San Francisco Alliance Season Schedule 2018


Hello everyone!

Thank you for your patience with us getting out our schedule! We really appreciate it.

This year we are booked solely at Camp Cutter. We are looking forward to the stability that one campsite offers. The address for GPS is:
Cutter Scout Reservation
2500 China Grade Rd, Boulder Creek, CA 95006

There are a fair number of updates in this thread, so please read to the end. Please feel free to contact with any questions you might have.

We are currently working with the Plot Teams to determine which weekends will be for each game. Please keep an eye on this thread for updates.

February 9-11 - The Maelstrom Season Opener
Location: Camp Cutter
Site Opens: 3:30pm Feb 9th
Site Closes: 3:30 pm Feb 11th

March 16th-18th The Enerret Season Opener
Location: Camp Cutter
Site Opens: 3:30pm March 16th
Site Closes: 3:30pm March 18th

April 20th-22nd Enerret
Location: Camp Cutter
Site Opens: 3:30pm April 20th
Site Closes: 3:30pm April 22nd

*We will be sharing the site with another group this weekend, however we will have control of the main lodge, the TSB, and cabins. We will have more information on the hill.*

June 1st-3rd Maelstrom
Location: Camp Cutter
Site Opens: 3:30pm June 1st
Site Closes: 3:30pm June 3rd

July 6th-8th Maelstrom
Location: Camp Cutter
Site Opens: 3:30pm July 6th
Site Closes: 3:30pm July 8th

August 17th-19th Enerret
Location: Enchanted Hills
Site Opens: 3:30pm August 17th
Site Closes: 3:30pm August 19th

September 21st-23rd Maelstrom
Location: Enchanted Hills
Site Opens: 3:30pm September 21st
Site Closes: 3:30pm September 23rd

October 12th-14th Maelstrom
Location: TBD
Site Opens: 3:30pm October 12th
Site Closes: 3:30pm October 14th

November 16th-18th Enerret
Location: TBD
Site Opens: 3:30pm November 16th
Site Closes: 3:30pm November 18th

We are looking forward to a fantastic season with all of you!
Event cost is $65 for those players who Pre-Register.
Event cost is $85 at the Door without Pre-Registeration.
New Players' first game is $40 with or without Pre-Registration.
Players can get $5.00 Off their game for our Bay Area Larp rewards!

If you have attended one of our local Larps bring your character sheet from their last game for $5 off. This offer is valid for the following local LARPs:
-Realms of Conflict
-Dark Prospects
Meal Plan:

As of right now, we are not offering a meal plan at game. Players will have access to the kitchen which is stocked with plenty of cookware. Dishware and silverware is not provided by the site as there is no working dishwasher or sanitizer. We will provide disposable dishware, but players are highly encouraged to bring their own reusable dishware if they can.

Meals are provided for cast and crew. If you are a guild member or are planning on NPCíng please let us within you Pre-Registration so we can feed you.

We will have more information to be released as we can, please keep an eye here for that and feel free to email me at with any questions.

Thank you,
General Manager
Alliance Larp San Francisco
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Well, April is the weekend of my kids Birthday, so looks like that will be one I'll be missing. All the others look good to go for me though! Super excited!
Hi! I’m Annette from Michigan!
Curious if you will have any sort of pay no play available for out of towners!

Thank you!
Hi! I’m Annette from Michigan!
Curious if you will have any sort of pay no play available for out of towners!

Thank you!

Thank you for asking Annette! I will be posting our Season Pass for 2018 and any other options soon! I appreciate your patience!
We've just added our first day event of the year!

Date: May 19th
Campaign: Enerret
Location: Stulstaf Park
Time: 11AM-6PM
Which campaign is the July event? I just found out I will be unable to attend June, so I want to cue up my schedule.
July will be a Maelstrom event! I will make sure to update this thread soon!
We are adding a second day game!

Date: June 16th
Campaign: Enerret
Location: Stulstaf Park
Time: 11AM-6PM
And a third!

Date: July 21st
Campaign: Enerret
Location: Stulstaf Park
Time: 11AM-6PM
Hi there,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble getting in touch. First off, since this is a public post, let me just note that the GM email is Second, please PM me with your and your wife’s names, character names, and approximate date you purchased the passes, and I will look into it for you.

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Hi folks,

We are excited to announce a fourth day game for the year!

Date: September 8th
Campaign: Enerret
Location: Stulstaf Park
Time: 11AM-6PM
Please save the date for a special Enerret day event on Sunday, November 4th. We are working on getting this scheduled at a unique site, so details are still being worked out and we should have more to share soon.
Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, we are going to have to cancel the November 4th day game. The county is unexpectedly prohibiting our venue from keeping the location open past 10/31, and with the short notice of the change we aren't going to be able to make it work this year. The story elements from this event will be worked into the Season Closer, and hopefully we'll be able to make a Hay Maze event happen sometime soon.