Rumors heard around Westhaven October 315


Romani Meat Corn is amazing--it’s two food groups as I see it.

Romani Meat Corn is terrible--I heard it’s dryad flesh.

Brood are back...but strange brood that do not leave anything behind when they die.

I heard the Ternians are accelerating the schedule for finishing up the wall--after the bronze dragon attack, they’re closing off the borders to keep out threats like that!

Why are the Elves and Dryads so angry? I thought they were all starting to get along…

Did you read Thornberry’s new book? It's even better than the one about the stitchy undead.

My friend dared me to say Kaz’ik three times in the dreaming, but instead I chickened out and hid under my bed. Not sure why I’m telling you this.

You see that Bunnykin walking around the fields with a mace, wonder what his deal is.

I heard a group of Dryads went to some Hamlet in the Eternal Empire and a fight broke out!

I’m glad The Wooden Man is just an old children’s tale. I’m glad it’s only in my nightmares and not actually real!

--My brother has a friend whose cousin lives in the Northlunds and he says there's a new captain of the Hearthguard!
--Why would you possibly think I'd want to know about that?

This MWE named Petyr tried to sell me something for silver coins. I’m pretty sure something is not too ordinary about this merchant of no special skill or ability…

I heard a man and a woman shouting at each other in the woods somewhere about how he ruined their family fortune or something when I was walking from the mountains to Riverbend, but when I got close enough I saw they were both undead! I’m not taking that road back, I’ll tell you that much.