September Tournament

  1. Can we switch out the makeup of our team fighters between rounds?
    • Does that mean we can do the same in spells for sports?
Yes, swaps okay but with the caveat that we would like to gauge reactions of attendees to it. No resets, all battleboards must be updated for any skills used for fighters as those were really used IG just with padded weapons. Spells are marked off of their "tournament" memorization. We are also clarifying that a contestant's spell list is their spell list for the entire tournament day, we want one list not separate ones for spells for sport versus amazing adventures. This is to keep them on the same level ground as fighters who are really using their real skills and don't get free resets on those.

1. Spells for Sports - how much armor and body?
  • You have as much body and armor as you normally do (e.g. no changes from your character for this).

The spells used in Amazing Adventures are "real" while the spells used in Spells for Sport are not, correct? So is this saying that if you are participating in both Amazing Adventures and Spells for Sport, if you use a spell slot in Spells for Sport then you can't use it in Amazing Adventures (but you didn't "actually" use up the spell, so you could still use that spell slot in a non-tournament-related mod later on?) While if you use a spell in Amazing Adventures, not only can't you use it in Spells for Sport, but you did "actually" use up the spell so you could not use that spell in a non-tournament-related mod.

Second, as for armor and body in Spells for Sport: As I understand it, IG the characters are "actually" throwing birdseed at each other and acting out the effects of getting hit by the birdseed. (This comic is apropos here.) So if armor and body works as normal, I assume this means that my character is IG aware of the fact that, say, it takes exactly six stone bolts, or three lightning bolts or two flame bolts to knock hum unconscious, so he knows IG when to fall down. This is somewhat surprising to me because we had a whole discussion earlier about the fact that armor/body point mechanics aren't things that exist IG for characters to be aware of. Am I misunderstanding something?
The spells used in Amazing Adventures are "real" while the spells used in Spells for Sport are not, correct?
  • They are both same and not real in game.
So is this saying that if you are participating in both Amazing Adventures and Spells for Sport, if you use a spell slot in Spells for Sport then you can't use it in Amazing Adventures (but you didn't "actually" use up the spell, so you could still use that spell slot in a non-tournament-related mod later on?) While if you use a spell in Amazing Adventures, not only can't you use it in Spells for Sport, but you did "actually" use up the spell so you could not use that spell in a non-tournament-related mod.
  • As they are both the same, if you expend a spell in Amazing Adventures it would be gone for Spells for Sports but would be available if the town got attacked and vice versa. In addition participants might even have a totally different spell list for the tournament as they do for real.

Second, as for armor and body in Spells for Sport: As I understand it, IG the characters are "actually" throwing birdseed at each other and acting out the effects of getting hit by the birdseed. (This comic is apropos here.) So if armor and body works as normal, I assume this means that my character is IG aware of the fact that, say, it takes exactly six stone bolts, or three lightning bolts or two flame bolts to knock hum unconscious, so he knows IG when to fall down. This is somewhat surprising to me because we had a whole discussion earlier about the fact that armor/body point mechanics aren't things that exist IG for characters to be aware of. Am I misunderstanding something?
  • Jenn was not part of the discussion about the game mechanics of body/armor so is unable to offer an response on this item. Being it is the day before game we will not be able to resolve this ahead of the tournament but will take it into consideration for Her Grace's Tournament and Faire in 2 years. Please play along as best you're able in the spirit of the tournament and faire.
From the IG thread:

Amazing Adventures (Game / Teams)

An adventurer's course will be set up on the Field of Glory. Teams will be sequestered during this competition until they have run through the course. The course is a timed event. The course will be scored in one of two ways. Ideally, teams would be ranked in order of the least time taken to complete the course. If no teams complete the course or if too few teams complete it to get a full ranking of places, the team completing the most elements of the course will score the higher placement. Skills and spells used during this event of the competition are real, the damage is real. Healers will be on hand to ensure no participants resurrect from their injuries. If a judge is called to aid one of the participants during this event, the group will halted at that point and will not be allowed to proceed further.

So this was changed since previously posted?
Just to verify! The archery competition involves real, actual bows, and practice (blunt) arrows correct? We aren't throwing simulated arrows at targets?