Sept Event Favorites


Chicago Staff
Despite the rain, everything went well and it was really nice to see a bunch of new NPCs who seemed like they enjoyed themselves. Thanks Christina for the food and Rob for picking up the chicken as a backup. Another shout out to DG, Alexander, Jack and making-his-plot-debut? Anthony for running things.

- The orphans. They were very well played little kids and actually ended up coming to dinner. I only wished the Earth Guild would of sent people from the Orphanage to take them in like I requested :p. I walk away from my drink for 5 minutes and they "spilled it" so not a drop left. Dern kids.
- Gaining 3 new Earth Guild members!
- ...If you're a lord, then why do you have the white belt of a Knight? "...With mystic force I..." and Jack runs away.
- Talks with Thorgrim and him really taking of his new position as Deputy Sheriff well.
- Having a table in our room; it was just nice to put stuff on.
- The training of trainees Friday night. Really nice way to introduce a "newbie mod".
- The Fire Ant module. Right before re-mem and it was a simple and well battled module. Nicely done Anthony.
- Tea and the other drinks, good additions as usual!
- Being too much of a goody two-shoes for my own good.
- Chess Golem Module. Oh what great things one can do with so many NPCs. Loved it! Sorry I got you in the nose Al.
- More as I think of them...
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful event! A big thanks to the Dave, Alexander, Jack and Anthony for running things this game and another big thanks to Taylor and his gang for being great, motivated, and enthusiastic NPC's. Now for some faves.
-The setup for action as Thorgrim goes around and informs the spellcasters that Anthony's badgerkin has a massive cauliflower. Then later fiddling with aura in my hand next to Anthony only to realize he had aura in his hand as well
-Losing the Thorax. I'll leave it at that for now :p
-Arguing against breaking the respite and being one of the few to stay behind...
-Watching the fight against the Corrupt/Harroc and the writing of the letters.
-The tar mod. Second event I've PC'd in a row that involved getting paste of stickynessed to the ground chasing after Alexander.
-Looking for trouble with Asher and having talks about trust.
-Fire Ants! Not only was the mod extremely well done, but that was the first time I used my Resist Poison :)
-Duke Idden responding to the letters and dishing out some punishment.
-Ragnarock standing up to Idden. I was sure he was going to be berated for his rather disrespectful tone in front of the Duke.
-RP/Arguing with Dure'dhel. Someday Thorgrim will learn that it is a bad idea to dispute Dure'dhel's points.
-Getting York to buy Thorgrim a ring based solely on its shinyness. :)
-Obtaining a 1/ever Life item and using it 3 hours later to get Rhys up.
-Shard hunting and the Chess Mod, best Vengeance ever.
-Alchemy Roulette and Storytelling.
-Late night talks with folks.
-Holding the Thorax very briefly on Sunday morning only to be killed and have it taken last minute by Dave yet again. I thought you were trying to get the weapon out of monster camp. :p
-Performing my first resurrection ever on Squire von Gryphon.

There's probably more that I could think of still, but that's what comes to mind for now, thanks again for an awesome event everybody!
Oh man what a weekend.
First thanks to all the NPC's and Dave, Alexander, Jack and everyone.
First and foremost is the punishment of Dure'dhel and the people that broke the respite.
The Celestial Guild business and our mod. It was tough but we got it done.
The currupt fight was unreal.
The chess mod was great also, No problem Ryan it happens in the thick of battle.
Also seeing ragnarok give the Duke grief was funny. I was expecting him to get beat down by a guard or two but he got lucky.
This was one of my favorite events just for the great roleplaying everyone did.
Thanks all.
Had a great weekend. Still pretty pumped (and maybe a bit sore) Good to see everyone again!

-The Shadehouse Mod. If I hadn't been scouting around the house with Durah'del I probably would have freaked out.

-The Tar mod. Had a really fun time jumping around in the rain, and watching people miss jumps/missing myself (I am so ashamed...)

-NPCs this event were phenomenal. Everyone was lively and RPed well, thanks a ton guys you really kicked the event up a notch!

-The wide variety of mods this weekend was very enjoyable.

