Season Opener


Let us know what you think. The good, the bad, or the Asa.

I want to thank all the PC's who came out to play under threat of blizzard. There was some significant snow on the ground, but nothing unmanageable. Everyone seemed ok with a slightly smaller geographical area to work in. No mod cards, but plenty of contracts.

Thanks to all the NPCs who switched over from PCing to help us out, you guys really made the event happen.

I had a blast, I hope you guys did too. The more feedback you give us, the better we can make the May 13th event, and the chapter as a whole. We had a bunch of traveler's visiting us: Was it what you expected?


I'd like to thank plot for working so hard, with so few NPC's I was constantly being entertained! The amount of time it took to get mods going was excellent, we were very rarely waiting around. Rock on.
Thank you to everyone who NPC'd! You guys are freaking amazing!

On another note, I would like to thank Brigit for running log. It was a stressful weekend for log with the switch over and she did a good job!
Take care,
From start to finish the event was solid. A big thank you to Tank, Asa, and Joe for running plot. There was always a ton to do and there are a lot of things going on that are catching my interest. Thank you to everyone who took the time to NPC, run logisitcs, and run the tavern! You all worked your butts off and did a great job!

Also a big thanks to all of the out of towners. Everyone had something new to add to our game and everyone was more than willing to help. I hope to see you all again!

Huge props to our out of towners. You guys were a lot of fun, great roleplayers, and eager to get involved. You represented your chapters amazingly.

Screenshot this [edited for profanity], history is about to be made. I was incredibly happy with the event. I thought it was "solid" for the first time in a long time. There was no specific "OMG awesome" moment for me, but likewise, there wasn't any "OMG quit LARPing" moment either. There was stuff to do from beginning to end, plot/information was given out regularly, and none of the mods I personally went on left me illogically bleeding from the anus. Glad to see the cards weren't changed/ramped up Saturday night even though the minions were gettin' [edited for profanity]-housed (which should normally be standard for minions). While Saturday night was similar to most weekends with a large battle with Boss Guy A, I found that it wasn't overally alluded to, so there wasn't some expectant fight we were sitting around for. Many people were still planning and getting ready for more contracts when Linebacker Larry and his D-Line showed up to party.

Thank you, Asa, Joe, and Tank; you ran a solid event. You have my stamp of approval.

Now if only we could find a new camp...

I had a great time at the event. At least the first half, because I fell ill OOG Saturday night and missed some of the fun. :( There was a ton of stuff going on, and I never had a down moment. The NPC staff had to be exhausted by the end. There was a great amount of information coming out, and edge of your seat conflict. Thank you everyone. I enjoyed seeing friends again, and meeting people for the first time. It was nice to meet everyone from Ohio. I am excited about the upcoming year, and can't wait to play again.
Steve said:
[edited for profanity],[edited for profanity]

Wow, apparently Big Brother is 'a watchin'. I guess I'll bump my language down to pre-school level. Either way, don't be distracted by "The Man" behind the curtain.

Your event was the "poopy". I had plenty of "dooty" to do the entire time. I'm sad that I have to wait so long for the next event to do all the "poo poo" I want to do. You ran a solid event, keep that "ca-ca" up, boys.

Oh, and I forgot to give kudos to Bridget for rockin' all that "twozie" with logistics. She was knee-deep in that "poop", and I didn't hear her complain once. You rock, girl!
I have to agree with everybody that has posted up so far and say that is event was indeed very solid. There was always plenty of stuff to do and everybody in my guild really had a great time which made me happy. I got everything I wanted out of an event this weekend and I really want to thank everybody for it. There was always a game of dragon poker going on to entertain people which I thought was amazing. There was plenty of town stuff to be done all weekend as well as small group mods that could have been done. And like Steve pointed out, it was great to be surprised by the big bad guy just showing up without too much warning. Another thing I loved is the fact that even with that few NPC's I never had to wait for mods to be run. You guys really ran a great event, thank you for running and I look forward to playing all season again with all of my friends from all over.

This was my first event in your chapter, and I have to say that I had a blast. I'm looking forward to joining you guys again sometime. Thanks to everyone, PC/NPC, for a fantastic weekend. :D
Great event!

As always, I would like to see more dragon poker....but otherwise... SOLID!!

Thank you PCs, NPCs and Staff, can not wait for the rest of the year.
