I can answer SOME of these questions, Klandaghi, since I'll be running check-in. Let's see...
1. What time are you going to start accepting arrivals to this weekend's event (Sept. 13th, 2013)?
Great question! Well, I know I'm planning to be on-site around 6 PM, so around then you should be golden! More specifically, we'll need Jesse for that.
2. When does "Check-in" start?
I plan to start check-in around 7 PM. I may be able to get started sooner, but this largely depends on any random difficulties such as getting lost on site or wacky traffic on the way.
3. Will there be time before game-day start for a "New Player" orientation?
I don't believe there is a "planned" new player orientation; however, there will be oodles of friendly, experienced players (experienced LARPers at the least, if not experienced Alliance players) who will be happy to answer your questions. If I have any free time during check-in, I'm also happy to help with anything you may need; however, as this is the first weekend event, I expect to be busy busy busy. If you have any questions before the event, you're welcome to email me at
Logistics@alliancedenver.com as well.
4. Is there a cut off time for check-in?
We are going to be running check-in until about 9 PM, when we will transition into opening announcements. Anyone who was not able to get set up before then will be able to check-in afterward, but Jesse's got a schedule he wants to stick to! All the more reason to pre-register and get your character/skills/gear set up beforehand, to make this process quick and easy.
I know we're starting to sound like broken records, but there's a reason for it! Pre-registering and character prep make Logistics quick and painless, letting everyone get into game sooner!
Hope that was helpful!
-Mac McCammon
Alliance Denver Logistics