Seeking Assistance: Two Tomes and a Sap.



I expect to return to Foxbridge with the Kerns of the Gallowglas company in the next day or so, but I find I require a small few things upon my arrival and ought send word ahead in the hopes of attaining them.

For myself, I am in need of an Earth Tome to copy from to flesh out my own. Over the years I've lost pages and, in fact, entire books and now seems as good a time as any to update my own notes.

For Muirgheal, I am in need of a Tome of Celestial spells for her to make use of and copy into her own pages. I also believe it is time to seek for her a tutor of the less direct combat arts. I've heard that there is an ability by which one might render a potential aggressor unconscious whilst avoiding a fight altogether and I think she may find use of such a technique.

In regards to the books, either myself or Muirgheal can take them and I extend my word that they will be returned in identical condition and swiftly. As for the tutor, seek me out so that I may ensure that you are a proper fit for my kinswoman, and she for you.

Thank you for you consideration, I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Pleasant pathways, quiet dells,
-Corynn Wicklon, of Wicklon.
Muirgheal is of course welcome to copy from my book.
You are welcome to copy from my Earth book, and I also know how "render a potential aggressor unconscious whilst avoiding a fight" and would be happy to teach Muirgheal.
Thank you.

I ought be fairly easy to spot. With capped ears long as many Wicklon Shaman often have, and birchwood staff in hand.

I look forward to meeting with you.

-Corynn Wicklon.

If you are find yourself unable to find an adequate instructor for Muirgheal, I would be happy to offer my services to the effect at the next gathering in Ceriopolis. There are other skills while I can tutor her in as well that she may have interest in.

Grimmloch, Stoutminded
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