September Favorites

Ack! I can't believe I forgot to mention seeing Matt Byers again and getting to meet his wife Beverly and their friends Amy and Gareth (I still can't remember your real name! Sorry!). Having visitors from afar really makes it seem like an Alliance.

Omg, I had so much fun npcing that I do believe I will be back in October!

In no order some of my favorites...

-Playing "Truth" the fey who I plane to make reoccurring in the chapter

-The spirit fair well for Brave Roar was amazing, it was the only point in which I felt I wanted to be PCing

-Npc camp antics, I forgot how much fun "Stupid O clock" can be in npc camp

-Playing an encounter head during the battle over by the river

-Seeing Erica get to play Glori and actually Npcing for her and Perry for a change

-All things Scott, I always feel welcome concerning him

I know there is tons more but I am burnt from work but I can't wait to npc the Halloween event!
Geez, there are so many. In no particular order...

Roms, roms, roms.... Meeting Maxwell and making him fell bad for his faux pas in the dream realm... really did you think you were the only male rom in the game????? ;)

Interacting with characters I had never met ig, Vincent, balls, Ithica, Korwhyn, and many others.

Braveroar's spirit fairwell

Talking to someone in the the corner by the back stairs with Ulthoc standing around corner to help out. That person looked uncomfortable and nervous at times and I think not believing I didn't want anything from him and/or was not intending to do anything to him..... Ket had fun watching him look uncomfortable.

Meeting Ivan ig and going on a mod with him and Ket being able to keep quiet while "Bonesy" ranted and Ivan not being able to shut his pie hole, then after getting back walking past Ivan and covertly dropping a cure light on him after being literally toasted by the dragon.

The tourney, very fun.

Being paired with Telok (spelling?) So he can learn to lighten up and Ket learn to be more serious...

interacting ig with so many pcs I had not talked to ig in over 3 years (Glorianna, Joquin, Sparticous, Cedric, Michiko and many others)

heather's tea.

Politics and many many behind the scene deals.

Giving someone a rit catalyst as a gift out of the blue, and them surprised someone would give such a gift.

Violet vengence! Boar hats, riff in 1, riff in 2 riff in 3..... Scott and Justin entertaining the pcs well after stupid o'clock, great stuff.

Being told Sunday morning there were monsters around our cabin as we slept and being told that they were tempted to blow up the cabin to get rid of them, but only the half I was not sleeping in, feeling the love....... :lol:

Many more that are escaping me at the moment.

More-The look on Perry's face when the dragon asked which prince, I and Ket tells him the name of a prince that is the enemy of Moria...

Thinking a npc playing a guard was cursed since she had a mustache and beard drawn on that looked like the doodles on a picture, but she was playing a make guard, oops
I have been thinking of posting my favorites for a couple of days now. I have been thinking about how to express the joy this event brought to me. When I showed up on Friday I was feeling a lot of trepidation and anxiety. As the weekend progressed, my awesome friends helped pick me up and turn this weekend completely around. Being honored with the John Finnegan award is such an amazing achievement for me. Thanks so much everyone! NPC camp was awesome, we have lots of eager new players getting in to the game and really putting their all in to it. I am so thankful for the Alliance. Thanks to the HQ staff for putting on a great show and providing us with fun roles to go out and entertain with!

So here goes...

-The spirit farewell for my first PC. Without Rebecca I would not have gone through with it. Thank you so much for your encouragement. The atmosphere you created for the ritual was stunning. The song you sang was breathtaking to me. You are by far one of the most talented players and people I know. The experience would not have been the same without you! I am very happy so many of the key figures in that characters life were present so we could say goodbye. Thank you so much Erica for providing me with a cool costume. I cannot imagine how this could have gone any better.

-The poem Ket wrote, and the song Ulthoc did were great. Thanks guys.

-Being Knighted, winning third place in entertainment, and getting to judge the brewing competition...what else could a dead Dwarf ask for?

-Having a chance to go out at Stupid:AM with Scott. We played off each others cues so organically. The encounter with the Violet Vengeance was completely spontaneous. Thanks man, that was so much fun. Purple robes and boar hats won the evening.

-RP with the mod group who went after Slythe's eye. Bonesy approves of Telokh the Rock Rock.

-Participating in the Tournament as Guard Victor Holst. I had a lot of fun with that role, thanks Toddo! Also, thanks Melinda for going out and RPing around town with me, that was a lot of fun.

-Ithica's entertainment was really awesome. Toddy, you really delivered that very well. Way to go man!

-Amaranthus and Natalia's food offerings that I got to try were deeeeeelicious!

