September 415 Favorite Moments, Deadlines, Feedback, & IBGAs!

I rarely fill these out, because I forget so many things and don't want to leave something out! But I'm doin' it now!
  • Meat and cheese platter at Healers Guild meeting! Thank you so much for bringing this, Jonathan; it definitely enhanced our time there! I also liked seeing the giant glob of guild members walking through the darkness, it was a nice moment of community.
  • Mystery love letters: receiving this right on the heels of a warning about Epyxian assassins threw Darius into a paranoid tizzy, but I the player was thrilled with people trying to set Torin/Darius up.
  • The undead scorpion attack was frightening, for the strength of the attacks coming out of nowhere. I came to this fight a little late, so admittedly my favorite part was chasing Panax down, shouting for him to come over to me so that I could life Deathcap, who he was shepherding most efficiently away from me.
  • Spirit Wrack mod! It was so great working with a team of professionals, and handling some nasty undead with aplomb. The roleplay and information about dwarves and dragons was lovely RP loot, and there was cash loot to go with it too! Watching Wolsey charade his way through strategy while silenced was super entertaining as well.
  • Snacky time with Rivervale and friends! I've missed having a big, full-blown snacky time, and this was a delectably relaxing way to end the night.
  • Early morning cabin shenanigans. I was a little cranky about being awakened so rudely, but I enjoyed the spirit of the Corsith Cup.
  • The tournament was a lovely weekend-long event. I loved being able to watch the events I liked while not feeling stuck at the tourney, and the people who worked so hard to make it come together helped bring this event to life. Thanks so much to Jenn, Emily, Miguel, Shane and anyone else I didn't notice being involved!
  • Baronial Discussions, both the "keep it to three seconds of summary" State of the Kingdom meeting and the chat with Jenn/Jesse. I love our noble teams and their leaders, it was so great to get to work together with Trace, Jules, Ray, Mike, Cassie, and Cory!
  • Pretzel, pickle, and hot **** on a stick. 'Nuff said
  • TINY DOLLS! Oh my goodness, I couldn't keep my voice down in a regular octave, they were just so cute! Letting us keep the dolls of ourselves was such a heart-warming gesture, thank you so much Rose.
  • Bug mine mod: Hiking around site is not my idea of a good time, but the group we had was lovely, with good conversation and a laid-back attitude. Once we actually "found" our mod, it was again such a delight to work with professionals. On-the-spot tactics, great direction-following, and smooth spellcasting/fighting helped this be such a delight.
  • Cheese and charcuterie with Rivervale and Thorgrim. After an exhausting day, this was exactly what I needed to recharge for the evening.
  • Walking up to the tavern with just Brom as company. SO DARK! SO ALONE! SO SCARY!
  • Sunday bug battle. I loved the tactical considerations, everyone needing to work together, watching the Duchess de-acidize the bugs with her land bond, the bug costuming, and getting to be the dirty earth caster who took out the Swarm Queen with a celestial spell thanks to the persistent combined efforts of all of our mages. Go team!
Given my pseudo-non-com status this event, my view of things was rather more limited than usual. Despite this...had a really good time.
  • Banter between the ducal "kids" and "mom" and sometimes myself was marvelous. Made it feel a lot more like a family and less like some NPCs saying they're related, as can easily happen with such things. Example:
    • Lagarde: "The cookies are for everyone. If they were just mine, I'd have licked them so everyone knew they were mine."
    • Brandon: "Oh really? that how this works?"
    • Heather: "What...BRANDON!"
    • Brandon: *skips away giggling*
    • Lagarde and Duchess: O_o *awkward silence*
  • Breaking the poor merchants' guild by demanding to know how things work that they don't have any way of knowing. Sorry guys. :)
  • Despite some issues, the one competition I was in was fun and saw plenty of people having a decent time all around was nice.
  • High ogres being pushy bastards.
  • Dame Ishante (sp?). Had a great "polite" conversation that really played out well from an IG and emotional stance.
  • So...very...much...IBGA preplanning. I don't think I've ever had to tell people to take a number before. ^_^
  • The cane. So many people thought I was just being stylish and so many monsters thought I would beat their *** with it. Loved it.
  • A certain very important decision...which I can't talk about yet. >_< This one moment could have made or broken my event...waiting to see if I can blab. /grumble
  • To wrap up, without getting into further specifics, I'm not someone who's been a social butterfly...ever. It's not my thing. I love RP, but I'm not a socializer or a political person. Despite having to do EXACTLY THOSE all event, I had a great time. That means a lot more than it sounds like, being put into a game environment that's so far out of your comfort zone and still enjoying yourself. Major kudos to staff and players for forcing me to have fun, despite my knee.
You know, for having had such a good game, I am having trouble coming up with my favorite moments. Maybe that's because it was such a good game overall? Regardless, I'm gonna give it a go - in paraphrased quotes.

Some of these were said to me. Some were said about me, or near me.

