Scroll Auction from January Gather


The community acquired three scrolls during the course of the last gather. These will be auction off between now and the February gather. Bids can be made here in this tread or messaged to me.

Blissful Rest

Highest Bid: 4 gold

Universal Speech
Highest Bid: 6 gold

Foresee the Weather

Highest Bid: 4 gold

Updated at 06:55 on 02/06/18
Last edited:
I bid 2 gold apiece.

- Kel
I bid 3 gold each on Universal Speech and Blissful Rest.
Foresee the Weather - 3g
Universal Speech - 4g

5g Universal Speech
Well, the Speech ritual became more valuable than I expected it would.

Well, the Speech ritual became more valuable than I expected it would.


Sorry Shaman Zeth I just want to help out some younger adventures who may have needed it. They mentioned to me that they couldn't understand what was said so when I seen that scroll I decided I would get it for them.

I will up my bid to 4g for the Forsee the Weather.