September Favorites

Laguna Hallik

To start things off, Jeremy, Scott and I made it home safe saturday morning, got home at 5 30 and dragged *** at work.

It was worth it.

Here are my favorites:

Rapid fire mods. I love being able to provide mods for players, as long as they want to slay monsters in confined spaces I will continue to provide.

Random roleplay. I only screw around in one fishbowl, but I hope I was entertaining enough. I found a straight jacket in the costume room. Sometimes those roles are just made up on the fly.

Seeing good friends. I was very disappointed that I would have to miss the weekend. Our One Night Only Trip was not just to play, but to see all of you as well. Thanks for making it worth it.

Til next time, where I WILL be there all weekend,

sooo awesome to be back pcing.

favs in no order:
All things amelia - you are the awesome of awesome

Coggin getting the finnegan award. Dude you are one of the best roleplayers ever

Glorianna coming back - being mobbed and then having to have a lot of hard conversations with people and lots of explaining. Had much fun and RP kudos to ali as Aislyn.

Healers guild - looks fantstic. Excellent job there all around. Also another hard point of RP for Glorianna

Rp with the nobles in the ash forest alcove. That was the third of the triad of hard welcome homes Glorianna had to deal with. Keen RP again

Ulthoc getting his title. Im glad I was there for that.

All the romani - Glori is like wow, this is soooooo cool

Perry house - best accommodations ever lol

and yeah making Regent was a cool part. Glorianna is like damn, now I gotta make a charter, interview members, get new surcoates done.... *sigh* busy busy busy.

But the best highlight was seeing all my friends. Some of who I only get to see when I come to HQ. I missed you all soooooooo much and to just be able to be there and have so much fun was just the best thing ever. Im so glad to be back.

I only have a few minutes before I head out to work, so I promise more favorites will come shortly. But I wanted to hop on quickly and say another huge thank you to the Plot Team, all the NPCs and my fellow PCs for a phenomenal weekend. I was constantly entertained from the minute I set foot in game, and loved every minute of it.
Overall I had alot of fun, I give the event two thumbs up and thank you plot team and NPC's for making the weekend great!. You guys and girls rawk so hard!

There is so much I'd like to note but here's my favorites in no particular order.

Tough weekend to roleplay for me but I was around alot of familiar faces in the past from my original ashbury and Moria adventures so it made it pretty thrilling for me.

Gnolls, especially necromantic ninjas like Robb

Dirty Dice!?....Again!? oh no *runs away* lol

Joquinn, Dude my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, your rants are hilarious, "Drillin for Oil!"

Braveroar!...Oh man! wow was it good to be able to say good bye to someone who showed Vincent what being a hero was all about. People like him made Vincent hunger for adventure.

My comments to the dragons were me just being human, it was nice to know I was pushing buttons, and I am glad I didn't get cooked, lol

Fire Flies....there

Landed my first Web ever...yeah begin the laughing at me...also getting a very heavy magic item...handy...but man its heavy.

Healer's Guild. Me likey! plus that cheesecake was to die for.

Tourney was alot of fun and It was a great way to have a relaxed event.

Go Amelia Go! You go girl! lol

The Watergirl is my roommate Heather, Yeah...I know your jealous lol

Cursed TWICE!, I'm like a target for Curses. Just to add salt to the wound, Fey Chad HAD to make it dancing AGAIN!

Rainbow Six mode with Lana Jaron and Vincent. "On me...3..2..1..GO!" *Commence militaristic advance on rogue gnolls"

Thanks again everyone, "I am so Down!"
I covered as much as I could, and I am sure I'll think of more when I walk away from the Computer

*much love*
First of all, thanks to everyone who worked so hard this weekend to give us a good game! NPCs you rock my world.
My favorites are as follows....
1. Drinking tea and giggling with Michiko and the new and improved Pantizke.
2. Fawning over Amaranthus, the smartest, most talentedest, most handsomest Biata ever :lol:
3. Hanging out with the fam. Stormblades Rock!
4. MWE Dice.
5. Twenty questions in the Celestial Guild.
6. Jokes with Moxie. Don't look now but he is standing right there :lol:

All in all I had a good time this weekend rp-ing and seeing everyone again. Thanks so much.
First wanted to say hi!! its Arriana from NPC camp :)

I had a lot of fun this weekend getting to be part of some of the mods and stuff. Getting to play a painting in a wall that chucked spell packets was definitely a highlight.

also getting to watch Jason act out the crazy character was really amazing.. I was really glad to see him win that award.(Woot jason!! lol)

all in all a great weekend though!

