September Favorites


Gettysburg Staff
You have 'em, we want 'em
Obviously the rain was a factor but my hats off to the NPCs and Staff that worked their tails off to keep us entertained and things to keep going despite having buckets of rain dump from the sky.

I REALLY liked hiking out in the woods, along the trails much farther from the main camp area, and finding stuff quest items. I actually woke up Sunday morning to try to look for more things, sadly it was kind of bare (possibly because everyone was so good at finding everything Saturday) - Can we have more of that? :D

Lourdes hated those stitch golems - Emily LOVED them. Especially the laughing moments of having Mike traded out for 2 skeletons when we KB'ed the stitch.

All of the laughter to be had with BF as well as Tieran's crew. OMG was that needed.

Crass, Doctor of Awesome. "I'm going to get a Beastman to drink a Death Elixir", Lourdes: "Oh I have to see this!" Thanks Dom - you're wonderful!

Smiles with Jadden and Sapharia - saging out with Jadden - Thank you Rich for making Jadden and I really work our brain muscles!!

Plot - Rich I know you stressed like heck the 2 weeks prior and all during the event but I really enjoyed the plot. Loved all of the multiple threads of who and what is here to take advantage of Geistbadden's fall.

Running around with my loved ones. We were "creepy elf" squad but it was amazing. Love you both!

Cannot wait for October! Many many awesomes to be had!!