Seeking Hale Sailors, Soldiers, and Privateers

EricMarsters said:
Mr. Hartsboon,

I appreciate what you are trying to do, and will be speaking to Mr. Bluewater myself. However, I have to respectfully ask you to not use the title "Master of Wayside". A new Regent has been named, Regent Fallingstar, and she has not named her Masters yet. As such, invoking such a title without being named by the standing Regent is disrespectful to the Regent, as it assumes she will name you Master again. I do not know your credentials, nor you; however, I must ask you to show the respect our Regent commands by law, even in the Dream Realm.

Brother Marsters,

Master Hartsboon's usage of the title master is indeed correct, while Regent Liddia does indeed have the power, as the high regent himself does, to repeal the title her elavation does not serve to remove his position as a matter of course. Indeed for any Master of Wayside to be removed from their position the Regent would have to publically make it known, as well as be subject to the ratification of the High Regent. Having talked with both Regent Liddia and Master Hartsboon, I would be sincerely surprised for such an event to come to pass unless Master Hartsboon commits a gross misuse of his power, or shows a very prominent disregard for his duties, I can assure you I have seen no evidence of either coming to pass.

I can understand the confusion of course, with any change in authority many murky issues can come to the surface, a good rule of thumb is to generally expect any previously existing positions to remain in force until the new Regent, Vassal, or Lord of the Area makes their will known. The exception to this is of course in the event of rebellion, or a coup, such instances usually see much of the existing leadership either dead or in exile however, so it is rarely a signifigant issue.

-Barrister Bluewater.
Esteemed citizens of Wayside,

At the request of your liegemen and advocates, the High Regent has reassigned a pair of patrol cutters to foreign aide. These brave men and women have been sent through the Mists on a peackeeping mission to the Kingdom of Eire. There, under the command of the Eire navy, they will be fighting against the darkness in the name of the Light. The High Regent takes it as a matter of great importance that Wayside foster good relations with other realms by helping to fight the darkness wherever it hides. Though we may be living in times of great sacrifice, we must remember there are lands far darker than ours upon Fortannis.

Though High Regent Firstbourne felt it was our duty to assist Eire in her hour of need, he wants the people of Wayside to be assured that this mission will, in no way, compromise the security of our harbors or our coasts. Upon hearing of the potential gap this humanitarian mission might open in our defenses, captains and sailors from across Wayside volunteered for patrol duty. With the help of Brotherhood Warders and the strong Arborian fleet, they shall reinforce and maintain our borders. The actions of these good men has ensured Wayside need not choose between its humanity and its defense; we shall remain safe while our brave seafolk carry our honor into battle.

The sacrifices of these brave men and women should act as a beacon for us all. Let us take their courage as our own and walk in their selfless and self-sacrificing footsteps. Dark times demand we yolk ourselves to eachother, that we bear burdens not felt in the happier, peaceful times. Though these burdens are heavy they shall not defeat us. Just as our proud soldiers are sailing into the dark mists, we as a nation are walking into darkness. But, on the other side, we know there is Light, so we carry on. Let us not dwell on the words of defeat or complain of the inconveniences of our day, for that is language of darkness and only serves to safeguard the enemy. Let us instead speak the words of the future, the words of Light; the words of a people strong enough to embrace selflessness and look beyond personal discomfort.

The strong bear burdens so others are spared that weight; let us choose to bear our burdens now so those who follow are spared. Let us sacrifice of ourselves so our children's future and our children's children's future will be peaceful and prosperous. Each step we take delivers us a pace closer to the Light and ultimate victory. May you all walk in the Light.

From the Desk of,

Renlee Firstbourne
High Regent

By the hand of secretary, James Paulset, master of Harbor.