*THANKS PCS!!* :lol:
I just wanna start off by saying wow it was a great weekend and I am glad that I got to take as much part in it as I could even with a messed up arm!
There is so much I'd like to note but here's my favorites in no particular order:

Late night dice game with the mystic wood elfs and other things that came for it ;)
Hanging out with the twilight elfs and drinking tea!
The purple robes/ boar hat boys!
Late night cuddling.
hanging around fang and moxie (idk if i spelled that right)

um thats all i can think of at the moment I'll try and post more later!

I had a great weekend. Thank you for the fun tourney and other plot (LOVED THE DRAGONS!!!) are some favs from the weekend:

- the Mal Draco, (Scott you are awesome)...Aishling was like, "I should ask about this path...but it will more than likely get me into lots of trouble..."
- Brewing Competition: getting my "Midnight Apple Surprise" concoction together along with Max and Darkan...I was very nervous that a drink I like a lot wouldn't go over well...and of course I usually like it best when there is Alcohol yeah...hehehe
- the wave battle on Sunday -- two moments were fun as heck for me...but the whole this was great!
1. MOMENT ONE: 'oh look, i'm here all alone with no way to defend myself...*NPC's take the bait and very quickly PC friends appear to swarm them*' hehehehe
2. MOMENT TWO: *Khorwyn chases after an NPC and gets taken down...I run down the hill to get him back up...I get chased by Rob A. who is throwing dragon's breaths and i am attempting to duck and dodge so i dont get hit, while in my head screaming from my char's perspective "I don't react well to fire!"
- New friends and old friends and the laughs and blushes we share *wink*

More will be posted later, for now I should go back to break is done.
I had one of my best HQ weekends in a long time this event. So here are some favorites.

The number one favorite is when the plumber came back out to fix the hot water heater he had installed the day before. Finally, a reliable repair person for the site.

The entire weekend in monster camp is a favorite moment. Everyone worked hard and had fun. What a great place to be.

Epic tournament battle(s) with Ithaca. Most people don't know this, but Toddy and I didn't get along so well when we first met. Now he's one of my favorite moments of an event as well as a friend. I hope it was one of his too.

Coughing up an elf ear like it was a hairball as the Mal Draco and watching the PCs get disgusted.

Watching Justin work it as Hwilliam of the Violet Vengeance. I got my share of laughs, but Justin stole the show. Boar hats FTW.

Hearing about Amelia as the Cu Draco burning Baron Ivan to char with 100 Elemental Flame. He so deserved it.

Watching Justin accept his John T. Finnegan award. Well deserved.

Approaching a stone circle that I intended to use as a prop for a mod, only to find two cows standing on it munching grass. The elf mod turned into a cow pie mod.

Meeting so many of the new and enthusiastic players. It looks like we have another great batch of players, woohoo. NPC camp is awesome for actually getting to meet people and interact with them a bit OOG.

Seeing Feng's reaction when Gilthalion stated he was primarily a caster, not a fighter.

Seeing so many of my very good friends.

Toddo, Amelia, Collin, Jeremy, Chad, Mike S and a host of others who gave me the much needed support work so that I could run an acceptable weekend. It truly was a team effort.

And of course, Bonesy, who none of this would have been possible without.

I had too many "moments of awesomeness" to possibly list em all here, but i'll name a few of my most memorable.

First and formost: Braveroar's spirit farewell. In the near decade I've been playing, I've never had a moment that truly evoked pure raw emotion from me. I cried real tears that night... and for a moment I wasn't Mike playing his Chr... I was truly Redcloud saying goodbye to someone he considered his best friend. Justin, you totally deserve any awards you get, ever.

Tourney: I love tournament... I love the hunt, I love the buzz about certain events, I love watching people compete.. I didn't think I would do as well as I did, next time I'll have to focus more on the challenge of champions and possibily enter the warriors battle...

The Fey Sideshow: Redcloud is addicted to strange and funny looking accessories... getting cursed to wear the hat was great, getting cursed to rhyme whenever I spoke... not so much

Seeing people like Glori, Shya, Sym, Scarn, Cedric, Aeun.... and other "God I haven't seen you in forever" people show up.

Watching Scott try to figure out what to do when the elf mod recieved some bovine intervention. I actually thought it was kinda cool... yeah, cows aren't your typical forest dweller, but hey nature is nature.

