Seeking a Sacrifice Scroll



I am looking for a Sacrifice scroll for an individual looking to have me cast it on them. The individual would like to remain unnamed.

Please let me know if you have one, or are able to acquire one, and we can discuss specifics. It needs to be able to be used in the Horn.

Thank you.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say their name starts with "S" and ends with "helk."
But what do I know?
As she is his student, I have faith that Zeth is more responsible than to let her make such decisions in her current emotional state.
Not to deter you, but these particular scrolls are in rather high demand. I for one am on constant lookout, and more than ready to give my right arm for them if necessary.

I wish you luck in finding what you are looking for.


I may be able to dig one up for you. Send me a private dream. A merchant who I would like to keep secret says he has seen one recently. Perhaps he still has it.


If Shelk were in need of a Sacrifice ritual, I can promise you that I wouldn't need to use the dreaming to get it for her.

The Sacrifice has been obtained. I thank you all for your consideration.

The kind of mentor who would be proud to train a student willing to give her life up for another.

The kind of mentor who would encourage someone to make decisions with permanent consequence to their soul while obviously in a compromised state of mind, apparently.

Sacrificing for someone is one thing. Deciding to do so while you are still in such an emotional state is quite another. You might as well be deciding whether or not to have a Biata erase your childhood memories while under the effects of a Euphoria.
We are speaking of a hypothetical situation. In truth, only Zeth and the person requesting the Ritual are aware of the identity of the one whom it will be cast upon.

I trust Friend Zeth's judgement in this matter, both as a mentor and a friend. Were it Shelk requesting the Ritual, she would have her own reasons for doing so, and Zeth would be aware of those reasons and make his decision from there. From his statement, we can pretty easily guess that it is not Shelk. At this point, what does further questioning actions that have not been made accomplish?
Ian and Clover, the latter whom I've never met,

I am not interested in your opinions of how I mentor Shelk. She's a free woman, a Mystic Wood Elf, at that, and while I won't encourage her to take this kind of action, her decisions are ultimately hers to make.

I am her teacher, not her master. Her life is hers to do with as she pleases, as is the way of her people. I would rather she risk her life making a bad decision in freedom, then being denied the right to that decision because I claim to know what's best for her.

However, if you still feel the need to critique me, either of you, feel free to do so in the Horn, and we can handle this accordingly.

In times like this, calmer heads need to prevail. We all wish we could have those we have lost back, but we have to make sure that in our grief we aren't hastening our own departure. That's true whether it's Shelk or not.

And while you are not her master, Zeth, nor is anyone in this community the master of anyone else. What we are is friends and family, and as such we have a responsibility to watch over each other and try to encourage healthy decisions. You can't keep people from doing what they want, but you also don't have to help.
And you still do not know who, or the circumstances surrounding, the request for this particular Sacrifice Ritual, Friend Ian. I can understand the line of thought were it Shelk, but it is clearly not.

You are both talking about, and arguing over, a hypothetical situation. Unless you have a problem with the idea of the Sacrifice Ritual itself, then that is another matter.
Despite the likelihood that most people don't care what I think, Amory, I believe that what I said is relevant to all of us. Whether it is Zeth and his relationship with Shelk, or my relationship with Demona, yourself and your sister, or any number of others.

It isn't my intent to lecture on your relationships, but it does all of us good to remember that our loved ones need more help than usual in these times.
Ah, Zeth, you have the right of it. I wouldn't stand in her way if that's what she truly wants, and I shouldn't judge you for doing the same.

I'll tell you what. If I feel Shelk is doing something "recklessly," I'll inform you. Please, make every attempt to stop her.

I even promise to heal you of your debilitations, once she's finished with you. I'll even ask Luke and Little if they'd like to provide refreshments for the thrashing she'll give you.

I'm not angry with you for your opinion. I appreciate that you care. But you really, really don't understand how that approach will affect her, and I really, really do.

I care what you think, Friend Ian. I simply did not wish for the conversation to be about something that has not happened.

It is true, with the loss that we have experienced, choices that are made as a result may not be the best for us, or for the ones around us even though we think that they are. Or perhaps we simply do not care anymore... And perhaps we should try to reason with that person if it is needed.

But, sometimes it is also best to stand by someone once their decision has been made rather than simply deny them. To say that while you do not agree, and wish they would take time to think through, that you will support them. When they can not be swayed by reason, or friendship, and be there to pick them up when they have fallen.

Both you and Friend Zeth have your reasons behind your beliefs and your actions. And I have faith that both of you would attempt to reason with someone you care for if it seems that their actions will do more harm than good. Especially if that harm will come at the cost of their spirit.

The Sacrifice Ritual is a gift of your life for another's, and is cast and given for a variety of reasons. Some that can be seen as good, or bad. Some that may seem hasty or ill-advised. But at the moment, that discussion is between Zeth and the person who is requesting the ritual. And if there are any concerns as to the persons mind-set or intentions, it is to Zeth to have that discussion with them. And again, I trust his judgement as far as that situation goes.

The LittleLeaf Trading Company provides refreshments at the usual costs. I could sell you refreshments in bulk and will be happy to provide you bottles of wine for the rate of 1 gold per bottle; tea prices vary, of course.

Tantarus, why do you call him Zeth, The Obliterater?

Little of the LittleLeaf Trading Co.
Because I watched him cast two Obliterates recently. I can't say the same of anyone else in my 20 years of adventuring.