of Rom and GFW against each other. But, stealing babies out of cribs; they are not kobolds twelve marks excluded. I have not heard anything from Deloris Herbigg at the orphanarium.

I will not scold you for defending yourself, or your belongings. I am saying this. All cultured or high races have rights. When people are pushed they push back. People do not turn to crime because, it is fun. I see a race that has been under boot for too long. I want to help them.


Liddia FallingStar
Your making some mistakes here Lidd.

1: You assuming that cuz you feel right you are right... and that means you can pass judgement on these folks for being rightfully angry and scared. What are these "rights'? I ain't heard of em. Your assuming that a race is cultured.... why and how?

2: The Gypsies bring undead in wayside... I don't much care what happens outside of Briarpass... much less what happens in the wastes and in the Northlunds... You might look down on that but we have livelyhoods to protect... if the problem ain;t here I don't care. I'm sure theres places gypsies are grudgingly accepted and maybe they ain't cause a problem... but I've seen no real effort on a gypo to work it out.

3: Your questin for gypsie rigths...and saying that they should be offered them... why? make a compellin argument and I might think you got a point and "because its the right thing to do" ain't a compelling argument cuz ya can't prove it. You say that no romani has corrected you about wanting to be accepted in these parts.... but thats kind of like saying your doing it without asking em what they want... how many have asked you for those rights? two or three.... thats surely cause to extend rights to hundreds of gypsies just cuz a couple want in... right... im the one that ain't thought this out.

4: The Romani are not like "us" there is no "us" Humans are seperate from Mystical Wood Elves, who are in turn not even Elves... and in that theres distinction to be made. Of all people you would know... I think I know a bit about cross racial relations, I do run a tavern for a majority of a mixed Human/High Orcish clientele. I wasn't thrilled about that fact when it was decided on three yrs ago but they made the first step... and started to police themselves... The rowdy ones got split skulls and broken lips the broken chairs and tables were paid for... and I learned to adjust... more hops in the barley... a bit more variation in the food... stronger tables and chairs... and we made a go of it. Now... its usually not a problem... but it wasn;t easy. You say they are like "us" but there is not "us" Gypsies are their own race. Let them be that.

5: There are no gypsie caravans in briarpass anymore... and whenever there is a gypsie that pokes its nose... undead come out... Lady Death came out... when a gypsie caravan established itself...oh and that was my fault. I liked that crazy lady she was goodf people and never once did I see her steal from me or anyone else. I'll admit I wasn't too happy bout the "fortune telling" nonsense of hers... but what can I say.

I ain't stupid child... but look at it my way... No caravan, no lady death... you step I step... its like a dance. I don't care who the violinist is... I ain't want ta get stepped on.

Mistress Liddia, I think you are a credit to your race speaking about how the Travelers should be treated, but I'm not sure it's an issue. With all due respect, I've only met one gypsy who seemed to care, and she seemed more amused than really insulted. Their caravans have diverted course, their families in the area have packed up and left, most Travelers know it's better not to come around Wayside. There are a few merchants or journeyman in Arbor but they're content with their position and, indeed, have some advantages common citizens do not like being free from taxes. Jara is right, things are working and they're peaceful. Now, I won't tolerate riots or anarchy and if the GFW pranks become anything more dangerous, I'll certainly step in, but these men have a right to protect their family, and since gypsies don't seem to care, why are you pushing it?

Really, regardless of whether there is or isn't a Curse, wouldn't it just be better for everyone, locals and gypsies alike, if we just stayed away from eachother. That way, no one gets hurt and we keep the peace. Regent Rockfist decided not to give gypsies rights when he was first regent, and I've haven't seen any compelling reasons to change his decision.

Regent Renlee Firstborne, Cpt.
Normally, I am afraid to speak here, but seeing dhe topic at hand I t'ink dhat jus' maybe I can shed some light on it.

Our culture may seem right heat'an to dhose outside our familia, but is dhis nye true of many ot'er cultures wit' outsiders? We are nye all t'ieves and brigands and murderers and awful t'ings like dhis. We are high t'inking and spirited creatures. We are nye human, but long ago, we were one. Dhis is why we celebrate our most revered festival of Rai. To celebrate our relation to our distant cousins, humankind.

