Seeking Information


Public Relations Committee
Hello All,

I am seeking information about two different topics.

1) What were the 3 visions granted upon those who went to the plane of Dreams after the Hags were killed?
2) What log entries were recovered after the trip into the cave to retrieve the artifact flute crafted by the Zodiac Bard? What happened to said entries, the artifact and Taurin?

Any help would help my greatly.

Many Thanks,
Sera FallingStar
I vitnezzed a giant vith a ved flying turtle on a green and vhite tabard standing in a veautivul garden surronded by charred corrupt who were impaled on spikes in all directionz. I hope thiz helpz,

brother to a murdered sister and battle healer,
Kitaruen Kopanari

Wait, red turtle, with green and white?

Was the tabard stained with blood? Was the wearer actually a giant, or merely just a tall, tough-looking human? Minimal hair, tanned skin? Perhaps a two-handed sword in hand?

If so, this is very informative, but confirms my thoughts and may bring impending destruction to Wayside...

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft

It vas definately a ved turtle with green and vhite. Of that I have no doubt.

My memory iz fogged a vit I vear. I had one vision vhich changed moments later vhen I was avakened. I do think it vas in vact vut a tall and tough human. I do not vermember blood vut know vor sure the two handed zword vas there. Of what threat doz thiz varn.


This is dire news, given that the man you saw was, beyond a doubt, Lok of Harbors Far.

Lok was the one who rifted an army of Corrupt through the Mists out of the Sheltered Lands and into another land.

I think the rest is self-explanatory.

~ Gandian
That iz dire newz, vho else had visionz perhapz they tell of vhere the corrupt vill ve hiding in vayside.

Are the Hagz vorking for the corrupt or perhapz unrelated.

I am most uncertain but vith luck ve can hunt them before they grow in numver too greatly.

I would like to confirm that this sounds indeed like Lok of Harbors Far,
He who was enslaved and turned into a greater undead by the Rahksasha.

When he appeared before us in the Sheltered Lands, he did as gandian said, rift a vast many thousands away.
In my attempt to find out where they had gone, I used an item of power that informed me that they had been sent to new lands close by.
I informed Gandian and Kendra of this and I believe they had been attempting to search for the corrupt in your land of Wayside since, in case the stated "nearby land", was this one.

With honor always,
Squire Thorador Boulderfist
Da Zodiac Bard Stuff there was 3 enteries i believe,
What Happened to da flute, i wonda da same thing,
I dont know last i saw of it was at the tavern and then poof
hahahahaha thats all i know
Sera FallingStar,

Zhere vere four pieces to zhe letter. Ve somehow lost one on zhe vay back to zhe tavern. Zhe remaining zhree pieces vere given to Dure'dhel to copy into his notes. After getting some food Taurin ran off. He vas not forthcoming in his goals but did not harm anyone. As for zhe flute I have it hidden in a safe place. I made a promise to Taurin zhat I vould personally keep it safe.

Regan Vrabie Masca
Squire Thorador Boulderfist, Kit, and Gandian,

The evidence that the Corrupt are indeed here is mounting. I would like to discuss with you any information you have as to their weakness, strategy, etc. I suspect that your knowledge will be invaluable.


I am saddened to hear that the last piece was lost. I will need to get a copy of the book, illustrations are not needed. I will need to know what the three pieces of the diary entry said. And we need to discuss the flute and where it is. We can do this over private pigeon but, this needs to be discussed and agreed upon sooner than later.

Sera FallingStar
Sera Fallingstar,

I think we should concentrate our efforts on actually finding where they are first, then we can discuss more definite battle strategy. With my intimate knowledge of the Corrupt and your knowledge of seeing from the stars, is there a possibility that we could obtain and cast together a Vision scroll to uncover their location?

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Regan Vrabie Masca,

The matter of the Zodiac bard is as of yet unfinished. I require the location of the artifact flute, the 3 remaining journal entries, and any information you posses on Tauron. My attempts to speak to you at the tower were rebuffed, and our lands are threatened by this immortal. I have compiled more information on the Zodiacs, it is of the greatest importance. Contact me at once.

Sera FallingStar
Sera FallingStar,

I vill be at zhe next gazhering. I vill bring zhe flute for you to examine and zhe information I have. I vill meet vizh you at your earliest convenience. I am sorry I vas not as helpful as I could have been, and zhat I did not make time for you sooner. I vill do better in zhe future.

Regan Vrabie Masca
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