Residents of Stradyn,
While I have served our community as a capable Earth shaman for some time, many members of our community are now quite capable in this domain of magic. While my connection to the Earth is important to me for many personal reasons, my ability to protect my community is moreso.
I am hoping there are those amongst you who will help. Here is what I need:
1) I am seeking a Control Spirit Store scroll and catalyst. A Regenerate would also serve, and would be less risky, but I am willing to take on the risk of the Control Spirit Store in return for the added protection that it provides.
2) I am seeking a Permanent Duration scroll and catalyst, in order to make the most out of the Control Spirit Store.
3) I am seeking a Spirit Forge scroll and catalyst, so that I can take on the skills I feel are better suited to protecting this community.
4) I am interested in any rituals that I would add to the magic weapon that I am building. Particularly of interest would be an Earth Aura, Cloaks, Spell Parries, Spell Stores, Expanded Enchantments, or Monster Slayers, the latter which would be attuned against undead, a second would be attuned against Elementals.
5) I am interested in selling individuals magic items, so that I can afford to purchase the things listed above. So even if you do not have the things I am looking for, your coin may help me nonetheless. If you are interested in that, I am happy to work with you. If you are not familiar with rituals, I am certainly willing to give you advice.
Also, I have no intention of taking advantage of one's inexperience. I would like any who do business with me to come out of our deals happy.
While I have served our community as a capable Earth shaman for some time, many members of our community are now quite capable in this domain of magic. While my connection to the Earth is important to me for many personal reasons, my ability to protect my community is moreso.
I am hoping there are those amongst you who will help. Here is what I need:
1) I am seeking a Control Spirit Store scroll and catalyst. A Regenerate would also serve, and would be less risky, but I am willing to take on the risk of the Control Spirit Store in return for the added protection that it provides.
2) I am seeking a Permanent Duration scroll and catalyst, in order to make the most out of the Control Spirit Store.
3) I am seeking a Spirit Forge scroll and catalyst, so that I can take on the skills I feel are better suited to protecting this community.
4) I am interested in any rituals that I would add to the magic weapon that I am building. Particularly of interest would be an Earth Aura, Cloaks, Spell Parries, Spell Stores, Expanded Enchantments, or Monster Slayers, the latter which would be attuned against undead, a second would be attuned against Elementals.
5) I am interested in selling individuals magic items, so that I can afford to purchase the things listed above. So even if you do not have the things I am looking for, your coin may help me nonetheless. If you are interested in that, I am happy to work with you. If you are not familiar with rituals, I am certainly willing to give you advice.
Also, I have no intention of taking advantage of one's inexperience. I would like any who do business with me to come out of our deals happy.