

Spend the time in between market days figuring out what is holding your eyes back from perceiving magic.

Once you have it figured out let me know, I intend to see to any task you need solved in regards to this is done before weekend's end.

Order of the Emerald Flame
I can't be completely positive, of course, but judging by my expertise in these subjects, I can provide a hypothesis. Magic resides in the land as well as it's inhabitants: Shar, as I understand, can see the ambient magic from those sources, which leads to the conclusion that he has a much more receptive spirit, likely caused by exposure to magic of more unnatural sources. However, as this land loses it's magic, so too does the regeneration of the unnatural magic that feeds off his own, as magic is not expended, but recycled, though in this land, the cycle has become imbalanced, absorbing much more energy than it returns to us. Therefore, he is losing the ability to see magic. I can further support this by my own experience of late: one of my eyes has lost it's flare, returning to it's unaltered state, meaning that I, too, am losing the my power, which is to see the spirits of others. If not remedied, and magic fades from the world, Shar's ability will become completely dormant. I can sustain my other eye through the strength of my spirit, but it will most likely be weakened. Regardless of this theory's validity, one thing is for certain: it is all connected to the loss of magic.
Um...actually no.

I'd go into details, but that'd be a lot of magical jargon that wouldn't make sense to hardly anyone; especially if you actually are familiar with magical theory. Thankfully, it can be summed up easily enough.

I used to be able to see magic easily, as much as other individuals can see light. However, magic here just doesn't work the same way as where I'm from originally. And because of that difference, my senses are sadly lacking. What I've recovered (learned anew might be more accurate) is limited, but it seems any ritually created circle should aid me enough to identify anything you need. Past that, I can't give you anything solid.

I do apologize, but this land's magic is...stubborn.
You summed it up better than could, as you know more about your own abilities than I do, but speaking in the terms of a specific cause, I don't believe you actually answered the question, simply gave a temporary solution to the problem. If you would, however, I would like to hear the 'details' you mentioned, as my search for knowledge is never complete. I can assure you no explanation you can give will be lost on me.
It is likely that my vision of the spirit and your vision of magic are of two separate natures, insomuch as I inherited my vision from the previous seeker while your's is an innate ability, am I correct in this assumption?
While the background is nice, I'm certain there's something you can do the augment your abilities. Some teacher who needs something done, some kind of magic you can expose yourself to, practice. I've seen several adventurers with similar abilities. However, none around here. So it's of huge benefit to the town that you regain, or relearn this.

So let me know what I can do to help you get there.

Order of the Emerald Flame
Wycliff, I'd be happy to explain more thoroughly at the market day. Trying to use only words makes complex magical theory nigh impossible to clarify. And yes, I did not inherit my ability from anyone else.

Link, I will certainly see what I can do. There is a small chance that I'm simply unable to do quite what you ask...but that's never stopped me from trying before.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...even if what you gain is death.