September Tavern Menu


Chicago Staff
For the meal plan you get all 3 meals and $3 in drinks. I've made notes on things that have in game costs or are available outside of the meal plan. We are trying something new this event with snacks that will be sitting out for anyone who would like them. And now the menu!

Tavern Menu
Sausage or Bacon
Waffles (Plain, Chocolate Chip, or Blueberry)

Nachos with Cheese

BBQ Pulled Pork*
Garlic Bread
Mashed Potatoes (Plain or loaded)
Mixed Vegetables

Sitting Around Snacks
Red and Green Grapes
Cheese Balls
Beef Jerky (5 silver)
Soup ($1)
Trail Mix ($.50)

Water ($.50)
Fey Wine (Powerade) ($1)
Fizzy Drinks ($.50)
Jug O' Drink (Gatorade 2 silver a glass)
Coffee ($.50)
Hot Chocolate ($.50)
Mocha ($1)

*Vegetarian option will be available.
The Mashed potatoes will be homemade! speaking of which who wants to do the potato peeling module? LOL.

I forgot to add it to my prereg but I would like food as well if it is possible ;).
TadRon said:
I forgot to add it to my prereg but I would like food as well if it is possible ;).

I'm sorry sir. You must starve...JK. You know I wouldn't starve anyone. Not in my character (lol).