September 2016 favored moments!


I will get the IBGA and Feedback thread up soon, but till then list your favored moments from this weekend!
Let's see if I'm awake enough to remember everything. First off, I will admit to be skeptical about time travel stories, as there's a lot of potential for issues, but I love seeing how people will do things from team to team, so I was a bit geeked to see the methods used...definitely not disappointed.
  • The opening feast was amazing. Great food, great setting. Major kudos to all the people involved in this! Also, thank you for not invading immediately after...after that much good food, I think I would have died OOG if I had to ninja fight.
  • The "oh f*ck" battle saturday morning that felt like someone should have had a neon sign in the background that said, "Hard mode activated. Place your head between your knees and kiss your tail goodbye."
  • The first encounter with the snarky undead scions. That was, I think, when I started to realize the enormity of being the last 60(ish?) people left alive and that they were intending to pick us off one by one.
  • Later Saturday afternoon, after the extra 5 PCs were lost...there was a moment in the tavern where I realized that not just myself, but a LOT of other PCs were starting to IG-crack. We had a discussion about mortality...the PCs realized that getting things fixed might mean that EVERYONE dies except the person who has the means to undo the broken timeline. We accepted and I saw around 16 PCs wiping away tears as they said their preliminary goodbyes to the people they cared about. Emotional RP is a rare thing, esp in a combat LARP. To see 1-2 people have what I consider to be good bleed is amazing, but to have more than a dozen? Stellar.
  • Building new IG relationships through recognizing how short life is (again, that hopelessness created by the setting), spending more time with characters I normally don't, and seeing some serious cooperation for mutual goals among characters that normally despise each other. And drunken flirting.
  • High tea! Finally got to experience the tea house, wewt!
  • Getting some IG closure, though I've been told that murdering your ex's isn't healthy. ;-)
  • The wind-down I watched after all that drama when people got "home."
All in all, a wonderfully emotional event. Some good and some bad on implementation, but when isn't that the case? Had a great time. YMMV.
My Top Ten favorite moments from September 2016 (Ivanya's Player

10) The role playing banter between Ivanya's Ghost and Liz playing Elavir's daughter

9) Watching the players watch Elavir's Daughter learn and grow through their interactions with her.

8) The look on people's face for the field rez special effect.

7) Ivanya's personal struggle on Sunday during the fight when she realized how useless she is and her sparked determination to change that.

6) Elavir's comment on seeing her ghost projected into a crystal ball, “Wow! My hair looks fabulous!”

5) Hearing Jesse say 'Ah! That just gave me goosebumps!' At one of the special effects.

4) Friday Night Feast. Because, Holy Crap. So good.

3) Tiatar's World Famous Spa Massage.

2) Listening to the players (Blue I think) lick the barrier around the cursed building.

And the Number One Favorite Moment from September 2016 is:

1) The look on Elavir's face when Ivanya's Ghost bowed to her.
What a weekend! Glad I decided to cross over to the PC side, even if it was scary. Very scary.

Out of character:
  • Someone knowing EXACTLY what breed I'd picked for my inspiration! ABSOLUTELY made me light up.
  • Not having a lot of people recognize me in character. It means I definitely get a +1 to my costuming skills.
  • And all the compliments on the mask and feathers! ^^
  • Coming in as a PC for the first time and finding out that my worry of being left out was completely unfounded. I'd known the community was wonderful, but I hadn't experienced it fully until this weekend. And that, more than anything, made my weekend.
In character:
  • "Show us on the Nox where the chaos elemental touched you," Captain Cuddles, and all the alchemy roulette shenanigans
  • "Why is the food offering me food?" "....I will chew on your tail."
  • Falcon.... PUNCH (Sorry Kirun, it was just too good to pass up)
  • Starting a Shatner impression after being teleported as a 'side effect' and having a good group jump on it and run with it!
  • Freaking out after Grunt got taken, and being paralyzed (metaphorically) in the tavern battle upon seeing him, then nearly (very nearly) going out alone to try and get him (and, well, everyone else) back
  • Baron This, Baron That and Baron the Other One; Sir Bunny; Sock; and every other name and title I absolutely flubbed
  • Rivervale. All of Rivervale. Definitely looking forward to the future there!
  • Preening the hats. And, in one case, the eyebrows. ("Fix your feathers or else I will!")
  • Talking tactics with Elwin (and only following it somewhat)
  • The dry humor. I really hadn't expected that when I crafted the character, but having it show up was totally awesome
  • The duel. Oh the duel. Doesn't matter if it took me 8 of my 10 arrows to do it, I STILL WON
  • Being asked the ranking of bird eyes in terms of effectiveness
I'm sure there's plenty I've skipped, too. Really, it was AWESOME!
I'm unsure where to begin with this.

