Season 2, Event 2 - Fractured, Favorite Moments


Here. Things go. :)
1. The tracking mod was AMAZING

2. "Tawny is in her future pants; Tawny doesn't give a **** about your ****."
Mr Tippings: When the cute teddy bear started crawling around and the players initial reaction of horror....YES!
Cave Giants 2: THE STEW IS RUINED! and Biata Meditation in the worst place possible.
NPC Camp: Running like an oily machine (take that as you want)
Knights: As much as I hate it, having Sir Pollen have to be the bad guy for a bit. (Sorry Ken) Then laying down the law the next day with the Arms and Squires.
More Tippings: Teddy bear eats and drinks...players puzzled and amazed.
MOAR NPC: The sheer numbers...drunk with power. Honestly guys, you made it Like a Boss this weekend.
Oh my, Mr Tippings: Um, Mr have you grown. ALL THE HUGS! So Soft!
Barb and Jimmy. You guys played that smart. Bravo.
One of my favorite moments was a ritual casting by Luke that turned into a sort of mini-mod due to how things fell into place. I went with fellow lowbies to defend Luke while he cast his ritual acompanies by Talon and Jonas of the adventurer's guild. As Luke set up the two nightmares that had been pestering the tavern all day followed us. As Luke performed his ritual we had to defend hin from several waves of nightmares and almost had one breach the circle. We held though and what was a simple ritual casting turned into an interesting mod like encounter which concluded with Luke announcing success of his ritual casting, only to be met immediately with an uncaring "Good for you!" from Talon.
Pressing Ardryk back just enough to expose Azyk's (SP?) back for a Terminate. Knowing as I turned towards her that this was going to really, really suck for these guys...but that's the game when you do a 2 vs 3 Mod!

"Silence Terminate!"

And the blade slamming into Ardryk's staff because Jimmy -perfectly- parried it.

We had a brief hold right after for a different reason as an NPC was calculating their damage, and I had to salute Jimmy. Also, chasing Jimmy is no fun.

That mod was pretty much my fav. The two of them were pretty much perfect with their tactics.
"What is a **** nose?"


"Are you an assassin?"

You guys are a blast and I love playing Pachow!
I rather enjoyed parrying both of those silence terminates, even though the second one may have pushed Evan's hilt into Barb's hand and we had to call a hold for it. Also as I was silenced and my bag broke again, realizing I could turn this into an advantage by getting one of the shadows to chase me as I downed the Remove Silence potion and looked pretty defenseless. I don't know how fun chasing me is, but being me is pretty fun.

Norm, likewise. That's going to make for some interesting RP in the future. There was also the brief fear realization as I went from, "Oh good, I don't have to use our second circle" to, "Oh dear, I can no longer drop the circle if I want to."

The elysian is likewise going to make some interesting RP. I'm going to have to really think about how to play Ardryk when I inevitably lose that thing somehow.
  1. The save-the-girl-from-the-kidnappers mod and all of the ensuing fallout that is going to transpire from that, I am sure. Durnic has a mission!
  2. Polearm fighting is a heck of a lot of fun.
  3. The changes to the tracking mechanic was awesome; I can see that being incredibly fun in the future with minimal changes.
  4. Honor Bear. When I saw he wasn't violent or aggressive I almost just turned and left, but he wanted a fight. :D Love Honor Bear.
  5. Athem shenanigans, especially FINALLY opening that door.
  6. During the big town fight and setting up Mike perfectly to be ambushed and squashed by Arannin and Meeko. That was so good I hollered.
  7. Another shout-out to our amazing cooking crew: I haven't eaten that well at a LARP in a while. All of the RP while eating was great, thank you.
  8. You NPC's really kicked *** all weekend. Excellent work, all of you.
  9. Teaching new players and old players alike. Some in game skills, other in general fighting tips.
Kel faces his worst nightmare, gets drunk, gets depressed, has two people tell him he should think about retiring from adventuring, doubts his forthrightness, overcomes and asks someone to spend the night so he's not alone, wakes up happy. It was such a great little character arc self contained in a single event. Next arc... figuring out that many of the so called heroes really aren't, and how not to fall into the ends justify the means trap.

