Sept 2023 FAVORITES! "A Rock and a Hard Place"


New Hampshire Staff
I heard SO MANY good things already!! So sad to miss it - y'all gotta fill me in! What were your favorite moments?!?
So tired and brain is still whirling. First a big thank you to Cinderfel staff and NPCs! Y'all hit it out of the park! In so many ways this event is one of my all time favorites.
Started with my ibga bringing up lots of questions and new info to explore. Wondering if there may not be something that can be reasoned with to Levomire.
Friday night was rough. Seeing Brecharian/ Grandfather straight up murdered while unable to defend himself was soul tearing for Duorn. The immediate whispering wind from him telling me to chase the fleeing light and leaving the field was also a gut punch. Telling others I need to go and whoever follows needs to come now! All of the newer players choosing in....made me proud. The race to the light while hearing Levomire shout across the battlefield "Bring me Duorn Bronzebeard". On the run issuing my first order to others not to risk their lives but to flee if we get overrun. The wave of monsters coming after us and getting pulled away by Flora to stay on task,while everyone else fought on....
Learning that Grandfather, ever the trickster, had not been entirely truthful and leaving me to raise a mini me who happens to be part dragon!
And that was just the first night!
Getting to see the end of the black rock enslavement, and poking Levomire in the eye at the same time....Priceless.
Through the graciousness and generosity of others seeing a personal goal manifest in the span of an hour. Inspiring and feeling blessed by Vry and others to have this completed in the spring.
Waking the dragon and hearing the A team is on this, and Duorn was included....felt pretty good. Again successfully poking Levomire in the eye.
Levomire showing up and Duorn getting the answer he he is not redeemable. He needs to die.
Beginning to grow House Deepdelver and being very pleasantly surprised to be approached by a player/character I had not expected.
Troll/dwarf shenanigans. A giant boulder thrown and shattering over the tavern and the light bulb oh no moment as I realized that the Giant troll i had asked a favor of had come calling way sooner than expected. It's always great rping with Michael Duetzmann. The ensuing hilarity, followed by the sobering realization we have yet another apocalypse to work on.
There are still other major moments, but I had an amazing time. I'm paying for it today, but it was worth every bit of it. Thank you to everyone who made this weekend so ...amazing.
My first full event in about 10 years! Thank you, guys, for making it so much fun.
My faves in no particular order:
Fenton felt very welcomed, and I think worked well with everyone in combat.
The trebuchet mod was a blast.
Hanging out with Flora and hearing about her home.
Solving problems with Tam and the tavern crew.
RP with Mike's flower dragon dude.
That Dustin took all of Friday night to help me rebuild my character.
Getting the chance to play with old friends and make some new ones.
How hardcore the NPCs went, thank you so much guys!
There were a ton of great moments at this event .
Frist off the pacing for this event was A+ not a dull moment . I know you were short staffed but as a player you would have never noticed . The npc's killed !
1) the boat mod with the ballista was great
2) the puzzles at the tavern were fun and entertaining.
3) the ritual mod were had to build the dome . The fact we had to build circle while under attack was great alternative to just kill the bad guys till they are dead.
4) the fight were grandfather was killed . I did not know grandfather but to see the reaction of the other players and their horror was a now it is real moment . Then retreating off the field with Duorn and the chase that ensued. And Next mouring Duorn giving all of us the beard ring was true honor.
Brian M
First off, I want to thank the NPC's/staff for a great event! Downtime was at a minimum, and there were creative and fun mods the whole time, like "defend the ballista" and "gather cord to complete the dome/circle" were a fun change of pace. I really enjoyed all the puzzles in the tavern too. Also this event had a lot of humor, almost on a meta level, but didn't ever get immersion breaking. The foul mouthed Kikari comes to mind. Juxtaposed with intense moments like the death of Grandfather and the ensuing battle, made for an awesome event.
Thanks again team, see everyone in a few weeks for the closer!
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