My favorites from the September event:
-News of the upcoming Broker's Guild and solidifying my character's main goal as a master of potions.
-Kendra and all the RP from Cho Ko Nu's continual climbing and falling from the "good tribesman" ladder. :disgust:
-Taking out the Barbarian Pantherghast/Ice Forsaken using all of my arrows and then going to my dagger in a slow burn. I am rarely that useful in battle!
-All the trading role-play with others and explaining in-game why "at-cost" should never be the expected market price for anything and is an insult to artisans
-Anthony's innocent verbal observation about Cho Ko Nu's trading attempt with the Kobolds and my in-character response :twisted:
-Icey's "interfere with official Guild business" (i.e. anytime Cho Ko Nu is making a trade) and RP with that
-Surviving the Barbarian attack on the town by the pure dumb luck of having just entered in my protected area to hide Gorka's healing box when they burst into the tavern. Hiding silently as the Barbarians slowly and methodically checked each bunk, and even looked into my area on several occasions, I have never felt so immersed in-character fearing for my character's life. My heart was pounding! Awesome job NPCs!
-Fern loaning a ridiculous amount of gold to the Keepers of the Darkened Sun for the auction and a great LCO potion recipe.
-Converting the Petaran and future tribesman plot possibilities with them.
Thank you staff, NPCs, and PCs for a fantastic event!!!
-News of the upcoming Broker's Guild and solidifying my character's main goal as a master of potions.
-Kendra and all the RP from Cho Ko Nu's continual climbing and falling from the "good tribesman" ladder. :disgust:
-Taking out the Barbarian Pantherghast/Ice Forsaken using all of my arrows and then going to my dagger in a slow burn. I am rarely that useful in battle!
-All the trading role-play with others and explaining in-game why "at-cost" should never be the expected market price for anything and is an insult to artisans
-Anthony's innocent verbal observation about Cho Ko Nu's trading attempt with the Kobolds and my in-character response :twisted:
-Icey's "interfere with official Guild business" (i.e. anytime Cho Ko Nu is making a trade) and RP with that
-Surviving the Barbarian attack on the town by the pure dumb luck of having just entered in my protected area to hide Gorka's healing box when they burst into the tavern. Hiding silently as the Barbarians slowly and methodically checked each bunk, and even looked into my area on several occasions, I have never felt so immersed in-character fearing for my character's life. My heart was pounding! Awesome job NPCs!
-Fern loaning a ridiculous amount of gold to the Keepers of the Darkened Sun for the auction and a great LCO potion recipe.
-Converting the Petaran and future tribesman plot possibilities with them.
Thank you staff, NPCs, and PCs for a fantastic event!!!