((Rumors from early summer))


New Hampshire Staff
((Rumors and stories of current events are being gossiped about in taverns, chatted about at marketplaces, even told to children around campfires. If your character spends time on The Isle of Khar-Durai, or perhaps even well-traveled spots in nearby mainland Cinderfel, you would likely have the opportunity to hear tales like this in your travels.))

In the early spring of this year, an absurdly wealthy man named Charles Bennington III appeared at The Isle of Khar-Durai. How? Where did he come from? They say he’s from Eire. Never heard of that place. But who am I to complain? He set up shop and got to work immediately. Built a whole tavern! Put up big fancy walls with defended gates… What’s he so scared of? I thought Khar-Durai was a quiet, peaceful place. I mean, I heard tell of an unexpected bandit gang that came down and badgered him, but didn’t they get taken care of?

Khar-Durai has always been really sparsely populated. Can’t honestly say why, for sure… No one worthy of note, with any strength or renown, has ever really traveled here before, as far as I know. Why? Beats me. Though… I heard a ridiculous rumor - has to be fake - that some people will fall sick immediately upon stepping foot here. Like, an incapacitating level of nausea.

But I don’t believe it, do you? Did you feel sick when you got here? Me neither. This tavern is so well-stocked! And I’ve heard it’s actually surprisingly rich in resources deeper inland. So what’s wrong with it? …I’m not gonna be the one to solve that mystery. Bennington is paying good money for any sort of work, so we can just stay in town and help build. I’m not the adventuring type - those folk can take up the guard jobs if they want! I’m staying safe within these walls. Especially since we don’t know what else is out there.