* "Twig, you are drunk!" From the Friday night formal casting.
* "It's a map! To when the stars are right, and they'll open a path to the shiny place! But I need someone smart to translate it."
* "Mine was on the application of the celestial arts to healing."
* (Internal dialogue): It is hella dark out here, and there is no one within eye sight. I going back into the guild when Anders is done presenting his thesis. And he's still going... and he's still going... and that is a really foul black wind. I am going to get my sh** jacked... And he's done! Back inside.
* (Following that internal dialogue: "The next time we have theses defenses, if I am not giving one, I will cast a circle outside of this door and make sure they can't be interrupted."
* "You smell delightful!" (Um... that was uncomfortable).
* "Tinder, I would put you in the scavenger hunt for 'warms the heart'." Blink-blink. "Careful. You're going to make her leaf."
* "Belshwin! Look pretty!"
* "Guildswoman Tinder! I read your report! That was fascinating!"
* He said, "I'll be surprised if you remember," while Tinder was struggling with memory. Tinder said, "Kal...?" and he told her she was right enough.
* "Um, Your Excellency, your dress comes off."
* "I don't... think... it's magi - oh, wait. I was wrong. It is."
* "We are not going to burn your house down, sir." Regardless of Vira saying that it was the only way to be sure.
* (Internal dialogue): I could Banish one of them...
* "Tinder, I don't think you've been to Snacky Time before..."
* "... come marching into our camp, with your drum, interrupting my sleep...!!!" A sound of drum splitting followed.
* "Brennan, I think you should learn how to read magic, so you can rational and sane for us."
* "Maybe that's the reason the tavern is so quiet during Market Days - the things we talk about here must be rather troublesome to those who overhear them," followed by an emphatic, "They are!" from the NPC farmer beside me.
* "What if there reaches a point in development, magically, where we transcend our current forms?"
* "Tinder has a dinner date with Thorgrim????"
* (Followed by), "The young races get very possessive over the people they cuddle with. I'd rather avoid that complication."
* "You're the first person who hasn't [outright condemned my thoughts on this]. Thank you."
* "William, hush now, sit still, and be pretty."
* "Oh, wait. You taught Puck how to read."
* "I call forth a Dragon's bolt!" (Internal Dialogue): Sh**. Oh well. Miscasting makes us better. "I call forth a Lightning Storm!" And that one hit. As did the second.

A small handful of shout outs in particular:

Rose, those dolls rocked.

Jack, thank you for making me chicken. And thank you for a wonderful meals every day.

Ivanya - Holy Hannah! Listening to you spin counters to the arguments being directed at you, and steadfastly sticking to your character's guns, was fun. My favorite part was, "I wouldn't mind," rebuttle - I can't tell you how many times I've had to deal with that logic in a gender-relations sense in real life. Hearing it come up in a game, from a woman, almost made me bark out a laugh.

Ryu - Our Saturday night conversation before modding was wonderful, and likely one of the high points of my event. Thank you for being receptive to roleplay.

Great game, guys. All around. If I missed something special that happened between us, it wasn't on purpose. I'm sure I've missed quite a few things anyway, but I owe the fun I had at this game to everyone.
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Can't say much so as to avoid sharing information I shouldn't... but my highlights:

New NPCs! Rolled around with some new people over the weekend, and kept trying to explain as much as I could in our down time. They really did a good job trying to soak all the information... but it really highlighted for me just how much there is to learn and how intimidating it might be. Hope to see them back!

Getting to throw packets! I actually like playing mage types. Need practice, but blowing **** up with pure evocation is actually pretty straightforward... as is double-tapping with death. After playing an NPC with a crossbow, tho, I feel our archers' pain. So many shields (it doesn't help I was trying to throw past Brom.)

Genuinely scaring some people coming back to their Greenwood cabins by coming out of the bushes making clicking sounds. If those panicked shouts were roleplay, it was some of the best damn acting I've ever seen.

Overall I really like NPCing... I'll have to go back to doing that again sometime soon.
Well. It has been a couple weeks but I am now taking the time to write this out. I actually had a lot of fun this last event. I havent been in as a pure RP set of characters like this before.

Being in on friday as Amberion and trying to make the Loremasters guild meeting happen around the other meetings, tourney, and other peoples schedules. Had a blast staying in to give as much info as I could.
The tourney. Well. All the prep that went into that... Without Shane/Belswin it would not have bewn what it was and I thank you! I had fun doing the introductions. And then being in as Brandon. Being the oldest in real life, I had fun being the youngest and getting a reaction out of Heather :-)
Then after being cut free from noble duties late Sat, headed to the orc fight. Got there in time to watch the last reses. The drummer was not feeling up to giving much of a beat any more so I asked if I could drum forna bit since I couldnt add to the fight in other ways. After turning thd drumming back up to 10 (or 11:-) having Brennan (sp?) stalk over in shorts, T-shirt, sword and shield and demand who was drumming. After slaughtering the drummer :"And I hack through rhe head of the drum and kick it off into the forrest!" guess that means I was effective ^_^

And then the closing wrestling. Wow that was a blast to see! Sooo glad I was there! And then being at the final fight. Was awesome to see the Queens mask! And marshalling the fight was not bad either.

Only down part was I didnt get to fight at all this last event. But I had a good time being PNPC and all the RP!