Rules about campsite and food


Jesse, are there any rules for the campsite that we need to know about? What about food? We know that Dia needs to cook Kosher, but what does that mean for the rest of us? Are there kitchenettes in the cabins (rumor that there might be?) and are they Kosher and if so, what does that mean for us that aren't Jewish?
Thx for the questions!
Let me try to clarify for everyone.

Nothing out of the ordinary as for Camp rules. We will adopt the usual no cars on site rule after 9pm. I or Mark will tell you where to park after you unload your car at your cabin. I am arriving early so I can get the full run down on this before you all arrive. I will also give DETAILED cleanup descriptions at closing ceremonies. The camp director is going to be giving me a list for their needs from us in that regard.

Dia will be in charge of the kitchen. They are very specific on what can and cannot be done at this site in the kitchen area and the tavern itself. If you have any questions, please direct it to her.

Kosher stuffs- Only the kitchen and the tavern area need to follow the KOSHER rules... not the entire site itself.

There are NOT kitchenettes in the cabins. All of the cabins we are using THIS EVENT are large and have bunks only. Next year might be different.... If you wish to eat in your cabin, you may do so and it DOES NOT have to be Kosher if you do it there and leave it there. Do not bring your food into the tavern.

Hope this helps!
So, it looks like from cabin assignments NPCs will be under the tavern, how does that affect our ability to bring non-kosher snacks?