Sept Event Favorites

I'll start it this time! Here's some of my event favorites from the Sept 2014 Event!

- closure with Trillian and Black. (no escaping, Bill!) Thanks, Holly
-the arch prop! That thing was beautiful! I'm going to admire it in the daylight next event
-bunking with some funny new people! Hope to see you all back
-All things Arannin. And people trying to pronounce his name correctly.
-getting some RP time in and actually talking with people I always mean to (looking at you, Ashok)
-talks with Panda, Shelk, and Pasca
-Learning to work more with Celestial casters. Against my better judgement. : )
-customs! the tables, the bored and possibly angry staff, the customs intro had that perfect "slow bureaucracy in action" feel!

Thanks for the awesome event Staff, NPCs, and fellow PCs!
Biata standoff
1) Finding out just what it's like on the Dark Side, and knowing that I can help support a game I love while having a great time.

2) Being told how smarmy a bastard Barrett was. It's almost like I intended him to be that way...

3) Vanyel's Murder Snarl. That's what I'm calling it. The legends are true...

4) Gabe being a champ and helping me out. He knows what I mean.

5) Working with a fantastic Plot group, and looking forward to doing it again.
1. Hanging out with my MWE brethren. Out of eight people bunking in that cabin, six were Mystic Wood Elfs. So awesome.
2. Biata standoff.
3. Every piece of RP between Durnic and Hava.
4. Trillian's farewell. Neither of my characters knew Trillian at all but Durnic was moved by the emotions between the fallen and the unfallen.
5. Walking into the tavern, demanding a beer in exchange for a gold and getting one. Pouring said half of said drink on a tree as tribute to the dead. All of the RP that created.
6. The investigation of the death of Orik (Orix?). Turning to Roscoe, nodding and saying, "do what you do". So good.
7. The OOG hilarity of missing Orin at every single opportunity. Seriously.
8. Getting crushed under rubble. Props to Plot for coming up with an off-of-the-cuff physical challenge to rescue everyone trapped. Props to the players for managing to rescue absolutely everyone.
9. Last, but not least, every piece of RP surrounding Durnic being "gruff" or "too serious", etc, etc. I love that stuff.

Thanks to everyone for making this a great event!
Man, what an event.

1. Secret stargazing.
2. "Drop everything." "Everything?" "Everything" "Well okay, after all it'll reach." Watching the Bandit's Guild erupt into laughter.
3. Preparing to break into the Celestial Guild when Vanyel asks, "Wait, you can read Formal Scrolls, right?" "Nope." "This is a terrible idea."
4. All the flirting, Red, Pu, Killian, Krieger, and many many more. "Hot, hot, hot." *Demona death glare* "Eeep, angry. Hot, hot, ooooh.. sexy hot."
1. The closure with Trillian. So much happiness and pain involved in that. It was also good to see some of the original Company there to get closure too.
2. The threat from Roan that she will find Black in 500 years. Also, giving the response that Black had 500 years to hide.
3. Getting to know some of Zodiac a bit better.
4. The misplaced cow!
5. Seeing the paranoia over paperwork and laws. I think characters have been too long out in the wilderness.
6. The arch.
7. A Spirit Farewell delivering a dangerous surprise.
8. All the players!
- Having fun times with D. For sneaky sneaky death death, D is Arannin's best buddy. Also in this category: Watching D when he realized that Arannin always has something even deadlier up his sleeve, no matter how comfortable you start to feel around him...
- The Biata standoff was great. I highly enjoyed jumping into a plotline and pulling that most essential of Arannin-isms... "I'm here to back up my friends. I take no stance on whether they are right or wrong in this case, but should fighting break out I will absolutely take down everyone standing against us."
- I had a lot of fun when - on two separate occasions! - Barb's new Biata and Arannin ended up on opposing sides of an issue, yet talked calmly and logically about it afterwards to ensure that we held no hard feelings.
- Arannin's RP with Ashok. I always feel like the two of them think so alike on many issues, only to find out that they take entirely different actions based on those thoughts.
- Meeting so many new players and interacting with them! Everything from the constructive Sunday morning spar with the mercenary man about town to the bargain Jacob's Biata agreed to with Arannin. Jacob: Your character can't run far enough or fast enough if you don't live up to your end of it ;)
- And last, but far from least, as always Arannin's RP with Roan never fails to astonish me with the strange directions it takes. Makes my events awesome in all sorts of ways - from the things Arannin reveals to Roan to the things he hides from her. You know. For her own sanity.

