Saoirse issues a fun challenge


Do you think you are a master strategist?
The challenge is set forth.
Free to play, free to challenge, free to win or lose.
The challenge is Chess.​

Saoirse will provide the pieces, board and the Victor's Cup. To the winner of the first game, the Victor's Cup will be given, and passed from winner to winner from thence. Possession of the cup entitles the bearer to a free drink at the tavern, courtesy of Aden Corso, with every meal in which possession is retained. If you lose, you may issue a challenge again within the same cycle of the moon, but the Victor is in no way obligated to accept your challenge until the cycle of the moon is complete. Soroco will act as arbiter should disagreements arise, but the challenge is meant as one of fellowship and friendly competition. A challenge laid down must be taken up within the same arc of the sun. Two players may take up the first challenge by calling upon Saoirse at week's end.

"Oh, this is happening." -Faux