Scroll access


Hello scroll users of all sorts, I am getting into using scrolls more on the battlefield and I was wondering how people effectively and quickly use scrolls. I have my own ideas on what might work, but I wanted to see what others do before I start making mine so I could maybe steal some bits and pieces.
Thanks in advance.

Actually, my friend made a scroll bracer that allows him to set four kinds of scrolls at a time inside. On the reverse of the cover, he puts a thin glowstick (like the wrist one) and "casts" light on it. Bam. Nighttime reading of scrolls. Made an otherwise not that great a caster AMAZING. At least until the scrolls run out. I'll try to get a picture. It was pretty revolutionary.

Bah! Get 20 levels of craft scroll, do away with the glow stick. ;)
Small photo books which fit 3.5" x 5" photos are big enough for your scroll reps, have plastic-protector pages, and are flippable for easy organization (I tuck my tags under the reps, and hand them to NPCs after combat is over).

That, and I got mine at a Thrift store (it actually looks period from the outside) for a buck.
Heya! I'm that guy mentioned above that has the scroll bracer. In my opinion it is an absolute game changer. It makes them always easy to access, orderly, and just as quick to use as a normal spell. I can change out my four scrolls of choice to fit any situation before a fight if necessary. And yes, being a master scroll maker would mean I wouldn't need my lights at night, but since I'm not it works out well that I can choose to use them, or even hand the whole bracer off to a newer player and let them wreak wanton destruction.

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Those scrolls look awesome, @markusdark . Did you find a template for them, or did you make them yourself?
Hey guys, I really appreciate all the help. I think I’ve put together a plan for how I’m gonna run it. Now I just gotta put it together and see if it works haha.
I may be borrowing this design. That is pretty nice.
Feel Free. If you ever make it to SF, I can show it to you. :)

FYI, I use rubber gaskets to hold the scrolls onto the tube and inside are red Burger King straws (they hold exactly 1/4 ounce of liquid) and I tape the potion tags to cotton swabs and put them into the straws. I pull one, then pour into people's mouths and hand them the tag.