(Warning this is long and I'm quite verbose, if you have no patience to read please move along, this is not the post you are looking for :emo: )
So, I have a few questions - some of which have been answered on my chapter's Facebook Page before Michael A. Ventrella suggested I start posting my questions here (I'm in the newish Alberta chapter).
Please bear in mind when trying to understand my train of thought that I am a very literal-minded person, and I have pretty good memory for what I read, so if I come across as if I'm 'arguing' it's not that, it's just that sometimes when new information contradicts what I've read in the book it throws me. Supplementary information that supports what's written and clarifies is always good!
My questions aren't really individual questions, they are more question 'groups' to help me understand this.
Question 1: Alchemy
In the 'alchemy' crafting section on page 55, there are 'Cure Light Damage', 'Cure Damage', and 'Cure Serious Damage'. These are not covered in the effects chapter. I would presume that the values scale at the same rate that Cure <...> Wounds does, but without the effect on undead (because Cause Damage does not have the same notes on undead that Cause Wounds does)
I presume that Alchemy effects are not Necromancy? I just want to clear this up in case someone gets on my case for illegal Necromancy as an Alchemist! The Cause Damage say 'Damage' and the Cause Wounds say 'Necromancy' in the same place, so I presume this to be correct. If that's the case, it seems that the main reason for Necromancy being illegal is balance purposes, because it deals direct body damage, why is there no similar balance mechanic on Cause Damage? An alchemist could be devastating with several orbs of Cause Serious Damage in their bag.
Question 2: Spell Slots
I have read every post I could find in this section with a title related to spell slot legality and yet none of them cover my specific question. I'm pretty sure I understand this, but I got into a discussion over facebook chat with someone who told me I was wrong (which is possible, I've only had the book for 5 days)
He was indicating that you could purchase as many first level spells as you wanted without ever purchasing a 2nd level spell slot (his example was 10). While I would love (as an Artisan who mainly intends to use spells to bring people up from unconscious) to purchase 4 1BP spell slots before looking at 2BP level 2s, my reading on this completely differs.
Here is my understanding, and please tell me if I'm incorrect about this (and if this was not the intent, then this needs rewording, because by a literal reading this is correct.)
The first full paragraph in the last column on page 51 seems to indicate (without expressly saying) that if you have any open space at the top of your 'pyramid' you have to fill those FIRST before you can purchase any lower-level spells. Keyword in that paragraph is "...the next Spell Slot you will have to buy is 3rd level" (The person I was speaking to was indicating that that only meant you couldn't buy 2nd level but could still buy 1st. I have no idea where he gets that idea from.)
This is further supported by the example before Figure 5 on the following page "... After that, he must buy the 3rd level Spell Slot."
So by my interpretation, the only legal way to build a pyramid is as follows in order;
1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5
ONLY at this point do you have any options. At this point you can buy a 1st level or a 3rd level slot. (This interpretation supports the last sentence in the first full paragraph in the last column of page 51 that says "Your ability to vary won't occur at low levels."
If this is the correct interpretation, I can't believe that this misses a few key sentences that would have made the conversation I had much less frustrating. Two paragraphs down there is a very clear sentence referring to the 'monument' style portion. .. "Further, the pyramid must be constantly building, which means that the level above must have only one less than the amount you are buying." Why couldn't a similar sentence have been crafted about the pyramid structure? Or better yet, simply have a chart showing that your first 14 spell slots have to be taken in this order, and this order only (after those first 14 hopefully the player is experienced enough that they 'know' they have to purchase the highest available for pyramid portions).
Revision Suggestions
Again, since I'm very literal-minded, here are a few suggestions that would have helped prevent a LOT of heated conversations. The next time you go to revise this book - these will help people who think like I do get the answer right the *first time*. I'm not saying these have to go in right away, but just next time, whenever that is.
Please recognize that while some of these may be 'common sense' to some people, Albert Einstein is quoted as saying "Common Sense is a collection of prejudices acquired before age 18' - not everyone gained the same collection of prejudices as everyone else!
1) Page 151, last paragraph - add that you cannot purchase Event Points for an event that occurred prior to you joining. Without this, page #13 would have one (such as myself) believe they can purchase a 'blanket' with goblin points even if it's their very first event.
2) On page #93, please add "and place all your in-game items on the ground." right before 'head immediately and directly to your campaign's resurrection point". While this is implied in the paragraph at the very middle of the middle column, it's not expressly stated, which leads one to wonder if you actually have to place the items on the ground (which is what I'm told is correct) or if it is implied that 'someone' gives them back to you (like with your clothes - for obvious reasons)
3) 'Affect' is used in many places where it should be 'effect' - and it's a pet peeve of mine =Z (And now that I'm specifically LOOKING for them to point out I can't find them!)
Page 147 - under Areas of Effect "Anyone within that radius will take the affect." You could say "Anyone within that radius will be affected." but otherwise affect should be changed to effect.
Whoever has the text data for this should search for 'affect' and check to make sure it makes sense. There is at least 1 or 2 more that do not. I have not seen 'effect' in place of 'affect' though, which is usually the more common mistake.
Gameplay Suggestion
Add a clause for self-teaching. If there's ever a situation where a teacher absolutely cannot be found or there is a political struggle that prevents you from learning something (the Mages and Healer's guilds being at war, for example, and refusing to teach the other guild that type of magic), you should be able to teach yourself for a price.
My recombination is to pay the BP cost of the skill to get it at 'Level 0', but these BP are LOST, and lower your overall level. This way, there is a substantial cost to do so, but keeps characters of equivalent BPs on-par.
