Fantastic Event!
-The forming of the Moonless Nights gang. Gang names, gang signs, and getting to know players that I haven't played with. Plus all the fun conversation. Really looking forward to how far this rabbit hole goes

-Mostly every human that I conversed with informing me they weren't a slaver, and most willing to help if the opportunity presents itself.
-Chad the mad scientist and his puzzle; though did not get to interact with cause was busy trying to defend a portal gate.
-Getting a coded message and cypher key; being familiar with that style that and passing it off to one of my gang members to help teach them that coded message/cypher.
-Saying how bad nobility is (cause of the responsibilities) only to have the newly minted Baron Virgil overhear and sit down, and have pretty candid (and friendly) conversation. I think I might like this noble.
-Treasure was good on mods I went on.
-Learning about the Lightning and Dust Knights. Love the concept and great way to get out information to the PCs that they want to know.
-The welcoming environment of the players and staff.
-Bandit related mod lines that gave us (Moonless Nights) a over arcing plot line to pursue.
-The tornado, "uhh I don't think we are qualified to kill a tornado, but I guess we will come check it out". Sounded scary, though turns out when air elementals and earth elementals fight = tornado. Thanks for a good chunck of Emerald Flame coming to assist. (oh, and I hope to see the GoPro Cam footage/video).
-Much appreciated plot intervened to prevent our mod from getting hijacked.
-Job board mission went on was fairly straight forward.
-Placker bug mod was good, pushed us to our limit. Really liked how the big bug was stationary, allowing casters and archers their moment to shine in combat.
-Stayed busy the entire weekend, didn't feel like their was much downtime or delay. Which is AMAZING for 3-5 Runner/NPCs all weekend.
-I am meh on the lowbie separation on the big fight. Felt like we had an important bit, but the lead in of Sloan feels that she should give me this flower/it absorbing into us felt weird. Liked the puzzle (see above). The ramping information mod was good. The tail end was meh too; never saw the Dark Valkyrie and those on the fighting the Dark Valkyrie side helping win the lowbie gate hold by body-ing over the puzzle to prevent monsters from attacking it (kind of felt like abusing the not effect or able to effect). Did appreciate those fighting the Valkrie helping fight things just on the other side of the gate however. Appreciate TC hoping the fence to play the villain of the weekend.
-That rain later Saturday night. Buckets and Buckets of cold cold rain. Guess better Saturday night then Friday night.
-Afters was a bit of a jam. Know they were super busy, but waited a hour for drinks (and food).
-World is so big is difficult to really get a grasp of where we are. I imagine time will help.