'Scuse Meh


Chicago Staff
Greeting to all,

I vas vondering eef der vas any vay I could see to getting my 'ands on a new spell book. Earth. I seem to 'ave reached deh limit on vat I can memorize from mine own and cannot memorize more dan zhe sevent circle... Can somevone assist me?

Blind Seer and Healer
Durl's book has a lot of extra pages and spells in it he can't cast yet, you ken borrow it to study if you need too. I'll be the guy in the bandana and green armor, if there's more then one, I also usually have my silver scimitar close by.

Good Fellow Durl,

Some how I don sink zhat your appearance vill help meh find you... But I vill manage in anyvay possible.

Blind Seer and Healer