Cake or Death: if you were there, you'll know...
It's very rare that I find myself in moments where I just completely forget that we are playing a game, and I'm actually living the character and the moment. These are the moments that keep me coming back! I was lucky enough this weekend the experience two such moments and those are my #2 and #1 moments of this past event...
10. During the last wave battle I was attempting to get one of the NPC's to killing blow me without any luck! First attempt I yelled at Robb "Killing blow me!" and he looked at me like I had three head and then threw 2 prisons at me. Second attempt, I yelled at Amelia "Killing blow me!" She cast a flame blast at me and I had a reflect magic up and she killed herself with her own spell. 3 attempt I yelled at Rob "Killing blow me!" He looked at me, took a step forward as if to attempt to killing blow me and then spelled me into the ground! As he walked away he mumbled "Yeah like I'm going to fall for that trick!"
9. Being able to watch the hero's combat instead of fighting in the hero's combat! Great fights all around!
8. Mitchiko winning the entertainment competition for the first time in Icenia. And yes Sparticous did call it!
7. Dressing up nice and sharp for the informal dinner party and walking my Knight Dame Darlassia into the tavern.
6. Stupid O'clock in the morning & Violent Vengeance... Two words, now listen to them... Purple Robe... Let it stink in, let it stew, like it brew... Now let it out!
5. Justin Coggin winning the JTF Role-Play award! Great job man!
4. Picking wild flowers *IG* for almost a hour Sunday morning (see Sparticous has a heart) and not a single NPC was sent out as random damage. I think it's was a good thing though, because I would have laid waste to them one handed. And had I dropped any of the flowers, ohhhh boy it would have been on, it would have been on like Donkey Kong!
3. Just being at the event with friends having a great time! & NPC's were kick *** as always! Thanks NPC's!!!!!

And now for the two moments of the event that I actually felt as if I was living my character not playing my character!

2. I want to thank everyone who took part in the spirit farewell of Braveroar, the entire encounter was awesome! I really felt as if everything around us was really happening! It truly was one of those moments that grabs you and will never let go! Everyone PC and NPC rocked it to the 100th lvl!!!

And the #1 moment of the weekend for me, which truly I felt as if i wasn't playing a game and I was actually living the moment, and those around me can attest to this:

Myself, Dame Darlassia and a few others were in the tavern when the Elves of Imladar first came into town this weekend. I (Sparticous) was completely and totally awestruck by Merethir Sila Avariel (who's name I did not know at the time)! I really felt as if I was a human warrior in a tavern actually viewing a heavenly elf! My eyes followed her across the room and the only words I was barely able to speak were "Who is that??" in which Dame Darlassia answered "I can not remember her name off hand, but I do have it in a copy of the Ashbury Times" I'm not saying that Scott and Dee didn't look magnificent as they always do! But Amelia was totally the brighter star out of the three of them. And with that I'd like to thank Amelia for always putting 100% into all of the characters she plays! It's rare moments like these that truly keep me playing this game we all love! Thank you!
Dennis, if my appearance ever leaves you awestruck or if you ever call me's on like donkey kong.
Haven't put anything on here in a long time...

Road trip, regardless of confused directions and roads that scared my city-bred friends...

IG reactions to news about certain dragons

getting to see a really nice new (to me at least) site building up

seeing the Stormblades again

Asitikir and Tight Corset

which leads me to...

Finding a good reason for Alor to come home again, one he or I had never anticipated.

Blushing, subtlety and the absence of it

editing to add this - Scarn's comment of "aww, he left us a do-not-disturb-sword, how cute"

maybe more later... thanks for such a cool event!
Seeing everyone again! Being able to come back a lot sooner then anticipated was great. I just enjoy going to HQ.
keeping my word and taking a prisoner to put in the stocks!
As always hanging with my boys Garathon and Khorwyn
Thrown weapons! ,and thrown weapon retrival, thanks to everyone for the help.
While enjoying throwing weapons so much, Forgot who but someone behind me says "Ithica, screw the throwing knives swing your F$%kin sword"
Being "spooked" about the "curse", and had no interest in fighting in the tourney. Until some Maiden (first time npc'r) walks in with a great smile and says "I would love to cheer you on" And just like that Ithica had to compete.
Getting de-cursed by everyones favorite Gypsy Knight, after winning the Combat.
A great conversation with the visiting Knight Sir Gareth (awesome rp on the deck before the ball)
Meeting new friends traveling from far off places! (i hope our pc's cross again somewhere, So Mich crew)
Baron Drakes leadership and council.
All things Goblin minions.
Conversation and just relaxing with the healers guild members.
All things Shya!
Great combat with NPC's
The entire tourney,and competing in so many events. Holy cow the running event was more like and obstacle coarse. And the Coin challenges was great, my drinking tricks and poker skills!
Listening to all the singers in the entertainment portion.
Being a judge in the Brewing contest! Wow some really great drinks. OOC i want some of that cider!
Seeing all my friends in the Ash Forest again.
All things Amelia
And thank you so much NPC's, seeing a lot of new faces and hope to see you again.

