Season Closer Notes

Was a on going story line and little down time unless we wanted it which was nice. Space heaters in the cabins are definitely needed.
And also very helpful for a couple newbies to get our chatacter started.
This event was a lot of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend as a whole, however there where a few events that stood out for me. Instead of writing a book about it I will make a short list
*Jinx, Wynn puzzle boxes
*Zeus and the mountain climb
*The Young elves, never ending energy
*Basher (racist relief fund)
*Wendigo fight,
*The short NPC lady (scary) during the Cyrus fight

Honestly the best thing was feeling apart of the larger group. Thanks everyone PCs and NPCs alike.
I have a lot that I liked about the event, but honestly, it's all overshadowed by one thing:

Best moment was by far "Okay, now we are going to loot your cave."
I want to give a big thanks to all the people who worked to make this event happen. Logistics was quick and painless and food was delicious. I know how much prep work goes into a larp and you all did your part wonderfully.

This was the first event where I've been part of a group that was as active as what happened this weekend. I'm super excited about future events with The Pride and the time I had throughout Saturday doing mod after mod with you guys is the high point of my larp career. A big thanks to my guild mates and the other PCs who stayed with us through out the weekend.

And all of that wouldn't have been possible without plot and NPCs who were able to accommodate the steady stream of contracts, jobs and things from years ago that I just now decided needed to be done. All of the best moments of this weekend wouldn't have been possible without encounters that are solved by something other than a beat down; role-playing with the flaming poop tribe, meeting the (best)worst fortune teller ever, beating a lake in a sword fight, puzzle mods and TROLL FIGHT CLUB. The two town battles worked out well and fighting a BBG who wasn't a caster was a lot of fun.

Once again, I just want to thank everyone who came out and made this game great.

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