

Okay, so my room mate plays Gabriel, and he's told me a lot about Alliance and I would LOVE to play. I'm very interested in playing a gypsy. He recommended I talk to the Chicago Romani about creating a character, since plot surrounds Chicago usually (or so he tells me). Is there anyone who could give me pointers, educate me about the history that has been created for the gypsies, or help me create a character pretty please?

Hi Ria,

My name is Brent Woodward :) And I am a player in the SoMN/Chi Town games. From what you are describing I would highly recommend getting in contact with a newbie mashal, as well as getting player feedback from this post. That way you get the player aspect as well as a basic knowledge that the newbie marshal can provide.

Some other great rescources are the SoMN Players handbook. This lays out the Romani people of the Southern Minnesota game, as well as a nice little introduction into the other races and history within the chapter.

The SoMN Players handbook can be found here.
The contact information for SoMN newbie marshals (indirectly) is:

Like I said, if you are planning on playing in the SoMN chapter these are fantastic rescources, and a great play to start...but there is nothing quite as good as advice that players whos characters are Romani can give...I am sure Jesse is trolling around here somewhere...

Have a great day, and I hope this helps you along your way :)

See you at game hopefully!
-Brent Woodward
Thank you very much for your help. I've already got a copy of the handbook, but again, Gabriel has told me it would be a good idea to talk to the Rom here, since they have a better history than the handbook according to him.
Well I can't speak for the Chicago staff but I can point you in the right direction. First of all I think that its important for you to decide where this character is going to be homed and what exactly you want your background to look like. This might just be me but I tend to write a back story to the place that I'm going to be playing in the most. For example, I PC mostly in Chicago so my characters are usually from Briar pass or the surrounding area (IG for Chi town). If you’re looking for the Chicago race information I would look to the website found here You might find it somewhat lacking because the site itself is relatively new. To my knowledge Chicago does not have an official players guide or handbook. I would like to point out that it is not required that a chapter provides a players handbook. As for the gypsy racial plot in Chicago I can explain that pretty simply. Everyone hates them and they bring undead. There is a bit more to it than that but that about sums it up. You should look into reading the racial explanation of gypsies in the rule book. Gabe should have one. Another thing to consider would be that Chicago has until recently not had a homed gypsy PC. If that is what your looking to talk to you would want to speak to Maxondaerth. He plays a gypsy named Raif and is now a Chi native. Making him the only Chicago homed gypsy that I see on a regular basis. Good luck in your hunt for character purpose.

-Chris Friendly alliance guy

Shame on you for thinking that's all there is to it. :p
We also have Marcena and have several new players planning out gypsies making them a race of increasing popularity in our chapter.


For more information on Romani of Wayside send me an email to I play a SoMN Character there when I can make it and I play others in other chapters. Chris is right that a major component of our game that affects the Gypsies is the prejudice against them. Now that said, recently, large strides have been made to overcome those emotions and a major call has been put out to all Romani to come to Briarpass. Alternatively, you could play a CHI character in SoMN, for example, a gypsie who has come to Gaden to escape the hatred towards his race that he felt in his homeland.