And my Favorite Moment was fighting in the Tourney against the Host Prince, (Scott). Epic battle and a great time. (im glad i didnt buy that 5th parry before the event). And to say we didnt get along when we first met is an under statement. But the friendship that came after wards is what counts.


Also thanks for the kind words ooc on the poem Ithica recited, since i was asked by quite a few Ill post it here. Its called "I dream a dream" from the play Les Miserables. However here are 2 links to the greatest singers who sing the song, in my opinion anyway. (Thats right i have a soft side!)
<<< Hearing about Amelia as the Cu Draco burning Baron Ivan to char with 100 Elemental Flame. He so deserved it. >>>

I sure did. LOL!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
It's been a really, really long time since I've posted favorites. Part of that is because I haven't been able to be around and in the game as much... and part of that is because even though the plot team has done an incredible job of putting together some amazing event in the part couple years, they really haven't been able to "wow" me like when I was new to the game- a lot of things began to feel "done before", some of them you just knew what was going ot happen next... I guess it's a combination of having hit more than 100 events plus having been behind the scenes for a while. Anyway... this event brought that back for me, in spades.

So before I start, a thanks to everyone who makes the events work- plot, props, logistics, ownership, and npcs.

First and foremost, all things Coggin. I remember your first event, bro- you showed up, all confused that there weren't beards available for players. I'm really glad I had one to spare you, because this game without Braveroar never would have been the same for me. You started this trip a wide eyed kid who was willing to go along with anything and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a broadsword, and you've turned into a wide-eyed veteran willing to go along with anything and pretty handy with a stick. Some else said it earlier- you deserve every award you get, ever.

Saying good-bye to Braveroar.... damn. Ulthoc to this day misses his apprentice.

Having Glori back in town! Ulthoc missed his liege being in town almost as much as Tom missed his friend.

All things Michelle- damn, between you and Coggin I feel like an old man. Getting to play with you again- with neither one of us having to put out fires- really let me drift back a bit in game, and remember just how long out characters have been at this. You really broke Ulthoc's head this event woman... thank you.

The whole AF crew- I can count on each and every one of you to take each encounter to its fullest. Private conversations with Ezri, discussions with Rori and Daralassia, duels- verbal and with weapons- with Joquin, seriously deep roleplay with Qualin.

Getting Knighted. There were just parts of this event that felt so surreal.... this event was my 8th anniversary in this game. I got squired at my 5th anniversary event- at a ball. Fate it seems is not without a certain sense of irony- and I'm pretty certain Scott isn't either. Thanks for everything Boss.

Mike W as Redcloud... just like old times man... just like old times. Cake or Death!

Talking with Ithaca, as always- two different types of warriors. Both know they can't ever be the other, both respect each other for who and what they are.

And the next generation begins... thanks to Jon-Paul for letting me see the game from a rookie's eyes one more time, with everything exciting and new all over again. You did me proud, brother, like I knew you would. Way to ace, way to ace.

Thanks to everyone who writes, plays, npcs... every last one of us collectively make this game the best one in the country. I can't list 60+ people every event, but know that every single one of you impact each other, every single game.

Tom H
"that guy"
This was a really fun weekend. Thank you for all the people who make me feel at home every time I can make it all the way down to HQ.

On to the favorites:

The Weather, I thought it was gonna be crappy all weekend, and it turned out to be nice. Yay weather!

Victor, aka Drenten Lite. Asking him if his sword was the sword I thought it was and getting into a good conversation about Sadeen Moor.

House Nemesis 3, Fairedale 0. Cedric was paid accordingly. (And in a related note, seeing Nemesis around all weekend and feeling a little safer at night because of it)

All things Becca. The lead up to this event was pretty intense... and it all went off just fine. Plus warm breakfast in the cabin both days, and Jiffy Pop!