-All things Amelia (holy crap your dragon was awesome). Like most of you, I cannot say enough great things about this girl. She came to me with a few roles and each time you could see the enthusiasm in her eyes like sparks. Thanks very much for giving me the opportunity to go out as the Owlbear hunter...that was ALOT of fun. Thanks Adam for not breaking me with your martial art skills while we wrastled lol. Robb was so awesome as my assistant in that too. Great rp all around!

-Mike W. telling me how real he felt the farewell encounter was. I dunno, it just seemed to make him really really happy, and that is a definite favorite for me. Everyone should have that experience where they completely lose themselves for a while and become their character. I'm glad you had that this weekend bro.

-Fae wackiness! It was a great surprise seeing Kelly and Dustin show up for a while to NPC! We had sock puppet madness, and it was awesomes, even if Will almost inadvertently broke all the fingers on my right hand hahaha.

-Ur'sul popping out of the bushes roaring. That was so funny. Your chracter rocks Will!

-RP with Qiu JIn Wu as my Sgt Elf guy. I'm glad you liked your res story man. It was really great to see you again this weekend and hang out after the event. Thank you so much for helping out with the Farewell stuff bro. The kanji on the ground was really cool!

Thanks again everyone for an unforgettable experience. I love this game so much, and the people who participate by playing, running, and NPCing for it. With the Alliance we have something really unique and special. Each time I attend an event it's a really special experience no matter what happens, and my life is a lot better for having something like this in it. Thanks to everyone for coming and making this a great event!

-Justin Coggin
I have a bunch, but mind's a blur, so I'll do my best:

Friday night fighting - it was totally a blast backpacking Daralassia, despite being like "The only reason I'm doing this is Ezri will be mad at me if I let her knight die.."

Friday Night Dragons - holy crap...I don't think I've ever been as scared as that character going "Any of them could blow us up at any time, and there'd be nothing we could do about it." That was quite the adrenaline rush.

Seeing Ahurak in the tavern later that night - I've missed my team being in HQ, bigtime. It was great to see Cedric, Ahurak, Scarn and Alor..and had a blast with you guys all weekend. Thank you very much for coming down.

All things Justin Coggin - the boy is like the energizer bunny. I'm glad that JTF award went to you, you very much deserve it. Much <3

Elf Mod: Holy Crap. Awesome.

Ending a bunch of IG drama on various lines - also awesome. It was amazing to see Cedric in Rorii's crown, and Rorii in a Scarlet Dawn coronet. I almost fell over I was laughing so hard.

"WE'RE BUSY! COME BACK LATER!" "Its a charm spell.." *yoink* *doorslam*

Getting to mess with Daralassia/Ash Forest/Redcloud as Halloween NPC plot. I've watched Missy get freaked out more times than most, and its pretty awesome. :)

Conversations with Ezri about the responsibilities/cons of a white belt. Deep stuff :)

S'all I've got for right now - maybe more later.

The RP this weekend was amazing. It's so hard to think of everything that happened that was qure awsomeness.

Here go's

Friday night walking into the tavern and just looking around at every one who was there. Seeing so many Romani there was amazing...I've never been around when there were guys playing Roma...It was fun.

The Dragons were Friggin awsome! OMG!

The fight friday where the Fea came out. Jarrin got Dominated and started following after me. I ran up and beat down the fea only for him to dissapre. SO I went on my way and next thing I know I'M GETTING CURSED! Bunny ears....really....

sitting in the healers guild pouting about the ear and seeing Jarrin as he walked in with his new "Hair" that made me laugh a bit...

Turning the cures from plain Bunny ears to a wonderful pair of Romani bunny ears....Mind you it was heavy but they weren't just ears any longer.

Saturday when everyone realized that I was cures and every one trying make me and Jarrin feeling better.

The talk Shya and I had during the first part of the tornament.

FINALY getting the ears off. Thank you to every one who donated for Jarrin and I to get uncursed. You have no idea how thankful I was.

So many gifts for Lanna this weekend...I wonder what she did to get them all. lol

FINALY MEETING LADY GLORIANA! I've heard so much about her I was so happy to finaly meet her.

Singing in the tavern. I messed that song up so bad and I felt like I did horrible. I couldn't keep my eyes open.... All because I didn't know the theme for the entertainment....Blah me and my not having a computer...So had to change the song last minute...As I'm standing there singing the words to myself the game master looks at me and goes "it's your turn....." I was just like....."Can i go next....PLEEEEEEEAAAAASSEE!" I got my way...hehehehe

Braveroar. I really really really wish Lanna had gotten to meet him before he died. She thought he was cool.

The 'inturuption' at the end of Ithica's Poem. Wow. Ali that was creepy as all get out. I was shaking in Jarrin's arms.

Sunday fighting with Jarrin about how I wasn't going to Rez when I went on the mod without him. Then comming back and proving myself right. :P

Sunday watching the battles and getting Joquin's ribbin. The dirty look Jarrin gave him made me laugh.