So.... many.... terminates.

Kel - Ruiner of Stews.
1. OMFG - Mr. Tippings.
2. "Well, Amory is leading this" ... ... wait, what?
3. Questioning Muirgheal on her intentions towards her Sister, and being called a jerk later.
4. Explaining why ****-nose is not a nice name, and what it actually means, to Pachow >.<
5. All the talking with Shin ^.^ Amory really appreciates all his advice and guidance.

All the great NPC and PC interactions in game - there were so many.
Hearing "YOU RUINED THE STEW!" throughout the day, then finally learning what the heck it meant
Making a new-ish PC scream when I started chasing her as a Barg (sorry!)
Freaking people out as a ghost peering in through the tavern windows
Gambling for the first time!
Hearing "The Bear is on the field!" during the night battle and seeing what I initially thought was a dude in a huge lamb costume
Bando's election speech was the best
Having a PC decide my townie needed to become part of the Adventurer's Guild, which inspired another PC to fill out an application

Fun times!
1. Muirgheal and Orin, the conversations, the teasing, the blushing.
2. Related to above: Having the fear of the ancestors put into me.
3. Mr. Tibbons and other forces pushing on Orin's sanity.
4. Interacting with Aunta, thanks for rolling with that!
5. Meeting Luta
6. The giants and the tailors, Jason and Mike you guys rock.
7. Gypsy dinner with mandatory pie.
1. Edarius, Corynn's godson showing up. Getting to reprimand him like a child.
2. Going to plot and asking how much ancestor juice I'd get if I sacrificed a PC and ate their heart, eliciting the coveted "Wait... what?!" response.
3. Carrying the ancestor around in battle, after donning Woad and getting constant stink-eyes and nervous jitters.
4. Akemi, my favorite totally not actually an ageless star kin friend. She's so young and impressionable...
5. Calmly, politely, subtly informing Orin that she was walking a thin line between being alright, and facing the wrath of the ancestors if she wasn't good to Muirgheal.
6. Smacking the snot out of nightmares with a staff. Battle Scholar was good times.
7. Running with Little in the "light brigade."
8. Subtly patronizing all of the short-lived races, and talking about "back in my day..."
3. Questioning Muirgheal on her intentions towards her Sister, and being called a jerk later.
Orin THANKED you for being a jerk :P
1. Edarius, Corynn's godson showing up. Getting to reprimand him like a child.

I really enjoyed the rp moments I had with Corynn and Muirgheal. I thought it was really funny when Edarius allowed Muirgheal to "kill" him so that Little could teach her first aid and after healing being told by Corynn that I was wilfully stupid for letting Muirgheal and Little do that. Good thing Edarius trusts Muirgheal and had Corryn looking after him even though he wasn't directly involved in the event until suddenly showing up asking what the hell was going on.

Your reaction was awesome and I was surprised nobody else was coming out there wondering why someone was being "beaten to death" just outside the main door of the tavern on a Sunday morning. I think Edarius will be developing a great father/son relationship with Corynn as time goes on. I've never enjoyed being so regularly chastised by someone.
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I would also like to put out there the Deruvian survivor mod. So many unintended things happened with that. First one of our party members used a dominate on the poor guy (which we subsequently learned was illegal to her great distress). After she was told to release him the survivor ran off and was caught by Ulrich (I hope I spelled that right). After being kicked in the face by the Deruvian survivor Ulrich beat him down and we took him to Kel who wizard stuffed him under one of the beds in a wizard lock.

The greatest moment of that was probably the looks of "did that just happen" when the dominate was used at the beginning. Thankfully the caster didn't get into too much trouble being a lowbie like most of us on the mod (she was genuinely terrified thinking she was going to be in big trouble). She confessed to the crime after just about everyone in the party due to their nature's said they wouldn't be able to look the other way, especially one of Panda's group that had come with us. It was simply a hilarious sequence of confusions and trying to make the best of an awkward situation.