-Thorgrim arguing with Durah'del

-Ragnarok getting sticky-pasted to the wall. Twice

-Alchemy Roulette

-Vadis being brought back by the Troll Chieften. Caused some serious confusion on his part.
This was a really awesome event.

The new NPCs were all great. Good RP and it seems like you guys picked up on the system and combat really quickly.
I can't exactly say the encounter with the Biata betrayer was one of my favorites, but some interesting conflicts came out of it.
Again, not necessarily a fan of getting yelled at by nobility, but I think the plot team did a great job handling that.
Catching Jack's fugitive Dwarf with a "page spellstrike prison"
Watching Ark fall flat on his back escaping the tar mod. It looked like it hurt, but I couldn't help but find it funny.
Cookie golems!
The orphans. "We have soooo many parents."
The smoke mod was awesome. I really thought someone would rez by the end of that and the shushing and whispering were scary on a more visceral level.
The chess mod was probably one of the most fun mods I've been on - spending half of it charmed only made it better. :)
The mind magic philosophy section was really cool.

I'm probably missing some stuff, but this was an awesome event, guys. I can't wait to see you all again at the castle!
Thanks to Alexander and Dave, and to Jack, Anthony and all the NPCs for a great event! Thanks to all the new NPCs--I hope you all come back next month.

--First, the cookie golems. Poor Lich King McGregor must be pretty lonely! Also I'm not sure he knows how presents work.
--Tied for first, getting rifted out of the tavern by an angisu. Then having so many people jump on board, freaking out about the fact that they forgot to pick up weapons first, and ending up in Province 4 for a lecture about mind magic. Fear is the mind-killer... thanks, Alexander! :)
--Poor Victor getting messed up by Kit, seeing him follow Socora into the tavern muttering "Potatoes? Potatoes..." I felt bad, but not a lot I could do about it.
--Constantly telling Kitaruen that he's stupid is getting tiring. Being his apprentice is hard work! Plus I have to tell Briar and Asher that they're dumb, too...
--The ants, and Benjamin trying to talk to them in every new room. Fellow bug, here!
--Depressing Earth Guild mod, nearly getting rolled by gnolls. That would have been embarrassing. Plus those kids had so many parents. They've each got, like, six parents, and a bear. Thanks NPCs for some great RP!
--The Duke coming to lecture everyone. I was expecting at least a few resurrections as punishment, and if there had been a window in the bathroom I probably would have jumped and defected to NPC camp for the night. Glad I stayed instead.
--Shard hunting mods were all great. I got in on the ice undead, the shadow mod, and of course the chess. When we walked in on the chess board I'm pretty sure a lot of us were convinced that we were actually going to play normal chess against the NPCs, but it was a bit more violent than that. And dangerous. The shadow mod was awesomely creepy, and I got to feel useful using my three offensive spells for the day.

Thank you, everyone!
A few of the many favorites, also thanks to everyone for a fun event.

-Dagmara being my apprentice is interesting for sure, loved the 5 punches.
-Sleepy afternoon talks with York and Talitha
-All the legal discussions Friday night and Saturday
-The why are you doing this sunshine undead
-Chess for sure
-2.0 Alchemy Plant mod- Ola Ola Ola
-Finally my newest Earth Guild Apprentice
As always, thank you so much PCs and especially my wonderful crew of NPCs for making this event what it was! Even though I wasn't doing so well at the end and couldn't go as late into the night as I usually do on Saturday (maybe a blessing in disguise, since I actually got sleep that night), I had a great time for the rest of the event. Here are some favorites, in no particular order:
  • All my NPCs coordinating the unison actions of the chess pieces whilst I was outside. That surprised me just as much as the PCs!
  • I'm glad I decided to do the minimal lighting for the Smoke mod, since I think that added a lot to the eeriness.
  • I HAVE WON LARP FOREVER! (Emilynn knows what I mean)
  • Tar mod shenanigans.
  • Having Jack and Anthony around to really help out with smaller mods and such! I couldn't have done this event without you!
  • Being interrogated as Goot the Goblin.
  • Seeing Tondra with the Gandian mitten on her head for like the entirety of Saturday.
  • "Fear is the..."
  • Red and black thing. 'Nuff said.
  • Talking about the Page Stick with Jack. "If you're this close, you're doing it wrong."
  • Finally getting to show off my Harroc armor at last. I worked so hard on it, and I'm glad people liked it.
  • "Wait, I make cupcakes, too!" "What kind of cupcakes? Answer carefully." " velvet?" "Wrong answer! Earth Storm, Earth Storm, Earth Storm!" Asher was cruel to that poor little lich.
  • Many thanks to Andrea for helping me late Saturday night when I wasn't doing so great, and thank the rest of you for keeping doing what you all were doing and not fussing over my demi-lifeless form (and for putting up with the slightly-loopy/giddy version of me once I was feeling a bit better).

And probably so much more. Remember to send in your feedback to the plot team if you haven't already, and I can't wait to see y'all again at the Castle event!

~ Alexander
-Getting to attend a LARP event for the first time ever and meeting all the staff, PCs, and NPCs! And hell yes, expect us back next time (and probably with more). You guys are all awesome. I'm so glad I finally committed to giving this a shot. Hit me up on facebook if you haven't yet! Feel the love!
-Chess mod and the "present arms" synchronization envisioned by Zach. Hearing the PCs audibly gasp was so epic. Chess is one of my biggest passions in life (seriously, let's talk chess on a conceptual/spiritual level sometime, I'll blow your mind :p ) and to have it translate into this experience on such a natural and dynamic level was truly great!
-Playing as the orphans. Particularly when Asher came over to us after the Duke dinner drama. We were all sitting around like the stunned and confused children we were playing. He gave us a big smile and went "Wow!!! Isn't it great that the Duke came to see YOU guys!? Wow! He thinks you guys have so much potential, just like Dure'dhel!" It left all the orphans beaming. ("Did you hear that guys? He came to see us!"/"I thought someone got in twouble, but he di-in look like he was in twouble!"/"He was probably too shy to introduce himself.") Also, we got to play with "Bear"! :3 Dawww.
-Sitting down at lunch next to Dure'dhel as Aldan (the overly cocky roguish townie recruit with 6hp) directly after the attack on the corrupt and teasing him without knowing what he had just been through/sacrificed. Alan's elf character (whose name I have forgotten) said calmly, "You're going to want to" The entire tavern went dead silent and the tension was palpable. So palpable that later on my way out I made sure to hit him up ooc to make sure we were cool (we were!). I only wish that I had been quicker on my feet. At one point Dure'dhel had said "If I wanted I could shatter your sandwich." I think I took a bite and said some cocky comment back. What I should have done was taken a bite, then mid-bite ripped it apart and threw it up in the air a bit, then walked away in terror. Ah well.
-Ragnarok getting hallucinate in alchemy roulette and then someone yelling "Don't think about spiders on your face!!". Ragnarok was on the ground going nuts. Absolutely hilarious and well played.
-Being wayyyy overpowered for the first time on the Sunday morning event. Take THAT PCs!

The event was so much fun and so inspiring. After I got home I began writing lyrics to a song of mine that was previously only music and I even pumped out a PC character bio that I plan to release upon the world next season!
Encounter with the Necro Biata – I was proud of the fact that the adventures didn’t just start killing the badger-kin just to get to that Biata – adventurers kill in defense, we don’t attack innocents. Now if we can just go back sometime and I can get him to either fight me face to face – or he could always just allow me to assassinate him for the good of all. :yes: FYI - it was Talitha who suggested that I bring some Necro scrolls to trade :twisted:

The Squire standing up to the Dragon and Durah’del about honoring the respite season – then taking care of him when he was waylaid. I can't believe that more didn't react when Victor was waylaid in the midst of the whole group. I appreciate Asher fixing Victor of the charm and antidote that Kitaran placed on him, but he could have waited until the potatoes were all washed :roll:

Enjoyed fighting vines while intoxicated on CHOCOLATE covered blueberries, while looking for a shard. I don’t know if my Biata really needed the added intoxicate in the chocolate, but YUMMY!!! :funny:

Being bound in the middle of a chess battle – yes, I could have moved out of eye-sight, but no one was attacking me ;)

Telling off that stupid MiWE who wanted to interrupt dinner – why is it that creatures always want to disrupt Socora's meal times?? This is becoming a habit :er: Socora will go to any lengths to ensure that meal times are peaceful and refreshing!