Izzy, Jordan, and the team of amazing people behind this event : I did not buy a ticket on the #feels train, but I'm glad I was along for the incredible ride. I can count the number of times I've cried in character on ONE hand in my 16 years of larp. This was by far the most traumatic. That's... not an easy feat. Seriously, in a yoga pants spiced pumpkin latte white girl salute - I cannot even.

I am flattered and humbled that there was an event in Tiatar herself, and that Elavir survived through all of the horrid things in the future. I genuinely appreciated that Elavir was portrayed as strong, capable, and brave in the face of everything the future threw @ her. Thank you for that nod.

Friday (In no particular order)
  • Thank you to Tiatar who again and again surprise me with their willingness to not only come up with incredible ideas but then plan them and execute them with the grace and power of a well oiled machine. (TIATAAAR!! **** YEAH!)
  • The food we made. omg, so good.
  • Everyone who helped put that feast together, performed, helped clean up, kept me sane, and offered to help.
  • I love the Tribe of Thou. The NPCs always do SUCH a good job with them. Seriously every time I opened the door top the "keep" they screamed and bowed. I love this local flavor.
  • Thank you all for the kind words about the food. We truly love doing things for you all as a community, this was a pleasure to give as a gift to the Acarthian family!
  • Thank you Jesse and Plot for not attacking us while doing the feast!
  • Baron Rivervale for honoring the gifting traditions of Tiatar. Thank you, that meant a lot to me.
Saturday (In what I recall as some sort of timeline)
  • I love seeing you all process and getting pictures. <3 We have an amazing looking game.
  • Chatting with Darius about contingency plans...
  • The literal "of ****" moment when things began pouring out of the portal.
  • Thank you to the NPCs for not hitting me in the back where my camera was hiding.
  • The additional surprise of "we're in the future" when we rifted into the fort.
  • Liz as the kid I never expected. More on this below because it deserves some recognition.
  • I love Cyphers... I sadly am not yet cool enough to do a two step lock in the allotted time while also managing the onslaught of "oh ****" in what was lovingly termed "fucarthia." Thank goodness for Draven, Nox, and Andrew the Bard!
  • Modding! I went to do a dangerous mission with only a handful of folks and that was pretty neat :) I rarely do that.
  • Tea Time. So, my team, unbeknownst to me had planned a bunch of things for Elavir, one of which was Tea at the Tea House. Not only were the ea and treats amazing, but the ambiance and company was of course fabulous. Thank you guys so much.
  • Ivanya bowing. Not gonna forget that anytime soon.
  • Ivanya telling Elavir about their friendship and the teapot.
  • Seeing yourself (and someone getting your accent spot on) in a crystal ball, then going to yell at her about how poorly she raised her daughter.... only to have her disappear. Bonus - awesome jewelry and fierce hair. As an AV nerd, that was amazing work.
  • Bonding to the land bone stone twice in fierce combat. Thank you Acarthia.
  • Being a turret with Kendrick.
  • Operating the "device" to get everyone to the fight.
  • Wondertwin power on the land bond stone and the look on Jesse face of, "You guys all did it together?" and we were all - "yup!"
  • The heavy burden of responsibility on Elavir for her "future" choices.
  • Field resurrecting Arikiya
  • The seance w/ the engineer
  • The most heart wrenching scene I've had in memory, Eldred and Elavir holding their daughter as they rift out and having her gone when they appear in 416 with only Eldred and Elavir left.
  • The guilt and incredibly rough RP that came from Elavir having not said a damn thing about anyone (esp Eldred) to her daughter... Not a favorite moment, but one that will have a long lasting impact in Tiatar. She spent a lot of time internally asking herself why she'd wipe her friends and husband from history.
  • The heavy RP with Tiatar and many others through the course of this incredibly emotionally painful weekend.
  • Bonding fully to the stone
  • The relief of sleeping a full night
  • Baron Osborne always being there when Elavir and Eldred need a friend.
  • Pie
Lady A. P. Elavir
Liz deserves extra props for the portrayal of Elavir Jr. The character growth over the course of just one day was incredible. She immediately was accepted by the Household, and as soon as we knew she was for real, they welcomed her in as the niece they always wanted. Tiatar will be erecting a statue of both she and Antonio outside the land bond stone along with a structure to protect the stone. Elavir and Eldred's first child will be named after the young girl who touched all our hearts. I play an incredibly high composure character, and much to my surprise little Elavir threw me for a loop. The goodbye scene still tears me up.