Thanks for a great event everyone!
- Talking about that time we got rifted out. Right as Vanyil gets rifted out. Half of us shrug, the other half flip out.
- Trying to keep Matron Gyr happy and safe. Squirely duties!
- Meeting #1 with Zehn and Van. Well played Joe, well played indeed.

Always read the fine print!
- Best Mom of the Year Award goes to Z.
- Having most of the family there was great.
- Spirit farewell to end all spirit farewells, Black's face when he got pulled into the circle.
- Everything Trillian. It's been said before, I'll say it again - Holly did a peerless job. It was compelling and moving in all the right ways, and unexpectedly triumphant if not harrowingly sad.
- Getting slapped, first thing. Then hugging. Pretty much how it goes... Though I will say that scene was one of the hardest I've ever been in.
- All the staring eyes in the Tavern.
- Black's fatherly conversation with Shin.
- Getting up early. For once... Twice! Seriously, Holly? T__T

- The Company really coming out and being totally amazing. Shin really getting to know them was a lot of fun and wonderfully moving. Mixer and Spook shout outs! You guys rule.
- Sun puddle relaxing

- Sparring only to stop and look sheepishly at the crowd around.
- Calling the Ball on the Road to the beach. A wild Adam appears on the road, the party wipes.
- "That's a big ******* Twinky"
- Beach fight was EPIC badass. Cheers to everyone for coming along.
- Biata Showdown was epic show down.
- Drift Compatible; and don't you dare forget it!
- Moonlit stroll and Star gazing at its very best

- That poor Pantharghast
- Ninja bandit shenanigans.
- Teaching a dragon to show love with threats.
So so much more but...
- Sunday Morning... The perfect conclusion to a perfect game. Such Feels.

Thank you again to all cast, crew, writers, directors, producers, executive producers and players for making this one of the top three events I've had the pleasure of attending in nearly 15 years of doing this.
What a great event all around. In no particular order as always...

1) Trillian & the Company dissolution. All the RP around it was great, and both Trillian and Black gave me the opportunity to reflect as Ashok on his current direction and where he (and I) want to go from here. Black's conditions to Ashok, Trillian's poking at him over the decision in the vault, all of it was amazing.

2) Biata standoff. It was perfectly, seredipitously timed with a choice Ashok was making, leading to him taking a long term direction that I think will lead to great stories. Ashok asserted himself socially a lot more than he usually does, which was an interesting experience.

3) The Source prop was freaking awesome, and using it in a way that allowed meaningful interaction while not requiring a QA session with plot was great. I loved seeing that, and hope to see more of it going forward.

4) RP with Arannin. I almost always have at least one great exchange, this event I got many. It's great because they do have very similar ways of thinking, but their backgrounds and worldviews are so different that they usually come to different conclusions even using the exact same logic.

5) RP with the new Biata after the Biata standoff. Ashok doing his best bridge impression. Poking a mysterious, incredibly deadly, and incredibly irritable creature for way longer than advisable. Jimmy and Barb's sibling interactions were just so awesome to behold too.

6) RP with Roan, we finally actually had the chance to have some longer conversations, which are always so much fun. Ashok can't help poking at Roan's buttons, but they seem to be developing a relationship built on a very odd sort of trust.

It was also awesome seeing so many people at the game, both new and returning players. It adds a lot to the game, and I love the new blood getting involved, shaking stuff up.
1. Cloak and Dagger stuff with Arannin and being very happy that we're good friends.
2. the triangle of death with D, Vanyal & Arannin getting Amy's NPC to the medalion on Saturday night.
3. Stealth stargazing
4. Seeing Trillian and Black again
5. Helping Killian with his "customs issue" and then hearing that someone was spreading rumors that I'm proficient at smuggling. :D
6. Getting to hang with majority of my Zodiac family.
7. The ambush mod with Adam's NPC was awesome. It's nice to do the ambushing for once.
8. Being named Lord Admiral Shenanigans and the goofiness that ensued after that.
9. Bandits guild was hilarious.

All the RP as well was stellar, Thank you everyone for a wonderful time!