September Event Favorites


Well Hell, I'll kick it off. In no particular order, just like the timeline of the event itself!

The opening encounter
Wow! Chithis greeting the adventurers at the end of time was like watching the Child Empress extending the single grain of sand to Bastion in The Neverending Story. The effect of the creatures forming out of the darkness was really amazing to see as they congregated on the gathering. While it sucked to watch from the sidelines due to getting to site late, I couldn't have enjoyed watching it more. Chithis, Child Empress.

Geminis dying in a circle and trying to help us despite everything. I didn't trust Geminis when the idea of helping him to become infused with death energy was floated because I distrust creatures that covet power. Between the events that transpired between Geminis absorbing the death circle, his efforts to aid us in finding the motes, and his begging us not to spend resources fighting him if he turned, I think I can put my concerns aside.

It's freaking Santet man. Seriously, the energy you put into the character is amazing, Brian. The entire discussion / argument with the gorgon couldn't have been better. Watching different groups strategize efforts to secure the motes while also trying to not bring a living hurricane down uponst themselves was amazing. It was so good to have you back at an event man.

Parrots man. Freaking parrots... with freaking lasers... That thing was one of the funniest cards I've ever seen. Kudos to the player, hurray new blood!, and to whoever thought that crazy crap up.

Seeing Zen and Nova again!
Getting to have death talks with Zen. The endless banter between Z and T will always be something that I carry close. Well, that and Zen when I carry her off to time out when she's getting her tail poofed up too much ;)

As for Nova, you're always a voice of reason on the field. No matter the crazy stuff you say when we have a moment of rest, I always feel safer knowing you're watching the field.

The Withering King
As always, that character both entertains, and vexes me. The cold and calculating way Dan plays it just makes me love to hate it that much more.

The encounter with the motes
My party goes in the portal ready for war and essentially found a mountain of fluffy bunnies. They were sniffing out magic which made things problematic as we were too. Everything went smoothly enough in the end and we relayed the information to those gathered to go through the remaining portals. And then we found out later that one of the parties that left after us found a Withering Knight...

Circle tether fight
I love the environmental effects coming into game. It really lends to creating an immersive environment for fights and I hope to see so much more of them.

There's so much more but all I can say is thank you NPCs and staff for telling such an awesome story and making it come to life.
The event was absolutely amazing. The NPCs were all fantastic, the combat was exciting and extremely clean. I've missed the Deadlands so much, it felt so good to see everyone.
As always great job, well done, take a bow, you nailed it. Totally worth the near 1,000 mile round trip.

Thank you to staff, NPCs, and fellow PCs for another wonderful Deadlands event! I always have a blast when I make the forever drive up to y'all; thank you for making it so worth it.

The living embodiment of the regeneration ritual hit some unexpected and highly relevant backstory notes that not only made Abbath feel real sad in and of itself, but also indirectly as a result of how the other PCs involved were reacting, especially Irina, whose apology on Saturday was heartwarming.

The following players, in no particular order: Albert, Ashley, Dave, Samara, Stacey, and Evan. You are all such beautiful and enriching presences in any role you are in, and you all inspire me to stay in character and be the best version of that character I can possibly be.

Stutter, be gone! I was super reticent when I first rolled Abbath with regard to getting rid of her speech impediment, but when the opportunity actually fell into my lap (courtesy Lord Vryan of the Very Good Hair, Despite What He Thinks), it really seemed like the best choice character development-wise and I'm glad to have rolled with it. Thanks to Albert for facilitating and to Samara for a simple but very soothing ritual performance.

There were just some really fun fights this weekend. The Saturday night fight against Brian's NPC whose name I can't remember was hard but fun. The Sunday dragon fight was similarly challenging but engaging, and I felt like a BOSS getting to swing that 22 massive. Thanks, Dan.

Quiet talks with Vry and Lili. One of my favorite things about LARP is when friends or plantbaes get a chance to sit and just talk like friends or plantbaes - those are some of the moments that feel the most like a replication of real-world relationships, and I really cherish those encounters.

"You should join the Hierophan (I'm not spelling that right, am I?)."
"...Will they make me learn how to read?"

Brian Bender is a joy to watch in any role, but seeing Santet's monster switch flip when Bill's gorgon showed up was just incredible. That's the Santet of legend that I have never really gotten to see, so it felt kind of like watching a classic film for the first time.

Red Light, Green Light mods are literally always my favorite, and the "get Amaranthus out of Stoneroost" mod was just the best. Loved it.

Listening to everyone's "Best Stories". Just the general sense of camaraderie this event, especially in the face of such an otherwise dour situation, was refreshing.