Whew! That's all I have to say for now. If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
So, I have a few questions - some of which have been answered on my chapter's Facebook Page before Michael A. Ventrella suggested I start posting my questions here (I'm in the newish Alberta chapter).
Please bear in mind when trying to understand my train of thought that I am a very literal-minded person, and I have pretty good memory for what I read, so if I come across as if I'm 'arguing' it's not that, it's just that sometimes when new information contradicts what I've read in the book it throws me. Supplementary information that supports what's written and clarifies is always good!
My questions aren't really individual questions, they are more question 'groups' to help me understand this.
Question 1: Alchemy
In the 'alchemy' crafting section on page 55, there are 'Cure Light Damage', 'Cure Damage', and 'Cure Serious Damage'. These are not covered in the effects chapter. I would presume that the values scale at the same rate that Cure <...> Wounds does, but without the effect on undead (because Cause Damage does not have the same notes on undead that Cause Wounds does)
I presume that Alchemy effects are not Necromancy? I just want to clear this up in case someone gets on my case for illegal Necromancy as an Alchemist! The Cause Damage say 'Damage' and the Cause Wounds say 'Necromancy' in the same place, so I presume this to be correct. If that's the case, it seems that the main reason for Necromancy being illegal is balance purposes, because it deals direct body damage, why is there no similar balance mechanic on Cause Damage? An alchemist could be devastating with several orbs of Cause Serious Damage in their bag.
Question 2: Spell Slots
I have read every post I could find in this section with a title related to spell slot legality and yet none of them cover my specific question. I'm pretty sure I understand this, but I got into a discussion over facebook chat with someone who told me I was wrong (which is possible, I've only had the book for 5 days)
He was indicating that you could purchase as many first level spells as you wanted without ever purchasing a 2nd level spell slot (his example was 10). While I would love (as an Artisan who mainly intends to use spells to bring people up from unconscious) to purchase 4 1BP spell slots before looking at 2BP level 2s, my reading on this completely differs.
Here is my understanding, and please tell me if I'm incorrect about this (and if this was not the intent, then this needs rewording, because by a literal reading this is correct.)
The first full paragraph in the last column on page 51 seems to indicate (without expressly saying) that if you have any open space at the top of your 'pyramid' you have to fill those FIRST before you can purchase any lower-level spells. Keyword in that paragraph is "...the next Spell Slot you will have to buy is 3rd level" (The person I was speaking to was indicating that that only meant you couldn't buy 2nd level but could still buy 1st. I have no idea where he gets that idea from.)
This is further supported by the example before Figure 5 on the following page "... After that, he must buy the 3rd level Spell Slot."
So by my interpretation, the only legal way to build a pyramid is as follows in order;
1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5
ONLY at this point do you have any options. At this point you can buy a 1st level or a 3rd level slot. (This interpretation supports the last sentence in the first full paragraph in the last column of page 51 that says "Your ability to vary won't occur at low levels."
If this is the correct interpretation, I can't believe that this misses a few key sentences that would have made the conversation I had much less frustrating. Two paragraphs down there is a very clear sentence referring to the 'monument' style portion. .. "Further, the pyramid must be constantly building, which means that the level above must have only one less than the amount you are buying." Why couldn't a similar sentence have been crafted about the pyramid structure? Or better yet, simply have a chart showing that your first 14 spell slots have to be taken in this order, and this order only (after those first 14 hopefully the player is experienced enough that they 'know' they have to purchase the highest available for pyramid portions).
Revision Suggestions
Again, since I'm very literal-minded, here are a few suggestions that would have helped prevent a LOT of heated conversations. The next time you go to revise this book - these will help people who think like I do get the answer right the *first time*. I'm not saying these have to go in right away, but just next time, whenever that is.
Please recognize that while some of these may be 'common sense' to some people, Albert Einstein is quoted as saying "Common Sense is a collection of prejudices acquired before age 18' - not everyone gained the same collection of prejudices as everyone else!
1) Page 151, last paragraph - add that you cannot purchase Event Points for an event that occurred prior to you joining. Without this, page #13 would have one (such as myself) believe they can purchase a 'blanket' with goblin points even if it's their very first event.
2) On page #93, please add "and place all your in-game items on the ground." right before 'head immediately and directly to your campaign's resurrection point". While this is implied in the paragraph at the very middle of the middle column, it's not expressly stated, which leads one to wonder if you actually have to place the items on the ground (which is what I'm told is correct) or if it is implied that 'someone' gives them back to you (like with your clothes - for obvious reasons)
3) 'Affect' is used in many places where it should be 'effect' - and it's a pet peeve of mine =Z (And now that I'm specifically LOOKING for them to point out I can't find them!)
Page 147 - under Areas of Effect "Anyone within that radius will take the affect." You could say "Anyone within that radius will be affected." but otherwise affect should be changed to effect.
Whoever has the text data for this should search for 'affect' and check to make sure it makes sense. There is at least 1 or 2 more that do not. I have not seen 'effect' in place of 'affect' though, which is usually the more common mistake.
Gameplay Suggestion
Add a clause for self-teaching. If there's ever a situation where a teacher absolutely cannot be found or there is a political struggle that prevents you from learning something (the Mages and Healer's guilds being at war, for example, and refusing to teach the other guild that type of magic), you should be able to teach yourself for a price.
My recombination is to pay the BP cost of the skill to get it at 'Level 0', but these BP are LOST, and lower your overall level. This way, there is a substantial cost to do so, but keeps characters of equivalent BPs on-par.
Whew! That's all I have to say for now. If you made it this far, thanks for reading!