Onions everywhere.

* Getting two, two, two events in one, basically!

The Tiatar Feast
* Nobody throws a party like Tiatar! The atmosphere, food, and merriment were all a delight. That was the most delicious miso soup I have ever eaten!
* I like LARP prom! I wouldn't want a fancy dress-up occasion every event same as I don't want them often in my real life -- but now and then, they are positively magical!
* Jay as Emaric really kept the trains running on time. Everyone's service took a lot of energy, but the role that he performed whether loudly or quietly is one that I know can often go overlooked in the world. I really appreciated his keen attention to detail!
* Running continued commentary on the dessert throughout the rest of the weekend: the gift that just kept on giving!
* Utterly fictitious smack-talk among the fighters about the Tournament We Knew Would Never Be... I loathe competition, personally, and thus would never actually engage in that kind of banter were we really competing. It was a fun license for me, even within a game, to truly roleplay that!
* Daring Brom to go to Banks to borrow money from the team treasury to pay Thorgrim to get him (with special guest tag-along, Graham!) to remove Banks' chopsticks when that ****** wouldn't stop tapping with them! (Fun fact: IRL, I have a form of synesthesia called misophonia which means that I cannot drown out of my attention any kind of repetitive noise like tapping or pen clicking. It's kind the most amusing and stupid disorder ever, really. My good friend John Fawkes knows this, and has fun doing things like clicking his chopsticks from across a very loud, crowded room to see how long it will take to drive me positively batshit! So, word to the wise, if you've tried six "Katherine!"s and they're not working, click a pen ten times, and you have my immediate and undivided attention!)

* Friday night roleplay at Club Noble
* Getting to see my former squire knighted!!!1111!!!! Dozens of people managed to keep a secret for over a year about his knighting, that Brom would be formally adopted into the Albright Family at the end of the ceremony. "Rise, Sir Brom Albright!" I think it only took being called that about five times before it sunk in! That journey is one of the things I love most about LARP: The chance to wear different masks, try different roles, challenge our inner selves while we roleplay outwardly. For three years, the player of Brom - Mark - has worked actively to challenge himself with public speaking, leadership, self-confidence, and the qualities even a game hopes for in its knights. He naturally brought to the table Brom's best nature of generosity, humility, love and real care for those around him. Brom got knighted, and Katherine could not be more proud of her cousin and former squire -- but how Katherine is impressed with Brom pales insignificant to how proud I am of Mark, and how he's matured, and refined his already lovely excellence over this three-year journey. Here is much love to you, my friend!!!