I want to thank the following: Dave and Alexander for running some great large mods. Jack and Anthony for taking charge of the smaller mods and keeping things rolling. All the wonderful new NPCs for their wonderful support - both in being the creatures we fight and interact with; also for helping care for all our "toys" :yes:
It's not too late for me to do this, now, is it?
These may be out of order, as my memory tends to be...

- Running and shouting to the point of hurting my throat about the incoming goblins, only for it to be about another 5 minutes before they actually showed up. I then proceeded to spend the rest of the time either A) cowering or B) on "break".

- The Cookie Golem mod. Even though I was not directly involved in running it, those cookies were like my children, and darn it, I'm proud of them. My babies got their own mod!

- Saturday night, coming in as a traveling artist with Marshall as my model. I had various colors of paint smudged on my face, including just a little purple, and saw how von Gryphon totally inconspicuously looked to his companions and made a gesture to me, and then to the area under his eyes, and back to me, etc. before casually walking over and asking "Hey, those are some interesting marks on your face. Where are you two from?" "Markings? Oh, that's just paint. I'm an artist from Roskaria." "We're traveling while it's safe during the Respite." It was a bit of an experiment to see how paranoid they would be about potential Imperials just showing up, so I was pleased with the results. Also, I was glad I had brought those tarot cards with me, so I could whip them out as examples of my work.

- A & A for helping me through my couple of inevitable anxiety/panic attacks.

- The slew of new NPCs, those guys were full of positive energy and really kept the whole thing going.

- Having the Earth Guild come to my door and tell me that my husband, brother, sister, etc. were all dead.

- The last instance of which being the pack of orphans, who were as happy as could be with Ted (and his basket of bread) at their side, and denying that our eldest member was dead; lying about all of our parents and really anything so we wouldn't get sent to an orphanage. Some (most) of us tried to bribe them not to, although in our defense we didn't really grasp the concept of "bribing"; just that we were unusually rich and treasure-heavy orphans and maybe they'd like us better if we gave them stuff.

- Coming back as the orphans for dinner time, and watching the Duke dish out (rather light, I must say) punishment. Now, I wasn't at the August event, so this is two events in a row for me in which the Duke has had to show up at dinner and give the town a stern talking-to. "I'm very disappointed that I have to come back here so soon." And afterwards, Asher coming over to talk to us and whatnot. What a great guy.

- The tar mod. There's something to be said about watching several heavily-armored men trying to do dexterity mods in the rain. And that is, it's hilarious.
--- Later: "All of the belts are wet..."

- The encounter with the Biata and the badgers, and hearing Socora's thinly-veiled attempts at hiding their motives for showing up with the entire town. As well, the fact that no one even laid a finger on us, that it was a completely non-violent mod. It was so surreal! You guys usually kill people at the first chance, especially when they're talking about the questionable morality of such an act!

- The encounter with the Harrock. I love myself a nice, shamelessly smug villain, and boy does Alexander know how to play one. It was everything I had expected and more. The relative silence of the dragon during the whole thing felt like he was really rubbing it in. Additionally, Jack as the node, or rather, the Super-Node. It was the cape that did it.
--- Afterwards, everyone flocking to take a gander at Alexander's amazing dragonscale armor; I also received several compliments on the necklace I made as part of the ensemble, so that was nice. You can't have your dragon scales without your dragon teeth/claws. There were five of them, one for each dragon he killed.

- Riding home with Vaughn and co, minus one Thorax in the back of the car... :shades:

- The food at Keith's Kettle was delicious, as always

- Oh, yeah. The red and black thing. Never forget. (Again, it was assuredly not one of the NPCs. They were either asleep or within my field of view in the tavern.)

- The training mod, and the chess mod! It made me realize that sword & board is actually really fun, especially when there's lots of room to move around. With that, I only have to pay attention to my arm and feet! Although I'm not sure how well I'd do against a spellcaster.

- More specifically on the chess mod, being able to get all of the unique pieces and a few pawns together, and arranging ourselves accordingly. It was cute how some of the PCs started lining up to match us, as if they were actually going to play chess. And then we drew our weapons. (We practiced that like five times, guys!)

And probably many more things, but this is what comes to me right now. Overall, a great event.