My surprise Tea Set gift from Kristen/To'Noah. I had no idea it was coming and am still amazed to have gotten it.

Put said tea set to use all weekend. Having a 90 minute revolving membership party Saturday afternoon. Heather, you chose the best weekend to bring your collection of teas to the game!

The Elf Mod. Seeing so many people fall to their knees in respect, and realizing the caliber of the presence I was being honored to share. Henry's newest talent: Emergency Cow Mover. The long wait for the first set of dissipations. The temptation to run in and life everyone was strong. Michiko being chosen in the second set. Taking the tiniest step forward and being chosen for the third wave. Very difficult decision for Jun-Wu to make. Especially considering I knew it meant that I would be unable to be the one to resurrect Michiko. The RP of everybody on the encounter was top notch and is one of my favorite encounters of the year. Thank you to all involved.

Realizing on my way up the hill that I needed to find out where I was going to end up resurrecting. Thank you to the HQ Plot team (including Michelle who was pcing at the time but pointed me in the right direction) for rolling with everything seamlessly and helping me work out a way to get back into the game.

A special thank you to Justin, who took the simple role of helping me get back into game, and took it 3 levels farther then I thought it could go. He made the entire situation more then an offstage prepping before going back IG. You are most deserving of the recognition and honor your received after the event.

Being Met halfway up the hill back into town. Amaranthus nearly knocked me over with a flying leap hug. Michiko close to tears with a cup to tea. And Joquin, with his simple, true, and to the point observation. "You have alot of friends here"

The Spirit Farewell. It was the main reason I came to the event. Helping Michiko set up and prepare for it both emotionally, and logistically. Measuring the rope in the cabin, going over the components and reagents, and helping choose the circle location. Then setting up the circle. I had mentioned doing the chalk kanji, not realizing the extent of what had already been brought for decorations. Being given the votives to use around the edge of the circle created an atmosphere that was to tally immersive for me.

Meeting Braveroar. All his crazy antics. Made me sad I never met him as a PC. Hearing him retell the story about how I rolled him while he was sledding was great.

The semi formal ball. Scarn's description of "Semi Formal" All the competitions that took place. Ithica showing his softer side, everybody's wonderful singing. Congrats to Becca, first win in Icenia! Bill, Carrie told you so before the event... I married her for a reason, congrats on your win too.

Riddick Dale, "A tower of a man"... as described by a short man proudly wearing his Unisex Boots. Bill / Amaranthus begging me not to tell Steve. Too late.

Not being able to give my healing away. If only I always had that problem.

Lighting monsters up all weekend. Not having to heal a team or town allowed me to have alot of fun with the monsters.

Conversations with Darken. Respectfully declining to answer his probing questions about how deep my spell defensives were going to be. Nice try.

Joquin getting in my head all day. Almost worked.

The curveballs around the casters competition. From learning the last minutes change in strategy when the rules were fully explained, to it almost being canceled outright. The last minute stipulation to just the spell shield you start with, all added up to making me much more nervous about everything.

Winning Spellcasters. Because of the changes in defensive's available I finished up with the effect group I had the most protection against. It also was the most dramatic. I'm glad people enjoyed the show.

Henry's jump and "Sucks to be you"... which I could have been there to see it.

Taking bets on the "freestyle milling" competition. Andros won, and didn't even know.

Ithica's consant ribbing about the race changes. Telling the dragons that I'd used the last Fortanis' supply.

There are more, it was a great time. I can't wait to find time to come down again.

EDIT: Almost forgot a good one. Friday night a group of shifty looking folks come in looking to "debate magic" after a few minutes nobody really bites, so I saunter over to give them the "necro test." Nemesis was still around and if they didn't pass I figured maybe I could get in on the fun, Nemesis hog's all the necromancers. Not only did the group pass the test, but I had a very interesting debate with them over the finer points of "the depletion" of magic, where it comes from, where it's going etc. I got to call on a few different theories on the nature of magic that I'd learned from people I've trained under over the years, and then bring in my own from my own travels. Even though neither side was swayed in their view, I felt it was a lively debate with people considering theories on both sides of the issue. I will miss my misguided "Depletionist" colleagues... Thank you to those involved in that fishbowl. I really dig magical debates like that, and the characters you played weren't one-dimensional, stuck in their ways with no other outlook people. They debated, posting counters to my counters, all the while honestly listening to the points I was making, and considering them before responding.