I understand Liddia's "like us" statement. If I am nye mistaken, she meant jus' what I had said. "Like us". Like Mystic Wood Folk, like Humans, like High Orcs and High Ogres, like Wild Kin, like Gorbe, like Tribesmen, like Hoblings, like Dwarves and like Elves of all shades. Spirited. Honorable. Free Peoples. Peoples capable of love and self-sacrifice nye just for dheir familia, but for peoples of all races.

As far as Romani rights in Briarpass are concerned, I have spoken wit' dhe Regent himself about dhis.

For years, most Romani clans have travelled t'rough dhe lands in caravans so large as so no one wit' proper brains would attack dhem or so small dhat dhey slip by unnoticed. Dhe regent said dhat ot'er dhan I and mayhap a few ot'er Romani, my people have been content to live outside dhe law. Enforcing dheir own caravans and causing no trouble to dhe townsfolk.

Him said dhat he would be hard pressed to fight dhis issue wit'out causing civil war in dhe Lands of Briarpass. But he did say dhat he would only be willing to press dhe matter if Romani somehow gained support from dhe Guilds of Briarpass and Wayside. Him said dhat should be dhe focus.

Grazie Liddia, for being a Friend of Romani in dhis time. T'is nye easy to stand by us. Dhe time will come when we are equals.

Fortune And Love Find You Anywhere,

May Trouble Never Find Anyone,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
You have made some good points. I am not assuming that I am right, I could be a foolish idealist who is niave to the ways of the world. And I am not degrading people who have lived with this their entire lives. I understand that they are scared and rightfully so. When a Rom comes to town undead follow, this leads to hiding in cellars and losses all around. I have seen the losses and pain caused by the movements of the Romani and those who have been effected. Please, do not think me cruel and heartless.

As far as rights, I speak of those rights inherited by all peoples. All peoples are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. These rights include the right to life, freedom of expression, equality before the law, the right to culture, the right to food, and the right to work.

They are cultured and have their own ways. They have many traditions and festivels unique to the Rom. I have been to several gatherings and although I do not know the names, I do know that they exist. Their crafts is evidence of their culture. When I speak of higher or cultured races I speak of those races who’s very essence their spirit can survive the harrowing experience of death. Goblins, horses, cattle, and kobolds do not resurrect. Romani do. They are a high/cultured race and have entitlement to the rights the other races enjoy.

I am not looking down on you for not caring about what happens outside of Briarpass. Heck if I were in your situation I would not care either. I applaude you for what you have done to the tavern. The orcs that work my mushroom cave for me Tum and Yuy love the food and the friendly atmosphere.

I keep asking myself the same questions over and over again. What caused this ‘curse’? If something was stolen form the tomb of some great leader you think that there would have been some word about it at some point. ‘Curses’ like this do not just happen overnight, someone somewhere makes a choice and that choice causes this pain. What happened? And furthermore how can the Romani people just sit by and let themselves be brow beaten? There are more reprocussions for killing someone’s horse then the murder of a Rom. I ask everyone are we with this law saying that they are no better than animals?

Master Firstborne,

What you say is true. The Rom have packed up and moved except the few who for their own reasons choose to stay. I did not mention this to cause trouble or anger anyone. This is something that I have been thinking on for quite some time and I thought that now would be the opportune time to mention it. Now as far as the Rom not saying anything I think that the reason is simple. No one listened to them for years why say anything if it fell on deph ears?

As I have said before. I they are happy with their lot then they will say so, if not then I would like to help them.

Liddia FallingStar
Wha's all this talk 'bout rights and people bein' born wit 'em? I was born on my pappy's land, like his pappy, and his pappy and we never got no rights. Hayseeds been sheep farmers since way back when and no one said nothin' 'bout no rights. I betcha's one of them Orc fellers done took my rights, keepin' 'em all to hisself, er mebbe some gypos took 'em... Beulah once left a pie on the winda' and, sho nuff, one of them nasty raggers snatch it up and gobbled it all down. If I got some rights comin' ta me, I best be gettin' 'em right quick! Like to be a cold win'er and I wan' all da rights I kin get. Where I pick 'em up?

