Seeking answers to questions


Chicago Staff

I am seeking someone who has lived for many centuries, and is a master of Earth Magicks. There were many questions that came into my mind after the last market day at Hope's Reach, where I currently hail from. I remember meeting someone in lands formerly belonging to the tyrant known as Corporate wizard. Her name was Liddia Fallingstar, a wise and seasoned Mystic Wood Elf, who said she came from Wayside. If she does reside here, I have many questions for her of magicks long lost or/and forgotten. Also, I must also apologize for not recognizing her nobility, as the corrupted lands did not make it easy to focus.

I also look forward to seeing the town Marsters talks so much about...

Until 2 weeks...


Alas, I am a friend of Sera Fallingstar, and know that she is a powerful Celestialist, not an Earth caster. I think you have been misinformed, unless her spirit has very recently been reforged, which I do not believe has occurred. Also, she was not present in the realm of the Corporate Wizard either, if I recall.

This request is rife with confusion...

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
While I haven't lived many centuries, I have studied the magics of the Earth, my master in these matters is generally on part with Liddia's mastery of celestial arts. I would be happy to discuss theories with you if you would like.

-Enan Bluewater.
I seemed to have mixed up names. I wish my memory of those events were all there, however I only see pieces it some events. I meant to refer to Elle,

Enan, Tallitha has spoken highly of you in Hopes Reach. I would be grateful to discuss these things with you as well.

Goodman Asher,

There are many a skilled Earth Scholar who resides here in Wayside. Enan Bluewater, Calin or Eric Marsters are all skilled and well accomplished with Earth Magics. I myself was once an Earth scholar but am now a Celestial Mage. Sera Elledandrille is a Celestial scholar herself. If you could perhaps give me a better idea of what 'lost or forgotton' arts you mean specifically I may be able to direct you to the person best suited.

Sera FallingStar