Shadowrose - Vaegars House

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Having arrived home a week ago, Vaegar had taken the this time to relax and spend time with his family. The month it took to walk home to Shadowrose had taken a toll on him, with heavy winds and lots of snow blowing him around the northern route he took. His entry into the city had been easy, being Dokkalfar, and once inside he new his way around. Not much changes in a year.

His Family welcomed him with all the love and respect that was permitted and he spent the last week recalling the tales of his adventures to the human realm. He told everything, from Vampires to rescuing the king and the sword. Even of the human who had indentured himself to Vaegar. Vaegar rejoiced at seeing his family too. The boys had grown some since he left and his sister was as beautiful as ever.

Over the week his Mother, Father and Grandmother brought him up to speed on the politics of the city and what was new and changed. Some house had risen and fallen in status, but that was unchanged and would be the way of life for a house.

Some of his childhood friends also came to vast a few days after his arrival. It was only proper to wait until he was settled and they were welcomed with all the formality of there status.
Vaegar sat at his desk in his chamber and scribbled the last of his notes on to the page in front of him. It was easier to get the details inline with his memory if he wrote them down. After reading what he wrote he knew he was ready to meet with his Empress.

Going downstairs, he went to the door and Grabbed one of the few indentured Svaltalfar standing near buy. " I require you to take a message to the Emperess's Palace," he stated, "Inform her house the Vaegar of House J'Cari has returned and humbly requests an audience with Her Most Beloved Empress, to give report on his encounters with the humans. Be quick, and return to me with reply at once."

Sometime later the svaltalfar returns, leading what looks like a scribe.

Knocking on Vaegar’s door he waits for acknowledgement before opening the door and announcing “Scrivener Philo from the Executive offices to see you.”

Entering the room, “Good day to you Vaegar of House J’Cari,” taking a bow. “I’m here to scribe your report for the Empress.”

The svaltalfar closes the door.
Vaegar rises at the knock at the door, "Enter" . He bows in reply and offers a small smile. "It is an honour to have you here, Scrivener Philo. Please, take a seat." he motions to a writing table to the side of the room.
Once seated Vaegar paces the room twice to gather his thoughts and offer time for the scribe to get ready. "I will begin with the people I have encountered first and then shall tell you of the situations that have transpired while I have stayed in Parsons Breach and Calenhelm. Please stop me if you need time or to clarify anything." He pauses, paces once more and begins.
"First I will speak of the King. Ulric of House Masterson. His Majesty is a very charismatic man. When he speaks it is with power, authority, and wilfulness. All traits of a strong leader. And this true, but for a few small things. It is my own feeling that King Ulric can not truly lead the realm. He is a battle King. A warriors King, but not a King of the realm. He has on several occasions gone off into the world under the persona of "Lucky" to "see the people" as it were. To see how the people of his realm go about there life. This is fine on some form, but the problem is that he does not learn much or choose to act on what he learns. In stead he goes off and hunts of adventure. Meets with unsavoury peoples and even infiltrates his enemies camp. It would seem that he would rather wield a sword and strike down a foe, then govern his realm. Is he a good king? Yes. Is he a good king for the Realm? ...that has yet to be answered."
Vaegar pauses for a moment.
"Now his Sister, The Grand Duchess Victoria of House Masterson is a different story. Every thing her brother is , she is the opposite. She is strong in her words and voice like her brother, but she has a concept of how the realm should be run, and how the peoples of this realm should be treated. Some have said that the Mass she threw last year during her brothers...disappearance was wasteful and unnecessary, but the truth is that she gathered the noble people of the land together, to allow them to forget about the Troubles for a while. To refresh themselves with a bit joy. To reinforce their resolve against the trebles to come. A masterful play a the perfect time. Her political talent is impressive as well. Her boastful show of admeration for our people, to her own, was well played. To take lady Diravera as her viziar was a masterful plan and benificial for both our peoples. Her Grace should be kept close to our hearts and ...thoughts, for the future."
"My tutolage at the Arcane Sanctum in Calenhelm, has brought me into close proximity to Lord Az'Cain. The Archmage. I am bound and Forbidden by the laws of the Sanctum, from discussing the workings of the Guild to any one. These are laws that I uphold in order to continue my lessons and teaching in the guild, and to breach these would offer dire consequences. The Archmage id very strict about keeping these laws upheld, even going so far as to Offer Obliteration to any that breach the laws. And though he is Archmage and servant to the king, this has not stoped him from preforming the full extent of the punishment of the laws to any that breach these laws. I have only seen One other who can compare to Lord Az'Cain when adherence to law must be upheld and only by the Emperess's comand can reveal who that is. Hence forth I will speak no more of Lord Az'Cain".

Vaegar pauses and stands before the scribe. The polite signal that he has finished this portion of his report.
Given Signific pause Vaegar continues.

" With all that being said. I shall tell you of the situations that have transpired. First, the threat of the witch, Kara Vale, has not ended. She was last seen in Feybridge, during the Festival of Crows, were she stole a metalurgest from the festivites. The metalurgest was found some months later, and was safely returned to the king. It was speculated that the Witch needed the metal oar, just as the king did, inorder to remake the Blade of Destany. Luckly the defenders of Parsons Breach were able to find him and his oar. And now that the King has his blade and oar it is only a matter of time before it will be reforged.

In regards to the Blade, it has come up on many lips in Calanhelm, that this blade is more troublesome then needed. I have had my own doubts as to why the King needs the Blade when he is already King. He rules the Councial, so why does he need a blade to Unite the peoples of this land? There have also been fears that the blade maybe tainted, and may corrupt whoever weilds it? These have yet to proven, though we have had major reassurences from both the Sanctum and Weavers that nothing will happen. I will wait and see.

The Vampire, Duke Artis Mortis, has been the hot topic from here to Valdenhold. He is a pesky thorn in the side of the Crown, and the defenders of Parson Breach. I have had but a few incounters with the Creature, and though I did attempt to keep myself neutral in the human lands, he forced my actions against him. The defenders have done what they can to harm and diswade his plans, but the Creature is cunning. Parsons Breach has had a hard time dealing with him, too the point of ignoring his japes and jives at us, but no longer.We will soon find his weakness, and he will be destroyed."

Vaegar raise his hand to his throat, which has become somewhat dry, He turns to the Svaltalfar, "Im a little parched. Bring wine and water. the good bottles though, from the back." he waves his hand in dismissal, and shuts the door behind him.

"Now for the Important stuff...." , he says as he closes the door.

(Taken to PM)
Having finished his report some days ago. Vaegar makes the last of preperations for the return to Calanhelm. His stuff pack, new clothes well folded and tucked away, letters to his Grandmother and Mother laid out on the desk. He makes his way to the Arcane Santums enclave here in Shadowrose.

Approching the Desk of a clerk, he bows and places a Crown on the clerks desk. "I am Vaegar of house J'Cari. Loreseeker. I am here to pay for travel to Calanhelm tomorrow morning, just after dawn, by way of portal. As a formality, I humbly ask that you have the portal chamber ready." With business finished, Vaegar turns and leaves for home... and the last meal with family he may ever have.
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