Earl Hayseed
To all who may care to hear my thoughts,
There are two major idea's that I have been able to formulate from this discussion, and I feel that they will be widely accepted as plausible...if not completely accepted as truth.

First of all, we are speaking of the Laws if I am not mistaken. And as such we must keep in mind the context of the Law, it is meant for those of citizenship. So I pose this though for discussion: The Romani are a nomadic people, not choosing to take up a permanent residence, and they have there own laws and some sort of leadership system. So when a law is violated should they not be treated as any other foreigner visiting a different land? If I am not mistaken that means that a Romani who has committed a crime would receive punishment by the local authorities, and then be sent off to the authorities of their native people. Mind you this is just in a general sense, there are always unique situations that have other procedures which must be followed. With this in mind, I would say that any Romani that chooses to move to Wayside as a permanent resident and who attains citizenship of the land would be subject to the Laws as any other citizen would be. This also means that, as I believe the Regent stated already, any wrongful (meaning primarily violence or property violation) action taken against the Gypsies while visiting the land would be subject to the same punishments as for wrongful actions committed against other visitors. I would like to point out now that I am not a close student of the Law, but have been studying and discussing matters such as this while I was visiting my own native land. For the most part all of these rights are contingent on the fact that the Gypsy "Curse" (of bringing undead) can be investigated further and its root cause be dispatched with.

Now to my second point. The infamous "Curse of the Gypsies", perhaps Liddia hinted at what is really going on. I believe you said:

---"If the undead were truly connected to the Romani would they not have been hunted down by them long ago? Think about it, undead to not haunt Romani camps and plague them when they are by themselves. Only when one of them comes into town to buy supplies or want trade, if the undead of the calabur of Lady Death were constantly besieging the Romani there would be no Romani left. The entirety of Wayside would have been Rom free years ago. This makes no sense to me that the undead only harass the Rom when they come to see us and not the other way around."---

We all know that in politics and elaborate schemes or plots that there is a higher entity that is steering the ship, so to say. I believe on the night of the decimation of the Romani caravan was when people began to vocalize thoughts of who may have been behind it all, and not just the undead...but the ones controlling them as well. So perhaps this is where the discussion and investigation needs to start. If we are able to stop the undead coming whenever a Romani arrives in town then perhaps we should look to stop the organization or entity that is driving this madness to occur. I may be completely wrong, and it may be only an evil curse placed upon them centuries ago, but to me that seems much harder to prove. So why not start with a easy one? I ask you this: Who benefits most from the Romani not being in town, as traders, as craftsmen, and as permanent residence? And who benefits most from the undead scourging and decimation the town and all of Briarpass?

Now as I said, Romani may never be able to gain citizenship, respect, or even tolerance from the people and authorities unless the matter of their so called "Curse" is resolved. And that is why I have spoken up today, perhaps there are others who are willing to help investigate further and dig up the truth. People of Wayside and Briarpass, I know that your families have been ravaged and your farms laid to waste by the undead that come. I do not ask or expect you to open arms to Romani, because you have families and farms to protect, and I respect you for your resolve. I will do my very best in fact to protect you from the undead that rise up, they have readily fallen by my sword and surely will continue to tremble by my spear. I ask this: If the adventurers and townspeople of Wayside choose to investigate into the cause of the Gypsies presumed "Curse" that you be open to the possibility that in the future, Romani may be friends to us all. I don't ask you to do this now, but in a future when Romani (Gypsies) are no longer correlated with bringing undead to the peaceful land of Briarpass.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
Goodman Hayseed,

The rights that I speak of are intangible; you can not hold them in your hands nor place them on your mantle. They are the right to life: you are living no one has killed you that I know of. The right to freedom of expression: you may paint your home any colour you like or wear what ever you want. The right to equality before the law: to have a fair trial and no let your race prevent you from being treated poorly. The right to culture: just as you stated about you being born on your father’s land and his father’s land. That is part of your culture you have a right to that. And the right to food: no man, woman or child should go hungry. Lastly the right to work: you are a sheep farmer and that is your right. These are the rights that every one of the aforemented races has. They may be oppressed, but they can never be stolen. The only way that an individual can forfeit those rights is to commit a grievous crime. When anyone of free will commits a crime they are willing to suffer the consequences.