Jarrin's way to ask Lanna to marry him. James that was awsome.

During the final battle fighting next to Gloriana. Thinking...I should tell her... Then during a small lul looking at her and going "Jarrin asked me to marry him." She stopped dead and looked at Jarrin "You!" Jarrin "I didn't do it!" Gloriana, "You didn't ask her to marry you?" Jarrin, "Oh that. Yeah I did that." hahahahahaha

The LONG talk with Shya and Gloriana. Jarrin and I were both like. "Oh boy. What did we just get ourselves into...."

JUSTIN! Congrats again. You are one of the many reasons I continue to come to this game. You've made such an impression on me. Your characters are amazing. Even when you NPC. Justin you are amazing and I can't wait to see what you're about to do next.

Can't wait for October. It's gonna be fun.
Upon reflection of this past event, it occurred to me that I hadn't been away from HQ for this long since I was 15 years old. Thanks to everyone for the warm homecoming. I regret that I was so involved in ritual business that I didn't have the oppertunity to meet so many of the new faces I saw.

All of the Nemesis guys would like to extend a big thanks to Will and Dan for taking time away from PCing to marshal rituals for us. We know what a pain it is and really appreciate it. I promise to return the favor in Caldaria anytime.


- Justin C. I love you, you're f*ing awesome, and I cannot think of anyone who deserves that award more. It was most excellent to see Berfenmerpher one last time.

- Playing with my IG wife again.

- Having said IG wife pull off the low-blow and actually cry when asking Scarn not to kill Rori.

- "I'm going to go bury the hatchet in Rori."
"Don't you mean with Rori Scarn?"

- Elf mod. ok, ok, I get it. Play nice. Gotcha.

- Watching Alor activate his role on whore.

-Order of the Scarlet Dawn, house #2...muahahaha

Thanks again HQ.
a couple more have come up...

"Stupid dragons"

Backrubs for fae FTW
I had a great time visiting your chapter and I can not wait untill I can make the trip again. (the 14 hour trip was worth the fantastic people I got to interact with). Some of my favorites (in no particular order)

Winning the Drinks competition (inflate Maxwell's over sized ego just a bit more)

All the lovely ladies of Fairdale (especially the Roms and the Mystic Wood Elves)

Cake or Death!! (hey Sir Garoth, the energies of that portal seem unscaled, grab your shield and don't wake up the girls)

The Hunt (had me running around and probing the locals for info)

All things Chazz, you rock man!

All things Scott! can't wait to see you again.

The elf that appologizes for being a b@#ch ahead of time and then never seeing that side of her :D

Gambling away my tourny tokens, I didn't win any but it was a pleasure teaching a game I love to others (maybe next time we will get around to doing it for coin)

Mixing drinks in the tavern with my fellow drink mixers and hunting for matching cups

Entering the combat contest swinging 1 silver with my dagger ;) , nuff said

ALL THINGS ROM!!!! so many cousins! It was awesome

The entertainment contest, even though I didn't win it was a pleasure to be entertained by people with true talent.

Undead party crashers! Diving in front of the Prince and the Baron as a Romani shield only to have them step around me with thier weapons drawn. Well, at least they both had a healer at their backs :D

Lady Gloriana and the commands of family (soo good to see you again)

All things Tom Haswell (from big hugs, to seeing Uthoc knighted, to Cake or Death. It's been too long bro.)

Being dropped in the first encounter and going into my death count thinking "This would be great, 10 minutes into the game and I rez.. I could perm too.. hmm Gwen and Celeste are going to kill me."

Flowers and the lady on the bridge, one of those DOH! moments

Dragon Snot, the strange things we collect.

Meeting Duke Frost and the conversation we had on customs, it was a very cool RP moment for me

Escorting a Hobling map maker and finding our just how steep the trails are back there (I need to work out more)

Going out to eat afterwards and getting to hang with Mike and Heidi. Gamers and our war stories, nothing better.

Soo many more! I wish I lived closer to make coming out more often a possibility.

<<< Undead party crashers! Diving in front of the Prince and the Baron as a Romani shield only to have them step around me with thier weapons drawn. Well, at least they both had a healer at their backs >>>

One of my favorite moments as well. Seeing this foreign Rom spring in front of me was really touching. And he looked like he was serious about defending us! I was actually really impressed.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Hmm this will be hard I mean the weekend was great.

The dragons were awesome.
Lanna locking me out and the casting a wizard lock allowing me to get taken down right out side the door.
The "TALK" with Lady Glorianna.
Braveroar enough said!!!!!!
Seeing old friends again.
Asking Lanna to marry Jarrin.
more to come but these were my top