Seeking a Head of Rules.


As some of you may already know, we are currently seeking a new volunteer for our open Head of Rules position. In the interest of fairness, we'll be taking "applications" for the position from any who are interested in filling it. Before we begin accepting applications, however, we'd like to lay out precisely what we're looking for in our Head of Rules:

  • - Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the current Alliance rulebook as well as all official ARC rulings.
    - Active staff presence at a minimum of five events per season (out of seven).
    - Active and open communication with other staff members as well as players.
    - Ability to train and manage marshals.
    - Competent customer service skills.
If you believe you fulfill these requirements and would like to apply, please e-mail with a letter of intent. Please include any prior experience as a staff member and/or marshal in any chapter, why you are interested in the position, and how you feel you will benefit the Alliance Ashbury chapter as a whole. If we feel that you are the best possible candidate, we will reach out to you to discuss further over the phone or in person.

Thank you,
Alliance HQ Staff
For those who know me, rest assured that I shall NOT be submitting an application.


--- Eric (playing Ivan Drake since 1995 and still doesn't know the rules) Stehle