Settling a bet


I will show you my team of mages is clearly more capable than the ruffians you can gather to aid in this casting brother. Prepare to have your entire school of magic embarrassed!

- Jonathan
Mind if I watch in the circles in question? I'll bring popcorn! Enough for everyone!

I always swore that next time there was potential for world-ending annihilative magics, I'd have a front row seat!

Biff Sterling, Adventurer... AT LAAARGE!!!
I was not there at the start of the market. Did this event happen and if so who claimed victory?

Aramis Seablade
Goodman Aramis,

It seems my idiot brother confused his towns together and directed us to a small hamlet in Northshire. He "claimed" he had put the Waystone directions to Westhaven but somehow there was a flash and we turned up in Northshire. We didn't have the components to go to Westhaven AND cast our rituals so we hired a carriage to return us home. While this contest was put on hold, it is most certainly NOT over.

- Jonathan
Jonathan and Maximillian,

As you now have time, I would also suggest a 3rd casting with a caster from both schools casting it together or a dual school formalist to show the difference when the schools are combined. I think that it would show that magic is the same at its source and it is only how it is channels by the caster that is what truly separates the school. The casted is merely the conduit and based on training and natural affinity give share to the magic in a certain expression.

~Captain Aramis Seablade
Captain Seablade,

Unless you have a ritual that is specifically designed to use the magics of both schools at the same time - it is highly, highly advisable to not try to mix magics during a formal magic ritual.

It took two months to grow my eyebrows back when I tried.

Other bad stuff happened too.

Oh - this wasn't in Wayside, by the way, for those of nobility listening, nor was it any time recently.


Thank you for the bit of wisdom. I will need to contine may studies to more fully understaind the force we are dealing with.