I had a great time visiting your chapter and I can not wait untill I can make the trip again. (the 14 hour trip was worth the fantastic people I got to interact with). Some of my favorites (in no particular order)
Winning the Drinks competition (inflate Maxwell's over sized ego just a bit more)
All the lovely ladies of Fairdale (especially the Roms and the Mystic Wood Elves)
Cake or Death!! (hey Sir Garoth, the energies of that portal seem unscaled, grab your shield and don't wake up the girls)
The Hunt (had me running around and probing the locals for info)
All things Chazz, you rock man!
All things Scott! can't wait to see you again.
The elf that appologizes for being a b@#ch ahead of time and then never seeing that side of her
Gambling away my tourny tokens, I didn't win any but it was a pleasure teaching a game I love to others (maybe next time we will get around to doing it for coin)
Mixing drinks in the tavern with my fellow drink mixers and hunting for matching cups
Entering the combat contest swinging 1 silver with my dagger

, nuff said
ALL THINGS ROM!!!! so many cousins! It was awesome
The entertainment contest, even though I didn't win it was a pleasure to be entertained by people with true talent.
Undead party crashers! Diving in front of the Prince and the Baron as a Romani shield only to have them step around me with thier weapons drawn. Well, at least they both had a healer at their backs
Lady Gloriana and the commands of family (soo good to see you again)
All things Tom Haswell (from big hugs, to seeing Uthoc knighted, to Cake or Death. It's been too long bro.)
Being dropped in the first encounter and going into my death count thinking "This would be great, 10 minutes into the game and I rez.. I could perm too.. hmm Gwen and Celeste are going to kill me."
Flowers and the lady on the bridge, one of those DOH! moments
Dragon Snot, the strange things we collect.
Meeting Duke Frost and the conversation we had on customs, it was a very cool RP moment for me
Escorting a Hobling map maker and finding our just how steep the trails are back there (I need to work out more)
Going out to eat afterwards and getting to hang with Mike and Heidi. Gamers and our war stories, nothing better.
Soo many more! I wish I lived closer to make coming out more often a possibility.