But, only some of those rights can temporally be put to rest. In almost every land that I have visited food is the only right not taken away. But, as with all crimes it is up to the law to determine fitting punishment.

I hope this helps.

Liddia FallingStar
Ok, perhaps I have deviated from the subject that you are trying to stress. But I don't think that I have, I am just looking at it with a less idealism clouding me. I mean no offense, it is just that you are too focused on the outcome, what about the path that will lead to such equality? I do not think that we disagree on the main points, though I would like to point out that no one is born with the right to food or work. For those things you have to work hard and strive for. Nonetheless, I ask you please, to take a look at my thoughts once more...I feel that you will find that it may be the practical path to your idealism; or at least a footbridge to get you started. And even if they are not, I feel that we need to take heed and investigate into the origin of the Gypsy "Curse".

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
This sounds like a buncha high falootin' chatta' and nonsense, ta me. Liddy, yer talkin' 'bout rights givin' ta people by birth, but I ain't never been givin' nothin' my whole life but what I dragged from tha ground. I work my sheeps ev'ry day til my fingers bleed and can't see straight, then I gotta walk the fence a'night ta make sure no bandits er wolves er one of them fierey or icey thingers eat 'em. Then I git up the next mornin', afore the sun, and do it all 'gin.

The only people wit' rights by birth gotta be you nobles wit' all yer fancy words and money, 'cuz I ain't never seen nothin' fer my kin but what I bleed on.

So, talks all you wants 'bout them gypos or them orks or whateve' rights and lands, but I's gonna protect what's mine and what was me pappy's afore me. And, if you try comin' round here taking what's mine and givin' it to them raggers 'cuz you feel sorry for 'em, yer gonna get a good look at me pappy's sword, I tell you for nothin'.

Earl Hayseed
Goodman Hayseed,
I can honestly say that I see no problem with you defending what is yours from anyone and everyone, the only issue I think I would have would if you be killing innocent people. :) And the sounds of it, you aren't thinking about doing that, so I see no problem.

Have a great day Goodman Hayseed, and I would like to offer to buy you a pint during the next market day and get to know you better.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.

You once again are able to bring me down from the stars and back to solid ground. I agree that what is being discussed is Law and the confines of that law. When I have read the laws for Wayside there are no punishments for any crimes committed against the Romani. This is because, when the law was passed the regent council did not reconigie the sovernity of the Rom as a for lack of better words; nation. So crimes committed against any visiting Rom go unpunished because, they are not considered crimes.

The root issue here is this ‘curse’. There needs to be an investigation as to the cause of this ‘curse’. Who, what, where, when, how and why. I suspect that there is an entity behind these happenings. I am not sure who, but, I am sure that someone somewhere is directing the movements of undead. Most likely an ancient undead or some other long lived being. If anyone has any information please, send me a pigeon.

So far it sounds like Kevar will help me. Anyone else?

Liddia FallingStar
Durls's not much good at mystery finding, but he'll comes along tas keep everyone safe if thats okay...


Your help is always appreciated.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
I look forward to finally meeting you, perhaps we can share a pint together and get to know one another. I here that you fight with a shield? If this is true then I am sure that there is much we can learn from one another, after all what is the use in having a shield if you are not prepared to encounter different fighting styles with it?

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.

I am pleased to hear that I have such sway on you thoughts. I know that you have taken it upon yourself to champion the effort to make the Romani an equal people in Wayside, and I think that this is a noble end goal. There is a long road ahead, and I believe it starts with the "Curse". Perhaps investigating this will lead to some sort of hint as to the whereabouts of Master Lurin and Master Runir. Even if there is not so much as a hint of there whereabouts that comes from this, I know that Thorne will be pleased to hear that I am trying to preserve Balance and combat the evils of the undead in Wayside.

I shall see you at the next Market Day, it shall be a joyous reunion I am sure. Perhaps this will be a path that will lead to friendship and greater trust between you and I; one can never tell what trials are ahead.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
I hope to see you next marketday as well, I think that we have much to discuss and I have a few things to show you as well. Safe travels.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow
I look forward to that day as well. Safe travels to you and yours.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.