Thank you all again. See you next month.
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What are these muscles that hurt so bad? I did human yoga to prevent exactly this!

Thank you PCs and NPCs for a wonderful time!

-Feathered Fiasco. Yes, I know, my plumage was mighty. I tried taking off, I really did. One day friends.
-Nap guild. Baking a bird in the sun.
-Rebirb is my absolute favorite ability.
-Going toe to toe against the Withering King. Not because I thought I could really do anything (I didn't), more because others could use a break and I could be a distraction.
-Sneaking up behind people that Tenerian was fighting just to get their attention. I am NOT the problem.
-The Hunt is always a good time! Really everyone who took some time to chill with Stephano who is having too many feels for his own good.
-Nova and Zehnyu. One of Stephano's heroes and a legend among adventurers. Much love to you both for all the quality interactions. Also, Santet whom is a hurricane of amazing each and every time he moves.
-Evan. Evan is my favorite. There wasn't a word out of his mouth I didn't enjoy or an emotion he made me feel that I didn't want. Thank you friend.
-Having his own personal issues, Stephano tried not to care too much about this place, but then goes ahead and sees the universe to try and help. I LOOKED INTO THE ABYSS AND IT LOOKED BACK AND SMELLED VAGUELY LIKE BACON GREASE.
-I <3 the Carnegie.
-Red Lich, Green Gryphon.
-Abbath Brittington-Bro times are a wonder and gave me some of the best ideas I've had in a while. Pretty fitting that we were both engulfed at once. Crazy spooder not friend .

I shall return! With more fun! and feathers!
Thank you thank you, staff and NPCs! You all kick so much butt and put on an awesome game!

So, I was in an especially grumpy and stressed place coming into game, which was both kinda crazy and kinda fun to have transition into character stress. It made her even snippier than normal, which was just bonkers. But fun! As per usual, thanks to everyone for putting up with my totally rude, self-centered cheetah!

I enjoyed introducing myself as "Ukzwe Nikhujo" and trying to work on people skills. Folks may not have realized, but she is trying! The struggle is real, but the development is tons of fun.

Nova is someone who was great to experiment with about people skills! Thanks for the great RP, Jaimi! You were the first person she met with the name Ukzwe, so she really gave some good effort to try to figure out "normal" interactions with you!

Also, Keely and Aisling, to whom SHE TOLD HER STORY. Frazzled and anxious as she was about it, she did it. Then promptly complained to Heresy about how weird it felt, hahaha. Seriously, Stacey and Meg, thanks so much for the good RP.

Continuing to combat train with Heresy, which is always a fantastic break from brooding! Plus having an actual relaxed moment of story time with Heresy. That for sure has never happened for her. The paranoia is indeed slowly lifting :) But also, of course, there was that tense, conflicting RP about differences in opinion. Gary remains a champ for taking point on this opinionated lil angst-cat. Much appreciation again for always rolling with it.

Finally meeting Zehnyu!!!! I was more excited about it OOG than IG, honestly, because unfortunately the standard Nikhujo uses to judge other sarr is even HIGHER and ANGRIER than all other races... But Zehnyu still got promptly put on the "fight next to this one" list. I had a lot of fun every time we were on the field together, briefly training, and (judgmentally) having sarr conversation together! Thanks, Ali!

Other brief but extremely meaningful (considering how antisocial she is) interactions included: Trying to express gratitude to Santet for indirectly leading her to Laerthan, trying to clear the air with Stephano about honorable assasinations, and Abbath explicitly offering her respect. Brian, Dave, Kris, you're all super cool folks with super cool characters, thanks for making my game better!

DRACOLICH FIGHT. DRACOLICH FIGHT. AHHHHH WHAT A PHENOMENAL SPECTACLE. Well done, Evan! Also well done to the other PCs fighting him alongside me, especially Albert's totally amazing dramatic-stylized swinging. Honestly, friends, I really felt like I was slashing wildly into a huge dragon's back, not just swinging red sticks and spitting numbers. It got so real, it was so super cool. Thanks to Dan (the dragon siblings!) for the power ups!

So I'm not sure if Rupert actually noticed her, or if Sean was just being a super cool dude, but being asked to partake in the blender of pain for the last wave battle was magnificent and exciting. Thanks so much, guys! I'll "rogue" tornado with y'all any day! It felt like it worked really well, and it led to some confusing but important milestones in Ukzwe's "learning to people" journey.

Anyon, gonna have some sweet follow-up RP with ya about IBGA goals. Thanks for the RP, Jesse!

I just can't say it enough, thanks to everyone who puts so much work and love into this great game! :)