* "Mac, how far are we going to have go through with this tournament farce before we travel through time??"
* "Why is Lucian hanging out off to the side over there?... Oh, we're about to travel through time, and he's got to go get back into his MWE horns to greet us!"
* EPIC IN MY FACE UNDEAD FIGHT OF THE CENTURY! Man! What a great fight! LOVED. EVERY. MINUTE. Got my *** FULLY handed to me! Was way dead, and no hope of a Life spell in sight! I was saved only by the timeshift. And if I'd have rezzed, I'd have had a huge grin plastered on my face all the way to the rez circle! I LOVE earning a fight like that, win or lose!
* Liz's roleplay as Lady Aurelia was consistently spot on, immersive, emotional, and detailed throughout the whole exhausting day. Big kudos to Liz for that job she did! We had a touching introduction when Dame Katherine said, "Eldred Morningtide has been my best friend for ten years, and if I'd have been around during your childhood, I'd have been your aunt. So my sword is yours, and my life is yours if need be." Aurelia burst into tears, and said, "You mean I now have family??" and gave me a big hug -- it was such a great character moment! Only to make me cry totally OOG later when...
* EPIC SECOND FIELD BATTLE OF THE CENTURY NOW WITH UNDEAD SCION PCS! Another super enjoyable fight! Died a million times. Lost my sword physrep while unconscious IG. Fought on the front line with a frickin’ DAGGER! LOVED. IT. Loved it!
* Got way deaded… again. Got dragged into the tavern, so hey, at least I wouldn’t get dragged off by the undead, so that’s something! Liz sat there during my death count, with Lady Aurelia gently cradling Dame Katherine’s lifeless hand in hers, crying softly. “She just said she was my aunt, and now she’s going to die!” I sat there snuffling and crying OOG, it was so moving!
* In the absence of mod or other opportunities, I decided to make myself useful in a confusing situation – Had a lot of fun with others in the same boat IG, just trying to spitball ideas! Blue, you’re now Vice President in charge of finding out if this is related to the Undead Ducal Court a few months ago. House Theerio, you’re in charge of hunting some food to sustain us here. Aikall, you’re an archer, great! The hunters can use your help – BTW, you know as much as the rest of us, so don’t sell yourself short! Just had fun sort of trying to make the best of it, which is a role that I enjoy.
* Ivanya’s House of Mysteries: Had a BLAST solving the puzzle of who could approach the building without the heebie-jeebies and what that meant. It was a rare moment for me when a win IG had nothing to do with either my character card, or the white belt on my character’s waist. The info I helped find may not have been important, I’m not sure – but I found great satisfaction in it!
* Fortress doorway fight: The third just flipping AMAZING fight that afternoon! IG, loved the cooperation at my door among Lucian, House Theerio, Radulfr (getting to be the mage who saves the day!!), Eldred, Ber'ial (pardon me that I know that's not nearly spelled or punctuated correctly) -- and the general coordination before and during that fight, all over IG! Special props to Adrian for working with Warchester, and Egil for agreeing to a support role when his knee was busted OOG. Just everyone was awesome!

* Excellent customer service from Jordan and Izzy. Snafus and mistakes are gonna happen, but they showed they cared and were on top of trying to make things better. That is priceless!

I love my team. There were repeated moments of OOG care from everyone on the team for everyone else on the team – My fun is challenged, I need a hug! My toe is blistered, I need a Band-Aid! The orange food is too far away, I need a delivery! I woke up with a LARP-hangover, I need a bottle of water and some Tylenol, and a hug! It’s just the best group of friends ever.

Sunday morning, we sat unhurried in the cabin as we woke up, joking OOG about comic books, “My arms are broken! My parents are dead!” and laughing and being friends. Also priceless!

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Lets see where to start, I was without House Thorn, but I still had the Barony to fall back onto while doing things in one of Emaric's homes.

Emaric became one of the go to guys, without Frank and the Scions there, real shocker to me personally didn't expect to be taken seriously and having to rework plans and adjust on the fly.

Never seen people back up from an unarmored and unarmed Emaric before in the middle of the dark in his thermals as he growled hearing about mistreated children at 1am in the middle of the night. Just for reference, I had just taken off all my gear and laid back in the bed when I heard Brannan tell me there was a young girl asking for me for help, listened to the story would have dealt with it in the morning but the mistreatment part struck a nerve for Emaric. Letting out a low rumbling growl, Felstar, Brannan, Andrew, and Fynn, to include Emily as the small child all stepped back slowly. Dressed in under 5m and everyone had to keep up with the warpath pace I had set.

Being entrusted to guard Lady Elavir and having to deal with the temper and attitude of both Elavir and Morningtide every time she ran off, knowing exactly where she gets it from. Then reassuring her what we were all there for and boosting her confidence.

The bounding with Baron Morningtide with the rest of the front line fighters from Tiatar.

The escort mission to retrieve Elavir's notes from the Last Spire, doing a full breach and clear on the cabin with Conner and Ri expecting something to be there.

Following up on Ber'ial's plan of attack if Emaric and Blue saw Dame Airakaya and taking back her weapons, and bringing them back to Baron Egil, "Blue on me! Make way, I summon a force to disarm your weapon, I summon a force to disarm your weapon, I summon a force to disarm your weapon, 5 Earth, 5 Earth, 5 Earth, 5 Earth, 5 Earth, Blue Grab and run!" All in a matter of 20 seconds. Excellent reaction time Jenny!

Feral Emaric... being bound, running around screaming "Release me!"

Those are some of the major highlights to a very development weekend. Thanks again Jordan and Izzy.
I'm getting some solid vicarious fun out of reading these. Thanks everyone!
Oh man, I had far too much fun to list off every interaction. BUT I can try to post a handful:

  • Friday night at the feast, only knowing 3 or 4 people, then glaring daggers at any of the kyn who dared to lock eyes was amazing!! Only one upped by a couple of them fidgeting nervously at the tiger's glare.
  • On a more OOG level, during one of the games, hearing Echo answer the question "What's the most innocent thing you've ever killed?" and hearing "Puck" as a response, Josh and I outside the tent were rolling around laughing.
  • Saturday, the frigging wake up goblins. They got so damn close to having their heads lobbed off, if only they'd had some kind of weapon or something intimidating... The island where goblins didn't exist was wonderful, we could sleep in all morning..
  • Sparring with the town, and watching as the crowd grew more and more until it seemed that everyone must have been outside of the tavern was awesome!! Felt like we were actually having the tournament.
  • Portal townfight was super cool, and I feel like I must have been some kind of magnet for Emily's death spells and globes. (seriously I caught like 6 deaths) I'm really glad that it was stated to be so soul crushing, the effect was just perfect.
  • Various mods throughout the day didn't have a ton of over the top moments for me, but attempting any sort of conversation with all the folks who were out and about was awesome.
    • Thanks so much to anyone who attempted conversations with Grunt, I know it's not easy.
  • The undead attacking the tavern was awesome, and I hadn't thought it was anything to worry about since it was only one or two. Next thing I know apparently the Scions are attacking on the far side of the tavern and dragging people off. I go to start running to help, run into Emily, get pinned, paralyzed, death, then raised dead before I know what's going on. Then told to march and stand with the others. The look from Parzivel as undead Grunt walked up the road was priceless, somewhere between murder the petman, and dumbfounded that the weapon hasn't been raised.
  • Undead Grunt attacking the tavern was pretty funny, and I'm really glad I got claws. The immediate disarm was really really funny, didn't really manage too much damage, and wasn't able to find the target he was hunting down, but it's fun getting to attack PCs in an almost PVP way.
  • Rez was pretty gnarly, thanks Elwin, Cynder, and Captain for trying! The coaching was really sweet and I wish that his spirit could've known what you were on about. Then big shout out to Egil for starting the res!!
  • Post res, shout out to any PC that consented to physical roleplay that Grunt tried to shake and would've tried to KB if not for emaric binding his arms before he got the chance. Then Jax for immediately feeding him a Hallucinate for some reason to try to make the battlefield rez suffering go away (doh!)
(murder murder murder, stab stab stab. I like playing Grunt)

This weekend was sooooo cool, I would be a fool not to give a shout out to Jordan and Izzy for doing the heavy lifting, and all the Scions and Plot team for making things so dangerous and fun!

Also, Aikoll, this weekend was great ♥ I look forward to more time with the "pretty bird"
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The fight in a barricaded tavern was one of my favorite fights I've ever been in! Awesome work on barricade placement, I just stabbed things as they came through the door from the safety of behind tables.

That, and playing my recorder while the entire town marched off on the 'short jaunt' that took half a day, even if I did end up taking a death to the face in that. But hey, that's what life spells are for!