Also, a favorite quip I came up with at one point "Nerds, color coded for your convenience"

-Craig Fiske / Qiu Jun-Wu
My second time playing the game and yet another wonderful experience. There is something to be said about the newness factor and how everything is a blast simply because you arent just having fun but you're also learning about something completely different than anything you've ever experienced and I get a real kick out of that. I do however have favorites from this last event that will stay with me regardless of how many years I play, chapters I hop to and from, etc. etc. With the mushy stuff out of the way now onto the list which is in no particular order:

Playing a Gnoll on the second night and helping to being a terror to the point that search parties with lights came out. I was a minor half on the team of two, but it was fun all the same and helped me appreciate the more stealthy aspects of this game during the dead of night with overcast skies.

Kobold muggings. While we only got to really mug one person, we almost did it twice. Once before he got to a mod, and the second time while he was actually on the mod...of course once we heard he was on a mod we just silently backed away and let them keep going. Whoops :o

Playing an Orc weapon merchant and sitting across from another Orc weapon merchant and competing to steal customers by heckling and making fun of the other. "Dont buy Thrang's arrows, they fly at 90 degree angles." 'Dont buy Krang's arrows, they kill your first born'

The tavern scene was awesome. Nothing like rifting into the middle of a tavern and breaking up a party. Great fight by the way. Outnumbered and definately outgunned we still went down swinging.
IvanDrake said:
<<< Hearing about Amelia as the Cu Draco burning Baron Ivan to char with 100 Elemental Flame. He so deserved it. >>>

I sure did. LOL!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

And Telokh standing next to him thinking "I knew this would happen". Baron Ivan needs to listen when his advisor advises him NOT to touch the dragon! ;-)
Ok, on to the faves for real this time:

All things Ash Forest. It's always awesome to run with people who are not only very good friends OOG, but fantastic roleplayers and characters who I really enjoy interacting with.

New and interesting tournament events. Nicely done.

The elf mod was spectacular. The immersion, the roleplay, the emotions, the cows. Ezri was on the verge of tears watching Dame Daralassia in that circle, and was close to begging the Forest Lord to let her go in her knight's place... until I realized we would all be doing the same thing. Not only was the module very intense, it spawned HOURS of roleplay afterwards.

Seeing Nemesis again. OOG I totally missed you guys. IG it was touch and go for a while. Ali attempted to play peace maker for a good long while. Then, on Saturday night, long talks and lighthearted moments, including Cedric and Rorii swapping circlets. Good times.

Getting to be PC with Tom again. And yes bud, I too remember the first time these characters met. It's been a fun evolution and I'm glad I could make your weekend interesting. Thanks for breathing more life into mine as well. :)

It also appears that my friends can only ever be knighted when I am hopping the fence for something. Thus far I have missed Rorii's knighting and coronation, Daralassia's knighting, Koshi's posthumous knighting and now Fuzzy... all while hopping fence. If anybody wants to be knighted, just be pals with me and then convince me to go NPC for an hour LOL.

Noble push ups. No, I'm not a noble or even a squire, but I sure as hell wasn't going to be the only one NOT to get up from that table and drop to the floor.

Collin's classic cave crawl... say that five times fast.

Deep discussions with Ali as Aislynn. Always fun times.

Rorii's charnal assasin. I'm going to steal a Dennis-ism... It's on like Donkey Kong!

All of the dragons looked phenominal and the roleplay was top notch... right down to the dragon booger ritual scroll. Maxwell and Ezri now have vials of dragon snot.

Collecting (and hiding) the dragon artifacts. Some of those were VERY tempting to keep. Good thing this is my lawful good character. ;)

The Traverse crew coming down to visit! It was great to see you all. I know what a beast of a drive it is, but I hope we'll see you again from time to time.

Healer's Guild hilarity. Totally breaking protocol by announcing that I liked Telokh during his interview, but hey... Ezri is honest, sometimes to a fault. Being invested and gleefully hopping in and out of the circle... just because I could.

Braveroar's spirit farewell. OOG I'm sorry Justin that I didn't spend much time in there but Ezri feels like she's been to so many of those as of late that she couldn't bear it for long.

Violet Vengeance! OMG you guys were hilarious. Stupid o' clock antics in the tavern FTW.

Despite this novel, I know there are more favorites that I'm missing. Thank you to everyone who spent time with me this weekend, and reminding me why I love this game so much.