September Carpooling


Hello fellow larpers,

It turns out I do not have a ride to the next event, as the person whom I was going with will not be able to attend. I have a 68L tote, a small (12L?) cooler and a sleeping bag. Maybe a pillow if I remember to bring it but I have forgotten every other event :sweat: . I have nothing worth stealing, so I don't mind if I have to travel separately from my stuff if necessary.

If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it ;)
your in Calgary right?
I can take your gear in the truck as long as it is at the store before noon Friday.

What time can you leave? And where from?
I was worried about that too when I saw Lorne would not be able to make it. I arranged a ride with Darcy this event so I'm okay - unfortunately, there's no more room for people with him though (that vehicle only sits 4).

(Original post deleted)
There *may* be enough room in the back to take other people's GEAR up (but not people). Darcy wants to check first before I commit to organizing that for others. (I mis-interpreted what he said the first time I asked him as that being okay. Whoops =Z)

@Candace - yes Shannon is a Calgary (or near-Calgary) member.
we can apparently only take peoples stuff if its with math when we pick him up at myth games at 5
Are you still looking for a ride Shannon?
Mechtofd said:
we can apparently only take peoples stuff if its with math when we pick him up at myth games at 5

Yes - this is what I meant :) If it's given to me in advance (the day before, for example) or if I show up at 4:30 and people leave stuff with me to take up. I wouldn't presume to change the schedule to leave later or anything :).

So, if anyone wants to make arrangements with me to bring their gear up - send me a PM and I'll give you my phone # and we can make arrangements. I need to have the stuff *with me* by 5:00 when my ride comes to get me or I can't take it up. (People will need to make their own arrangements for their persons, but not having to worry about the gear means a car or other vehicle with limited storage is an option)
I should be able to get my stuff up to myth during the week. not sure what day yet.

I can leave work at 2:00pm on Friday which is near Chinook mall. I can take the train to myth if need be, so I'd probably be there by 2:45pm.
Brad and I could give you a ride from Myth if you still need one, at about 5:00 or so. We could probably take your gear as well, but you might wanna send it with Cory anyway to be safe.
I will prod Andreas to see if he can get you at Chinook around that time. He's down south anyways.
thanks to everyone for your help. I am going to borrow my sisters car so I will be able to get there myself after all. :whaa: On the other side of things, I now have room if someone else needs a ride :thumbsup: