September Favs

First I want to put out a big thank you to Derek and Bev for running this event (playing my alt most of it was awesome). Derek developed a cool story arch and challenging encounters that left most of us tapped both in-game and out. Many thanks to our NPC's who never left us wanting and kept us on our toes. I also want to thank those PC's who were able to make it, the interacting was cool as well.

Some of my fav's, in no particular order.

Gwens back!! cue the calvary (spl?) music

Brotherly love (smack, wack, biff, bonk)

Alternate NPC roles (Storyteller or Ribbons? don't know which was my fav to play)

Attacking the front of the keep, I thought it was going to be a TPK for a minute

"If you are in for doing something stupid, right hands in!" and Garoth just shaking his head :D

Catching Crabs (no, not that kind)

Yelling for help when I was bing attacked by bees (real ones and people came running when they
thought it was an in-game threat)

The riddles and the dang vulture in the end (that was a cool tough one)

too much fun, I might post more later

First there has to be a huge thanks to darrek and bev and the NPCs thank you all so much

the pined and weaked zero duel with a bluke was really fun

bosma garit and i sitting in the wizerd lock the first night scared

first time ive seen a biata use there mind reading (annet on ribbins)

Right hands in if your doing something stupped.

the charge on the keep for shore

getting punched in the eye :( not really but ill remember it for shore

CRABS lol james still has them

theres more but i got to go
see yall next weekend
Darrek did an amazing job! Hands down one of my top 5 favorite events of all time. The way everything "looked", was just amazing.

The Biata pinata! Shes about to wake up! 0 Weylay, Sleep Gass Poison, Knocked out with giant Dwarf Maul!

Figuring out the last riddle. "Sounds like an ugly *** bird.... A VAULTURE!!!"

Playing my new char! WOOT FOR BEING A NINJA!!!!

Tadron's adventurer nick names!

Matts ability to play multiple rolls very well, and Flint's interaction with Ribbons.

"Sleep gas poison!" -Flint falls over- OOG: Mike, that was a clump of grass and leaves. -Flint sits up- "Just kidding!"

And manny more!
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